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Fearing for life, Asia Bibi's lawyer flees Pakistan

I thought the woman Asia Bibi was proven innocent. If the Supreme Court did some foul play then, they should be punished too.

I am not in Pakistan at the moment, so I do not know what is going on.

As for the lawyer's safety, he has a right to be afraid, because some crazy man called Mumtaz Qadri did kill Salman Taseer.

Now I am not defending that stupid liberal libturd man Salman Taseer, but murder is a huge sin in Islam.
Really, they did firing on the army soldiers and killed innocent boy ..and bark against Pakistan army on daily basis.. But no such incident has happened so they could use it so far and their number is low so that can't do it but they have connection wth NDS and RAW while TLP does not have any such links
Have you proved their connections with NDS and RAW?
oo bhae . its simply not my job to decide about her fate. i am neither the witness nor the judge. internet sources are not reliable. so i have got nothing to do with it and 99.99999% of us also have got nothing to do with it. it is the matter of the lady, witnesses, govt and judiciary. i dont know why people cant understand this simple thing.

Kaisa ajeeb paagal aadmi hai. I am talking on the basis of verdicts of LHC in 2014. Unlike you liar who is just defending her without any reason. Internet sources are not reliable then why are you quoting them and how did u pre-judge her as innocent rofl? 295-c can't be applied and the whole village testrified against her around 100sof people.
Then she went into court and admitted she did it, she insulted and is apologizing for it.
If you don't want to accept facts and trying to twist then its not others problem.
This fairy tale of cup ofwater is fake news concocted by Church NGOs that fed the Wash. Post and other western media.
I've read and checked her testimony. I was also indifferent until I read the reports on the LHC and recent SC verdicts.
Apart from that reports in 2009-10 indicate she applied for amnesty , admission that she did it and apology.

If she was wrongly framed she should've stuck by her version. The women and the cleric were not around her after 2009. She repeatedly admitted and then asked for amnesty.

The protestors feel this is a clear case of islamophobia and hate speech against Islam, being done in Far Right wing media across US and Nederlands. This is why its really dangerous. The party elders protesting are not jaahils they are aware of the case.
Really scared with the outcomes if she is pushed out of the country. PTI will break up and Pakistan would nosedive into chaos. Army will not jump into this, a lot of people will be harmed. Supreme Court has made a huge blunder here.

Whatever the case we need to slow down here. Frankly I don't know the facts. We are basically relying on media reporting. Those fools that came out to protest need to calm down. This is not the way to deal with such a situation. I also understand that the liberals are obviously trying to cash in such situations, but rioting on streets is not the solution.

In any case she should not be allowed to leave. Western countries are rubbing their hands to exploit the situation.
And for all the good people on PDF. We must condemn this TLP types in every fora. Make your voices be known so that the world knows Pakistan is not all about savages ......

I feel so sorry for you and @Imran Khan, also for all the other peaceful Pakistanis in PDF and in whole Pakistan, I today left PDF and Pakistan in my heart, I was also thrown today very fast in the dirty hole by personal attacks because of the TLP topic in PDF, after 11 years Membership in PDF I am giving up, there is no more hope, time and interest for Pakistan, I will now just take care of myself and my family, I don't see any hope for a Jinnah's Pakistan, but best luck and take care for you people, May Allah protect you all from each other ! W selam
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I feel so sorry for you and @Imran Khan, also for all the other peaceful Pakistanis in PDF and in whole Pakistan, I today left PDF and Pakistan in my heart, I was also thrown today very fast in the dirty hole by personal attacks because of the TLP topic, after 11 years Membership in PDF I am giving up, there is no more hope, time and interest for Pakistan, I will now just take care of myself and my family, I don't see any hope for a Jinnah's Pakistan, but best luck and take care for you people, May Allah protect you all from each other ! W selam
I wish you the best but as a friendly advice never give up. In face of adversity alway maintain your position. If the wind blows push, if the wind blows faster, push even harder, if the wind turns into a gale steel yourself even harder. The moment you begin to give ground you will get the nasty habit of finding the easy way out and that will become your lifetime habit. Certainly that has been my lesson from a life which at times was very difficult. But I always stood in face of adversity. And that is exactly what I teach my children.

But I understand why you feel the way you do. And I respect that you for that.

In any case she should not be allowed to leave. Western countries are rubbing their hands to exploit the situation.
I disagree. Can you imagine the negative publicity Pakistan would get if she does get killed in Pakistan? I think the best way forward is send her abroad but with the condition that she must lead a private life and not engage with any media. Explain that any media coverage would place at risk her community in Pakistan.

Those fools that came out to protest need to calm down.
Those fools? Those 'fools' have openly asked for the army to mutiny and having supreme court judges murdered. Not sure if the the word 'fools' fits. More like open sedition/treason against the Pakistani state. Offences carrying death sentence in some countries.
I feel so sorry for you and @Imran Khan, also for all the other peaceful Pakistanis in PDF and in whole Pakistan, I today left PDF and Pakistan in my heart, I was also thrown today very fast in the dirty hole by personal attacks because of the TLP topic in PDF, after 11 years Membership in PDF I am giving up, there is no more hope, time and interest for Pakistan, I will now just take care of myself and my family, I don't see any hope for a Jinnah's Pakistan, but best luck and take care for you people, May Allah protect you all from each other ! W selam
i was thinking same i was thinking what is the future of me my kids ?.damn i should have another nationality today
Loll @ Libtards and Extremists both..

Pakistan is getting emptied of sane people.. who are neither extremists nor libtards..

Some people here are defending Asia, others are just trying to fuel the situation and telling the world that Pakistan is full of retards.. both should be condemned..

Some people (mostly libtards) here have anger management issues and need some medicine as well.. I don't know how they coup up with their medical condition when they are with their family members..
Loll @ Libtards and Extremists both..

Pakistan is getting emptied of sane people.. who are neither extremists nor libtards..

Some people here are defending Asia, others are just trying fuel the situation and telling the world Pakistan is full of retards.. both should be condemned..

Some people (mostly libtards) here have anger management issues and need some medicine as well.. I don't know how they coup up with their medical condition when they are with their family members..
Believe me, I am against the Liberal Libturds.

I am also against the extremists as well.
Believe me, I am against the Liberal Libturds.

I am also against the extremists as well.
I know..

But these libtards don't leave any chance to portray bad image of Pakistan to the world..

Even see this thread.. libtards encouraging other fellow members who are so disheartened and leaving the country because of 3-4% of the Pakistanis...
Believe me, I am against the Liberal Libturds.

I am also against the extremists as well.
This is the view of the common Pakistani, the likes of Rizvi are trying to hijack the religion for their owns reasons at the same time likes of Marvi Sirmed are trying to project extreme liberalism were nothing is sacred anymore, the common man desires neither.Kudos Iqbal bhai
he has a reason for asylum unlike some morons like goraya and that "james bond" guy.

i dislike both extremist morons like rizvi who cause chaos for their own gain and desi libturds like gul bukhari, marvi etc
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