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Fear Of Losing Match From South Africa Indian Crowd Gone Mad

Yep typed I saw news which are one years old or 2 years old and 4 or 5 comes under one year.
Now listen kid go to YouTube and type Pakistan on India and filter it for weeks because it will take months to watch the videos related to India of just one month let alone a year.:D
So do yourself a favor just filter it for weeks and enjoy the show.
Also my fellow India friend do help other Pakistanis by posting videos from YouTube of just one week about the verbal diearrhoea aginst of Pakistani news channels.
granny do you know about latest modi operation prism lolz plz granny don't further humiliate your self :rofl::rofl::rofl:

why are you wasting your time and resources on these dumb ***. chill mate :D
Are beta kyu nahi apne milk k logo ko bolts ki phatake phode aur naki apne TV lol that day was super man people crying and Pakistani civilians breaking their TV sets:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:.
Mauka mauka, mauka mauka.
I remember how this ad made by a random TV network got whole Pakistan riled up and angry and not to mention the present phantom saga that was even more hilarious.:rofl::rofl::lol:.

Loo Jee Trolling Starts, Diverting to OFF TOPIC Posts Typical Indian Behavior, This Thread was about INDIAN CROWD BEHAVIOR but you Tried to divert it to Pakistani defeat in ZIM when i posted the Stats which Burned your BUN you Went Back to MAUKA MAUKA, TYPICAL INDIAN can't Handle Defeat

please stop it or else he will start throwing bottles on you too don't you know indian fans anger :rofl::rofl::rofl: they can not accept their defeat

He Tried to use the MAUKA MAUKA and Tried his Level Best to Derail the Topic of Indian Crowd Behavior by Posting OFF TOPIC POSTS, TYPICAL INDIAN Behavior when they LOOSE :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Nope but we don't have discussion on them or have discussion on each and every tour, defence budget hike or any state election or internal politics of any country.
You are not eligible for our news channel programme unless there is any terrorist attack. You are only restricted to print media. And even print media are not that much obsessed about your internal politics and only publish news which are somewhat related to India.

In america they know about cricket, are you kidding me?

Off course there are cricket teams in the USA----they could not qualify for world cup---. But this item is sporting news----like beating up a referee or fight between players---or crowd throwing bottles in the field---.

Please don't bring Bangladesh into this, thanks. On another note what will the ICC do about the incident? Not much I assume.
Please don't bring Bangladesh into this, thanks. On another note what will the ICC do about the incident? Not much I assume.

I Didn't said anything BAD about Bangladesh anyways ICC won't do anything against India otherwise WHO WILL PAY ICC ?? Its all about MONEY Nowadays
Off course there are cricket teams in the USA----they could not qualify for world cup---. But this item is sporting news----like beating up a referee or fight between players---or crowd throwing bottles in the field---.
I have stayed many years in America.
I was only able to see India vs Srilanka t20 world cup final match when I was there. But I do know cricket was at the top in the ranking about sports being played in universities in America.
It has got good recognition but still there's lot to be done.
Oh man.
You were talking about behaviour of Indian spectators and Indians sports fan then I gave you a quick look back at your people and behaviour .
So when given a bloody nose you thought it is offtopic.
So much enmity with Indians.
Lol try to engulf the hard reality and if not then you can burn.

Its about time you start Throwing Bottles or light up fire or whatever People like you do when you get really PISSED OFF Enjoy. NOT Interested in your STUPID and OFF TOPIC POSTS

When this Incident Happened i was of the opinion that Pakistan hockey did a wrong thing in INDIA but after today's Incident i realized WHY PAKISTANI HOCKEY TEAM did this

I don't understand why everyone is getting so excited by this incident; India and Pakistan are both third world countries in which a large percentage of the population is uncivilized and rowdy. This kind of behavior is expected from countries like ours, so lets stop behaving like the crowds in that Cuttack stadium. Peace.
I don't understand why everyone is getting so excited by this incident; India and Pakistan are both third world countries in which a large percentage of the population is uncivilized and rowdy. This kind of behavior is expected from countries like ours, so lets stop behaving like the crowds in that Cuttack stadium. Peace.

Dude Just Making fun of situation No offense Intended and I AGREE With you that This kind of Behavior is NOT Uncommon in Indo-Pak Sub continent
Dude Just Making fun of situation No offense Intended and I AGREE With you that This kind of Behavior is NOT Uncommon in Indo-Pak Sub continent
Fun and criticism is always welcome especially from our friendly neighbors:pakistan: :-). It would have been even more fun to be in the crowd and experience them shouting abuses and throwing stuff on them for losing so badly...lol.
A nation of 1.3 billion has just been defeated by a nation of 55 million. india has more than 25 times more people than South Africa and cricket is an obsession in india. Cricket is a secondary sport in South Africa, after rugby and football yet they still destroyed india. india is a superpower that cannot be defeated some indians on PDF say? No wonder the crowd went mad.
India has been living off the rhetoric that they are a superpower and superior to White people for several decades. The belief that they can beat White people in anything and that India will own White slaves by 2020 was shattered after the t20 loss and many Indians who couldn't reconcile with this bitter truth resorted to violence. To be honest, I don't think it's the deluded Indian public which is at fault, but the Brahmin rulers of India who have continuously lied to their people and made them believe they are superior to Whites.

Lol..........The entire india race cannot even match 1% of the achievements of the White race. And they never will. If they could than they wouldn't be buying weapons from white countries (like Russia and america) made by white people.

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