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Fatwa cannot be forced upon people, Indian Supreme Court rules

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Grow up and learn to own your mistakes . You are right and everyone is wrong .
I never said everyone is wrong...how is asking someone to do their homework making everyone wrong...yes those who blindly follow are wrong...how is saying that wrong? Grow up and do yourself justice stop attacking blindly when obviously he chose Salman Rushdie...I replied taking into consideration what a fatwah is and how Rushdie claiming to be some hot shot could have brought this ruling to life years ago...But why didnt mr. know it all do it? Maybe using your brain a little might help!

Rushdie apparently didnt know the meaning of fatwah! a simple thing which even my 10 yr old cousin would know!
It said fatwa issued by clerics or prediction made by pandits do not violate any law and so courts should restrain them from doing so.

This part should have an exception, if the fatwa is illegal or criminal in nature, then legal action should be taken against the issuer of such fatwas. For example, no one should be allowed to issue death threats in the name of fatwas, if anyone does that, then he should promptly be booked under suitable sections of law for his action.
so which ruler said so?
Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the ruler of Iran and also the supreme religious figure for shia muslims. He commanded authority across the shia islamic world, and muslims were ready to do his bidding.
Fatwah is not a mere opinion, it can be someone's death certificate. It doesn't really matter what the true arabic meaning of the word, what matters is how it affects others. We are often told the true noble meaning of the word "jehad" but we all know how menacing it can be. It's the same logical fallacy that people use to declare terrorists as "not true Muslims" (No true Scotsman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia). Good judgement from the SC.
I only mentioned him to show the hollowness of your claim that fatwas are mere opinions. No, they are decrees that have real world consequences. My point was about fatwas, while you took off on a tangent and started speaking about salman rushdie's knowledge, as if that has anything to do with the topic, or justifies a murder decree on him.
Using 1 looser doesnt prove the "real" meaning of the word...All I did was show you the meaning of the word...rest is up to you! I spoke of the knowledge of the said man on the issue at hand "fatwah"....so my point was also fatwah...and not it does not justify the murder decree on him ...for that I said a fatwah only has an effect depending on how one understands it...
Don't go off topic and discuss fatwas. Don't pretend that they are harmless opinion pieces, because fatwas do kill and destroy people, which opinions don't.
I dont need to pretend...because the word itself which I notice you are incapable of discussing...what if I tell everyone a donkey actually means human...will that give donkeys the same treatments as human? Nope....because we all know what a donkey is and what a human is....unless someone doesnt know ...say if I say hamar means human in Arabic....now if you dont know you will go around calling everyone hamar when that means donkey...now it would be your lack of understanding of the word that got you into trouble not the word itself! So please grow up!

Are you really thick? Again, I am not shifting the topic to pakistan, but explaining that muslims follow clerics everywhere, and obey fatwas. In response to your question of whether indians can think or not. Damn, you really lack conmprehension, dont you?
Reported for personal attacks...apparently discussing with you is impossible!

I already told you people in our rural Pakistan are more likely to follow fatwahs ...because they dont know what it means....
This part should have an exception, if the fatwa is illegal or criminal in nature, then legal action should be taken against the issuer of such fatwas. For example, no one should be allowed to issue death threats in the name of fatwas, if anyone does that, then he should promptly be booked under suitable sections of law for his action.
but this country is ruled by some idiots sitting on top and will do anything for vote...
even if Supreme court gives that verdict.....humare neta naya law pass kar dege...isko fail karne ke liye....
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Fatwah is not a mere opinion, it can be someone's death certificate. It doesn't really matter what the true arabic meaning of the word, what matters is how it affects others. We are often told the true noble meaning of the word "jehad" but we all know how menacing it can be. It's the same logical fallacy that people use to declare terrorists as "not true Muslims" (No true Scotsman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia). Good judgement from the SC.
Like I said before...it effects others only how they understand it...

It is lack of understanding that is only and only the fault of those who refuse to do their homework and do you know the meaning of the word talib? it means students...so in Saudi the teacher calls all his students Taliban....

But in the world it sounds retarded but not to those who speak Arabic...and since it is their language they know the meaning why are others afraid of the Arabic language?

This part should have an exception, if the fatwa is illegal or criminal in nature, then legal action should be taken against the issuer of such fatwas. For example, no one should be allowed to issue death threats in the name of fatwas, if anyone does that, then he should promptly be booked under suitable sections of law for his action.
Isnt that what the supreme court just issued? Doesnt forced upon people come in the same terms of crimes?
Using 1 looser doesnt prove the "real" meaning of the word...All I did was show you the meaning of the word...rest is up to you! I spoke of the knowledge of the said man on the issue at hand "fatwah"....so my point was also fatwah...and not it does not justify the murder decree on him ...for that I said a fatwah only has an effect depending on how one understands it...
I dont need to pretend...because the word itself which I notice you are incapable of discussing...what if I tell everyone a donkey actually means human...will that give donkeys the same treatments as human? Nope....because we all know what a donkey is and what a human is....unless someone doesnt know ...say if I say hamar means human in Arabic....now if you dont know you will go around calling everyone hamar when that means donkey...now it would be your lack of understanding of the word that got you into trouble not the word itself! So please grow up!

Reported for personal attacks...apparently discussing with you is impossible!

I already told you people in our rural Pakistan are more likely to follow fatwahs ...because they dont know what it means....

Oh poor you, did I personally attack you? Was it as harmful as a fatwa? 'Damn' is an exclamation, not a personal attack. I don't know on what planet that's a personal atatck.

Anyway the point has been made many times. You can keep saying that the meaning of the word fatwa is opinion, but it doesn't matter. Fatwas are religious edicts for all purposes, and do destroy lives. When khomeini issued that fatwa, he could have clairified that it was merely an opinion and people shouldnt act upon it, but he didnt; Because he hadn't done as much research as you, I suppose.

I am not trying to debate the meaning of the word, but what fatwas are in the real world. Keep trying to inteelectualize it away, saying 'it's just opinion blah blah'. No, it is not. That is why I said several times that the etymology of the word is not what matters. But you keep repeating the etymology and literal word meaning. None so blind as those who refuse to read. Adieu.
I support Shariah laws for India. Bring in that chop their hands and heads off punishment for criminals. Hopefully half of the politicians will be the first to be tried. Then perhaps some cleric can issue a fatwa against Pakistan. :D
I support Shariah laws for India. Bring in that chop their hands and heads off punishment for criminals. Hopefully half of the politicians will be the first to be tried. Then perhaps some cleric can issue a fatwa against Pakistan. :D
yes this time you come back to India..you will the first one to face it..:lol::lol:
And that single idiotic action of Rajiv Gandhi cause full fledged rise of BJP and after 10 years they form govt

Nope the biggest action of Rajiv Gandhi which caused rises of BJP was opening gates of babri masjid. After Bofors and Shah Bano case his image Clean and Liberal image was completely thrashed and so he tried his luck by adopting soft hindutva although it didn't worked a bit and only worsen situation of his party in coming years.
Continue your arguments @Talon and @janon . I have better things to do then re-iterate myself over and ver again .
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