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Fearing for life, Asia Bibi's lawyer flees Pakistan

Threat alert issued to Maulana Fazlur Rehman by Peshawar police


November 03, 2018

Jamiat Ulema-e Islam-F Chief Maulana Fazlur Rehman has been issued a threat alert by the Peshawar police on Saturday.

According to the media reports, Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Peshawar wrote a letter to the JUI-F chief and warned him about the security threats he might face.

"The JUI-F chief to not visit Peshawar owing to the security threats," the letter further advised.

JUI-F leader Rashid Soomro has demanded foolproof security for Maulana Fazlur Rehman following the assassination of Jamiat Ulema Islam-Sami chief Maulana Samiul Haq.

On Nov 2, JUI-S chief and former senator Maulana Samiul Haq was knifed to death at his residence in Bahria town Safari Villas, Rawalpindi.
DO NOT, under any circumstances, let anyone related to this issue go to any western country or part of that civilization. If someone has to be moved, move them to a gulf state, away from western or any hostile media.
how come you lecturing us on madness when your country is run by a lunatic zombie.
if you want to see what madness is, cow cola country is to look at.
OK sir
Fearing for life, Asia Bibi's lawyer flees Pakistan


3:13 PM | November 03, 2018

Lawyer Saif-ul-Mulook, who fought the case of Asia Bibi convicted of blasphemy, left Pakistan on Saturday owing to threats to his life.

READ MORE: Fearing for life, Asia Bibi's lawyer flees Pakistan
Saif-ul-Mulook's latest victory saw the freeing of Asia Bibi, who spent nearly a decade on death row after the Supreme Court of Pakistan overturned her sentence on Wednesday.

The decision sparked protests across the country, with major roads blocked in Lahore and Islamabad as hardliners called for the death of the judges and those who helped acquit Asia Bibi.

"In the current scenario, it's not possible for me to live in Pakistan," the 62-year-old told AFP before boarding a plane to Europe early Saturday morning.

"I need to stay alive as I still have to fight the legal battle for Asia Bibi," he said.

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Yesterday, the Tehreek-e-Labaik Pakistan party (TLP), which has largely led the demonstrations, announced an end to mass protests after reaching a deal with the government.

A five-point agreement seen by AFP, signed by both parties, said the government would not object to an appeal of the verdict, filed earlier in the Supreme Court.

When asked about the Islamist outcry, Mulook said it was "unfortunate but not unexpected".

"What's painful is the response of the government. They cannot even implement an order of the country's highest court," he said, adding that "the struggle for justice must continue".

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According to the agreement, which came after a failed first round of talks, legal proceedings will follow to impose a travel ban on Asia Bibi and stop her leaving the country.

"Her life would be more or less the same, either inside a prison or in solitary confinement for security fears" until a decision on the appeal, said Mulook.

"Yet another government has capitulated to the extremists who neither believe in the democracy nor the constitution," it read.

The TLP, founded in 2015, blockaded the capital Islamabad for several weeks last year calling for stricter enforcement of Pakistan's blasphemy laws.

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That protest forced the resignation of the federal law minister and paved the way for the group to poll more than 2.23 million votes in the July 25 general election, in what analysts called a "surprisingly" rapid rise.
Whichever side of the coin one is, I think it is fair to say that if any of Rizvis followers grab this guy he would be Shish Kebab within 30 seconds, so him leaving for pastures anew is totally understandable.Kudos bhai

Atheists and liberal munafiqs are given lessons in specified workshops.

Just pull out a islamic justification to silence a Muslim.

I gave example of Kashmiri human rights lawyers who have filed cases in Indian Supreme Court,have literally been beaten by BJP lawyer goons, given life threats, still they ended back to delhi with their lives on the line for their people.
DElhi police does'nt even allow a constable to guard them.
This dalaal with help from his foreign paymasters was receiving Z category security in Islamabad.

PAkistan really needs to to weed out corruption/
If corruption is eliminated this will permanently solve these desi liberal extremists mental issues.
bro its their personal choice to stay in india and fight for their rights but as a muslim i will follow Quran which has even given permission to utter even kalima e kuffar with tongue but not with heart in order to save ones life. the biggest problem with us as a nation is that we become judgmental about others without knowing the complete details of any issue being faced by anybody. i am sure 100 % of those so called ashiqan e rasool who were protesting didnt even know the details of the incident. they were not the witness and they also had no information about the court proceedings but still they were judgmental about this case. trust me none of us will be held responsible for this case in the next world. only those will be questioned who are responsible for this. and they are the govt, judiciary and the witnesses. all other fools who were protesting have presented themselves out of their ignorance to be a party in this case will be questioned. now if the lady is really innocent then what will be the fate of all those fools who were asking for her death penalty in next world. they will be hold responsible for the death of an innocent lady whom they were suppose to protect. ham her cheez kay thaikadar ban jatay hain bilawaja.
You need asylum status to live in a foreign country for a long period. Asylum is not the goal but a tool to achieve the goal of not getting killed in Pakistan.
i wish indian Muslims have that tool .

Bro, come on.

Somebody would want to kill him for sure. This lawyer have more spine than 99% of the country.
these lawyers /social activists cherry pick such cases which are supported by Europe . just to get asylum there .

Nobody is stupid in today's world to react violently without being aware of the issue. I personally did'nt know about the issue I checked the more credible media sources and the LHC verdict in 2014. She has admitted and its also on record by US NGOs that were advocating her release. The church NGO that was active in Asia bibi case issued report about her in detail. Its pretty different from Western newspaper versions who have edited out important parts to make her look innocent.

I also looked into her original case in 2009, it can be googled easily. I think you have no knowldege please check your information sources or check the NGO reports which are more credible. I'll try to arrange the links if I can from 2009/10.

Nobody is stupid in today's world to react violently without being aware of the issue. I personally did'nt know about the issue I checked the more credible media sources and the LHC verdict in 2014. She has admitted and its also on record by US NGOs that were advocating her release. The church NGO that was active in Asia bibi case issued report about her in detail. Its pretty different from Western newspaper versions who have edited out important parts to make her look innocent.

I also looked into her original case in 2009, it can be googled easily. I think you have no knowldege please check your information sources or check the NGO reports which are more credible. I'll try to arrange the links if I can from 2009/10.
oo bhae . its simply not my job to decide about her fate. i am neither the witness nor the judge. internet sources are not reliable. so i have got nothing to do with it and 99.99999% of us also have got nothing to do with it. it is the matter of the lady, witnesses, govt and judiciary. i dont know why people cant understand this simple thing.
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