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Fatwa cannot be forced upon people, Indian Supreme Court rules

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I always get fatwas issued against me by my family in Delhi :D
be careful this time ...with sharia in implementation....
you may face death by chopping off your head....:D:D
I support Shariah laws for India. Bring in that chop their hands and heads off punishment for criminals. Hopefully half of the politicians will be the first to be tried. Then perhaps some cleric can issue a fatwa against Pakistan. :D
:hitwall: :hitwall: :hitwall: :hitwall: :hitwall: :hitwall:
Oh poor you, did I personally attack you? Was it as harmful as a fatwa? 'Damn' is an exclamation, not a personal attack. I don't know on what planet that's a personal atatck.
Are you really thick? How did that sound? :angel: Damn you...was that good?

Damn definition, to declare (something) to be bad, unfit, invalid, or illegal.

Anyway the point has been made many times. You can keep saying that the meaning of the word fatwa is opinion, but it doesn't matter.
This is new to me...So I can call you Hamar ...it doesnt matter to me it sounds legit!
Fatwas are religious edicts for all purposes, and do destroy lives. When khomeini issued that fatwa, he could have clairified that it was merely an opinion and people shouldnt act upon it, but he didnt; Because he hadn't done as much research as you, I suppose.
He didnt think Indians thought of fatwah as a different thing...then again like you said whatever the meaning it doesnt matter people will react how they want to based on what they know....so how is it his fault? :unsure: unless of course Khomeini knew Indians thought of fatwah different from the rest of the world?
I am not trying to debate the meaning of the word, but what fatwas are in the real world. Keep trying to inteelectualize it away, saying 'it's just opinion blah blah'. No, it is not.
I am telling you the "meaning" of the word...definition...just like no one will go around calling you hamar....besides like you said it doesnt matter if someone does...what matters is how you react to it....

That is why I said several times that the etymology of the word is not what matters. But you keep repeating the etymology and literal word meaning.
That is sickening....then why even talk in proper English...I could make my own English and say no I never said that...my meaning was something else..the way I understand it! You just need to learn my dictionary!
None so blind as those who refuse to read. Adieu.
Exactly! That is why I said do your homework otherwise you will act on someone's opinion!
They just chop off my monthly payments when I dont go home enough :D
and don't forget to buy some jewelry for your wife.....or you won't be getting food from tomorrow .... as a new fatwa farman from your general...:D:D
and don't forget to buy some jewelry for your wife.....or you won't be getting food from tomorrow .... as a new fatwa farman from your general...:D:D

She uses my credit card to enforce that fatwa herself :D

Very much possible an opinion against another opinion is allowed!

Exactly, like the examples I gave earlier :)
She uses my credit card to enforce that fatwa herself :D
yes wives excels in this regard........and at last husband has to do something like this...:D:D

The point is that one fatwah from an ayatollah (the founder of a country, by the way...not a nobody in a remote village in UP) meant that his life was in real danger, and people were ready to kill him. So don't pretend that fatwas are mere 'opinions' that we are taking too seriously. The fact is that fatwas, whether they are opinions or not, have real world consequences.

Fatwas can kill and injure and otherwise destroy lives. Opinions don't. So don't give us a lecture about fatwas being harmless little opinion pieces in sunday magazines.

The bounty issued was what really put his life into danger and not the fatwa itself.
True. Even non-Muslim mercenaries were out looking for him. The bounty was quite a high figure in those days

Yeah the Iranians were like whoever killed him would get paid lol. It was just politics by the Iranian Supreme leader to establish himself as a leader of not just shiites but all Muslims, didn't work though.
Yeah the Iranians were like whoever killed him would get paid lol. It was just politics by the Iranian Supreme leader to establish himself as a leader of not just shiites but all Muslims, didn't work though.

Any idea whether they upped the bounty ? I could do with a few million US$ as spare change in my bank account :D
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