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Fearing for life, Asia Bibi's lawyer flees Pakistan

KR may get killed in a car crash.. I'm just saying...some dark arts are necessary.. you have not taken an action against PTM yet who have been doing the same for months against PA and none got so triggered because they are not religious ..they are libterrorists / libturds ..
How many times PTM has blocked roads,has burned public or private properties and has tried to incite pashtun soldiers into act of Mutiny?
How did we deal with MQM? some similar approach will be needed and I have jotted down my thoughts on that here How to cure it?
Why PTM allowed to live and participate in election,,,,,,,,,, Because of MQM lesson …….. MQM is worth a PHD thesis...
Dear bro , Nation and people can see and learn these scums are showing their real face day by day...… Yes all of them have a fallowing ,,, may be 25% of total papulation will support or feel for all of those scums (from left to right) but those % are in every country and society ,, Just look at USA and Europe (far right and left and what not).
I am very happy our State Pakistan become mature in only 70 years ….. We Pakistanis will be too in 35+ more years ……. People are coming and showing their real face …..
I wish and Pray our economical condition get better , we find some oil in Pakistan , Our education get better , our law and order get better with proper implementation and we "Finish corruption " from Pakistan.
People need to look at current election results !!!! TLP participated and what they got only 3 seats …… And now guess if State did not allowed them to participate in elections ????????????
Waziristan operation was bad? Really? Yes, there were consequences for NOT taking some real action from 2001 till 2013 in not just FATA but in many other hotspots in Pakistan. Compare the pre-action Swat of 2009 with the post action Swat of today!!! We have all seen Pakistan ravaged between 2006-2013 because, indeed, extremists had found safe-havens in places like FATA and even in settled areas. But, after 2013, Pakistan has been much more peaceful.
Hey what I meant is that before a drone strike on madrassah in FATA that killed 80 children ..I don't remember the year exactly but before that we did not this terrorism in Pakistan. It all started after that since Mushy came of TV and accepted that we did it.. that's where it all started.
Anybody against him leaving the country - can you guarantee his safety in Pakistan? If not how do you have the nerve to criticize it.

He did the brave job of defending his client when many others evaded that duty. You don't seem to recognize when someone has done the right thing.

Basically, these libturds are burning like coals because the state foiled their plan to turn Pakistan into Syria...so you will see the monkeys who abuse Pakistan day and night and especially the religion were hoping for a big bloodshed so that their dream could be realised but alas..it failed.

People like you need to man up. It's quite obvious that you are using liberals as a scapegoat to cover the monstrous failure of mullah society. Have some principles and tell the truth that is self evident:

The mullahs are acting like they are bigger than the state, smashing and killing and you are shi##ing your pants , blaming the judge instead for doing his job.

You even asked for IK to throw this CJ to the dogs to calm the storm - pity anyone who relies on you.

KR may get killed in a car crash.. I'm just saying...some dark arts are necessary.. you have not taken an action against PTM yet who have been doing the same for months against PA and none got so triggered because they are not religious ..they are libterrorists / libturds ..

And here is the epitome of burger cowardice. You ask for Rizvi to be killed in a car accident - so you believe he deserves death but you dont have the balls to support the government to openly do it. Are you with the haq or not??
The Liberal terrorists of Pakistani origin operating from US and Canada harassment of Pakistanis is worse than property damage as they are trying to provoke by abusing Islam and Pakistanis.

YOu even know what TLP did in KArachi, set up a tent in the middle of the busy road and sat there.Did not burnb a shop nearby or did any damage. They did it as they know they have public support, for this libtards would have to fly into PAkistan.
Pakistanis are tolerant society like any other as long as nobody abuses or targets their beliefs in a 'crusade' to change them. Any human society will react if they are pushed to the walls.

I'd stoop to respond to you--generally I ignore people like you.
Liberal terrorists of Pakistani origin? Give some EXAMPLES as to how they are abusing Islam and Pakistan.
'Set up a tent in the middle of a busy road'? Let's just assume this was one 'peaceful' way of protest--although there are countless pics to prove otherwise--so blocking people access to work, hospital, business is 'peaceful'?
'have public support'? The election results PROVE otherwise.

