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Fears WAR IMMINENT between two major nuclear powers

Famine was for common chinese ppl not mao or ccp or pla,
If u r really a chinese and not pakistani you should know PLA whose formost duty is to protect their party thats CCP and its leadership .. chinese and china as a nation state comes second. Famine didnt affect comrades in ccp or pla

1962 Famine is our pass but famine in India is daily basis even today over hundred millions of Indians are still living in hunger and with only one meal per day, PLA were not Indian army, they have equally share the suffering of civilian Chinese people because their brothers, sisters and parents are civilian, they're not acting like a selfish Indian soldiers that still accept hundred millions of Indians suffer from starvation but pretend to defend their nation.

and you just like to bullshit about China and know nothing about us but it's truth regarding Indian army, they duty are not to protect your people nor your nations nor their government party that's why they massively defected and surrendered in 1962, why die for nothing?.
1962 Famine is our pass but famine in India is daily basis even today over hundred millions of Indians are still living in hunger and with only one meal per day, PLA were not Indian army, they have equally share the suffering of civilian Chinese people because their brothers, sisters and parents are civilian, they're not acting like a selfish Indian soldiers that still accept hundred millions of Indians suffer from starvation but pretend to defend their nation.

and you just like to bullshit about China and know nothing about us but it's truth regarding Indian army, they duty are not to protect your people nor your nations nor their government party that's why they massively defected and surrendered in 1962, why die for nothing?.

i was not sure but now I am definitely sure u r a false flagger. pla is formost loyal to ccp then china and chinese comes tianmmen massacre was a good reminder in that front. Indian army even said no to target naxals saying they r not fighting Indians can pla ever told no to tianmmen no...
also not interested to talk to a false flagger like u not worth my time
i was not sure but now I am definitely sure u r a false flagger. pla is formost loyal to ccp then china and chinese comes tianmmen massacre was a good reminder in that front. Indian army even said no to target naxals saying they r not fighting Indians can pla ever told no to tianmmen no...
also not interested to talk to a false flagger like u not worth my time

:rofl::rofl: When Indian army can't even care hundred millions of staving civilians and pretend to defend their nation, what a joke of 21st century, sure they don't target naxals but chose to ignore those staving Indian brothers and sisters...LMAO

false flagger? :rofl:
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No one will become an indian by showing indian flag in profile. And for your kind info, there are hell lot of oeople out there who hates modi, but if sombody wants to c your own motherland defeat only because of your hatred towards the pm, then i will call him as atraitor/falsflagger, noone can think like that. And if he is false flagger, i dont care, but if he realky an indian then he is a traitor. And you know, only one punishment awaits a traitor, i dont think me to explain you what punishment does a traitor deserve.
I said the same thing to him yesterday his hatred for bjp and modi is so much he would rather India be humiliated by China then see modi support grow by India holding its own.I don't like bjp politics but for me my country comes first be it bjp or congress in power who I don't like equally
But, the billion$ question is: why Modi will let China do it at the first place?

To be fair to Modi, he didnt brought this upon himself, he was pushed into this. Afterall when they have been minting the west for years with China card, Trump told him to either put up or shut up.

This guy is a Catholic Missionary and Modi blacklisted his NGO which used to get money for religious conversion . His right to convert having been denied ....he is anti Modi...and has teamed up with Pakistanis ( where he would have been lynched and killed for this crime) to demean the country which has given him shelter. In one word he is a TRAITOR

Who? wrong chat? lol

Sure, 'taken care of'. Pakistanis are such a delusional bunch...

Well, there is no delusional here sunshine, we have spanked Indian air force overwhelmingly despite being less in numbers. Chinese will huge superiority both in numbers and tech, for them it will be walk in the park.
To be fair to Modi, he didnt brought this upon himself, he was pushed into this. Afterall when they have been minting the west for years with China card, Trump told him to either put up or shut up.

Who? wrong chat? lol

Well, there is no delusional here sunshine, we have spanked Indian air force overwhelmingly despite being less in numbers. Chinese will huge superiority both in numbers and tech, for them it will be walk in the park.
And, PAF can always share their little tricks and secrets with the Chinese folks!!!!
Let's be realistic, last time the IAF went into action was during the Kargil conflict where it was called out to carry out ground strikes targeting bunkers which originally belonged to the Indian troops....so their location would have been well known to the Indian planners, the IAF strikes involved a limited area within Indian side of LOC and apart from some low altitude shoulder launched SAMs, NO other air opposition whatsoever....still the IAF needed assistance from a couple of countries to execute it's missions with mixed results....now if a conflict takes place with China, the IAF and IA will have to bear the brunt of both the PLA and PLAAF and saying that Chinese forces are both bigger and stronger is not an exaggeration and would really like to know which country would jump to India's assistance.
It means they have upgraded way back in 1999.
And, PAF can always share their little tricks and secrets with the Chinese folks!!!!
Btw, PLAAF actually has an average annual training of 230 hours, if I am not mistaken it's second only to the US. Overall, there was a report that Chinese air force train more hours than even the USAF.
bhai kya foonka hai. ganja hasis ya afeem.

modi modi modi. bas kar mere yar har jaga modi. modi ki maa bhi bc ko itna yaad nahi karti hogi.

bro you just vote against him. leave rest things.... do u vote.
He is International........

Thats not my answer.
Its your deliberate detour to save your face.

My question is still standing tall.
Give it a try, even a futile one:

Why you have not revoked MFN & IWT on Pakistan?
Afraid? Because Pakistan had warned India of atomic war, should India revoke IWT.

'Water belonging to India cannot go to Pakistan,' says Modi - Dawn

What happened bhai?
So you are sure Water is flowing as per IWT.
And, PAF can always share their little tricks and secrets with the Chinese folks!!!!

Rumors said that Sino-Pakistan airforce have recently conducted the massive wargame according to this video, Pakistan sent 19 fighters for the exercise and already share some trick and secrets on how to deal with Indian airforce. :azn: we're graceful to have such all weather friend. :pakistan:

too bad this is in Chinese with not English subtitle, they said Pakistan airforce are very good and have a wide experience on dealing with Indian airforce and will be a valuable asset input for China.

To be fair to Modi, he didnt brought this upon himself, he was pushed into this. Afterall when they have been minting the west for years with China card, Trump told him to either put up or shut up.
Yes, Trump the CEO is a different animal!!! He would be like - What have you done for me tomorrow??? And, results better be satisfactorily presented before Q3!!!! The fortunate is the fellow who doesn't face him inside the boardroom!!! The amount of "explitives" shoved down can easily beat any bar after 12am in Liverpool!!!!!
Rumors said that Sino-Pakistan airforce have recently conducted the massive wargame according to this video, Pakistan sent 19 fighters for the exercise and already share some trick and secrets on how to deal with Indian airforce. :azn: we're graceful to have such all weather friend. :pakistan:

too bad this is in Chinese with not English subtitle, they said Pakistan airforce are very good and have a wide experience on dealing with Indian airforce and will be a valuable asset input for China.

This reply is gem, in a race two participants participates then congratulate themselves on getting podium.
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