You surely live in an alternate world!!
How many times PTM has blocked roads,has burned public or private properties and has tried to incite pashtun soldiers into act of Mutiny?
Really, they did firing on the army soldiers and killed innocent boy ..and bark against Pakistan army on daily basis.. But no such incident has happened so they could use it so far and their number is low so that can't do it but they have connection wth NDS and RAW while TLP does not have any such links

Anybody against him leaving the country - can you guarantee his safety in Pakistan? If not how do you have the nerve to criticize it.

He did the brave job of defending his client when many others evaded that duty. You don't seem to recognize when someone has done the right thing.

People like you need to man up. It's quite obvious that you are using liberals as a scapegoat to cover the monstrous failure of mullah society. Have some principles and tell the truth that is self evident:

The mullahs are acting like they are bigger than the state, smashing and killing and you are shi##ing your pants , blaming the judge instead for doing his job.

You even asked for IK to throw this CJ to the dogs to calm the storm - pity anyone who relies on you.

And here is the epitome of burger cowardice. You ask for Rizvi to be killed in a car accident - so you believe he deserves death but you dont have the balls to support the government to openly do it. Are you with the haq or not??
STFU..Go back to your shonar banglardesh... you guys have an enmity against Pakistan so bugger off. this is none of your business.
Really, they did firing on the army soldiers and killed innocent boy ..and bark against Pakistan army on daily basis.. But no such incident has happened so they could use it so far and their number is low so that can't do it but they have connection wth NDS and RAW while TLP does not have any such links

STFU..Go back to your shonar banglardesh... you guys have an enmity against Pakistan so bugger off. this is none of your business.

Yes as usual with your type, your pious mouth resorts to swears. Maybe you're not so different from khadim after all.

One day you'll realise that it's impossible to have a two-faced value system in this world. If you appreciate fairness, justice and rule of law in Europe don't argue against it in Pakistan.
Yes as usual with your type, your pious mouth resorts to swears. Maybe you're not so different from khadim after all.

One day you'll realise that it's impossible to have a two-faced value system in this world. If you appreciate fairness, justice and rule of law in Europe don't argue against it in Pakistan.
Get lost... you hypocrite... you guys bark against Pakistan and now you're behaving like its biggest friend...traitors and childrens of cheap traitors like you are the scum in this world..
@django check this sob from shonar benglar...
When a state cannot guarantee the most basic requirement - personal safety of it's citizens it indeed is tragic. Even the army cowered in the face of the mullahs. DG ISPR yesterday effectively officially surrendered by saying "don't drag the army into Asia Bibi case". And idiots here on PDF have repeated this line. Don't drag the army in? Ffs the army was already dragged nose deep in by Rizvi when he made -

"shocking and unacceptable allegations made by the protest leaders against the military leadership and blatant calls for mutiny in the armed forces including against the person of Gen Bajwa"

Ask soldiers of Pakistan Army to mutiny against their command and COAS Bajwa is high treason. As if to add insult to injury TLP/Rizvi called for -

"called for the execution of superior court justices."

This amounts to inciting murder of spreme court judges? Any chance of Suo Motu action being taken? Apparently not. The Judiciary has also gone quite. All this shows the power of these mullahs in Pakistan.
Take the mullahs and whip them in public; I prefer Oman, all mullahs/imams are to go thru designated university education and syllabus. These appear to be quasi-mullahs who have no grounding in basic law.
I thought you people already have experience how difficult it to control mad mulla's and their followers ..At least we are trying inside Kashmir ..

Shut Up Indian rat --

Am i the only one seeing alliance between Pakistani desi churays (libtards) and indian rats in this thread.
So, let me get this right. He has only done what you or your parents did. Leave for secular, gay lovin haven like Sweden [in my case UK] and your fcukin castigating this guy. And being a top line lawyer he could have easily moved abroad anyway. And the grace in all this, is your a ex-pat who is busting him because he has made the exact same choice as you.

You know even the word hypocracy is too small to sum you up..
Sorry bro this over the top stop acting like a divided bimbo! You are a spectacle for the indians to give free thanks! You want a thanks, you ask me stop getting personal on your own! You are behaving no different from those rabid people you seem to hate!
Shut Up Indian rat --

Am i the only one seeing alliance between Pakistani desi churays (libtards) and indian rats in this thread.
Another zombie in the making ..
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