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Fatwa cannot be forced upon people, Indian Supreme Court rules

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Your ruler is your PM not some mad Mullah....Have you seen how many times PDF Pakistanis call Mullahs mad...now you know why....
Please read properly before fingering the keyboard. It is not our ruler who issued the fatwa, but the supreme ruler of iran, who also has millions of religious followers. I was talking about ayatollah ruhollah khomeini. Now you can start an entymological study of what ayatollah means, but it is pointless. An ayatollah's fatwa put him in danger, and mullah fatwas destroy the lives of thousands of people in India and elsewhere all the time.

Oh you mean the one who brought in Salman Rushdie?
Salman Rushdie was an example of how fatwas can destroy lives and endanger people, and I said it to demonstrate the hollowness of your breezy assertion that fatwas are mere opinion pieces.
Right right, keep saying you know everything and we don't. But the fact is that fatwas have destroyed lives, and you will not be able to intellectualize that inconvenient fact away. I don't need a phd in religious studies to make this observation.
I never said I know everything! Man you people are impossible...fine believe what you want..just dont associate it to Muslims....associate it to Indians...and their understanding....even your own supreme court ruled a ruling which we all supported, why? Ever thought of that? Because we knew what that meant...

We didnt bring excuses to say it is wrong or something...but accepted it coz we know what it means!

I never "intellectualize" it...unless you are just here to troll I said from my 1st post...fatwah is an opinion...that is how we understand it...coz that is the Arabic translation of it....now if you lot understand it differently, that is your problem!
No I mean one who started with Off topic crying and sobbing .
Salman Rushdie guy....
Which of the 2 is going off topic? be honest to yourself for once!

They are "opinions" hence why every Muslim on PDF laughed when Indians brought fatwah into discussions.....Only when your court says it do you believe when we said it you people claimed "we twisted words" or "were hiding the truth"....

So was the fatwa on Salman Rushdie a mere "opinion"? Silly him, for fearing for his life and going into hiding for a mere "opinion"
I never said I know everything! Man you people are impossible...fine believe what you want..just dont associate it to Muslims....associate it to Indians...and their understanding....even your own supreme court ruled a ruling which we all supported, why? Ever thought of that? Because we knew what that meant...

We didnt bring excuses to say it is wrong or something...but accepted it coz we know what it means!

I never "intellectualize" it...unless you are just here to troll I said from my 1st post...fatwah is an opinion...that is how we understand it...coz that is the Arabic translation of it....now if you lot understand it differently, that is your problem!

And I responded that mere opinions dont kill people, but fatwas do. Mere opinions don't force a girl to marry a rapist, but fatwas do. So the etymological origins of words like fatwa and ayatollah is not what matter, but the real world consequences.
Please read properly before fingering the keyboard. It is not our ruler who issued the fatwa, but the supreme ruler of iran, who also has millions of religious followers. I was talking about ayatollah ruhollah khomeini. Now you can start an entymological study of what ayatollah means, but it is pointless. An ayatollah's fatwa put him in danger, and mullah fatwas destroy the lives of thousands of people in India and elsewhere all the time.
A supreme ruler of Iran had his hands in India :rofl: Cant Indians think for themselves?

Salman Rushdie was an example of how fatwas can destroy lives and endanger people, and I said it to demonstrate the hollowness of your breezy assertion that fatwas are mere opinion pieces.
And I answered you....that the Semantics of the word fatwah means opinion....now rest is up to you how seriously you people go crazy over someone's opinion[/quote]
Salman Rushdie guy....
Which of the 2 is going off topic? be honest to yourself for once!
My post was still about fatwas, and how they affect people's lives. You saw salman rushdie, and thought the topic was changed to him, because those two words are like keywords or catchphrases for you. Just because I mentioned salman rushdie doesn't mean i was changing the topic to him. Have some common sense.
SC also gave the verdict in favour of Shah Bano but everyone knows what happened next :P

And that single idiotic action of Rajiv Gandhi cause full fledged rise of BJP and after 10 years they form govt
And I responded that mere opinions dont kill people, but fatwas do. Mere opinions don't force a girl to marry a rapist, but fatwas do. So the etymological origins of words like fatwa and ayatollah is not what matter, but the real world consequences.
And I replied fatwahs only do when you dont know the mere meaning of the word! When you are blind followers and when you prefer being spoon fed then doing your own homework!
Salman Rushdie guy....
Which of the 2 is going off topic? be honest to yourself for once!

Both . You brought Random thing in this thread and now instead of discussing topic at hand members will discuss ayan ali hirsi , tasleema nasreen , salaman rushdie etc .
A supreme ruler of Iran had his hands in India :rofl: Cant Indians think for themselves?
That's what happens when muslims follow what preachers and mullahs and ayatollahs ordain, instead of what the law of the land does. If pakistanis never listened to mullahs, but only to the constitution, your country won't be on the verge of war, would it? Can't pakistanis think?
My post was still about fatwas, and how they affect people's lives. You saw salman rushdie, and thought the topic was changed to him, because those two words are like keywords or catchphrases for you. Just because I mentioned salman rushdie doesn't mean i was changing the topic to him. Have some common sense.
I never dragged the topic to him...You brough him in...so I answered you regarding how he didnt even know the meaning of the word fatwah or else being as "knowledgeable" as he claims himself to be, he could have made this ruling of the supreme court years ago! So I am still talking about the rulings...you are the one who keeps sympathizing with a liar?

Both . You brought Random thing in this thread and now instead of discussing topic at hand members will discuss ayan ali hirsi , tasleema nasreen , salaman rushdie etc .
No they wont...not everyone is interested in each of those people! I agreed with supreme court but your countryman went crazy about Salman Rushdie's life!
No they wont...not everyone is interested in each of those people! I agreed with supreme court but your countryman went crazy about Salman Rushdie's life!

Grow up and learn to own your mistakes . You are right and everyone is wrong .
That's what happens when muslims follow what preachers and mullahs and ayatollahs ordain, instead of what the law of the land does. If pakistanis never listened to mullahs, but only to the constitution, your country won't be on the verge of war, would it? Can't pakistanis think?
No thats what happens when people dont do their homework...now look whose derailing :tsk: @Cherokee now do you see the derailer?
I never dragged the topic to him...You brough him in...so I answered you regarding how he didnt even know the meaning of the word fatwah or else being as "knowledgeable" as he claims himself to be, he could have made this ruling of the supreme court years ago! So I am still talking about the rulings...you are the one who keeps sympathizing with a liar?

I only mentioned him to show the hollowness of your claim that fatwas are mere opinions. No, they are decrees that have real world consequences. My point was about fatwas, while you took off on a tangent and started speaking about salman rushdie's knowledge, as if that has anything to do with the topic, or justifies a murder decree on him.

BTW he perfectly understood what a murder fatwa can do to him, which is why he had to flee. You may pretend its just an opinion, but he knew muslims would follow the decree.

Don't go off topic, discuss fatwas. Don't pretend that they are harmless opinion pieces, because fatwas do kill and destroy people, which opinions don't.

No thats what happens when people dont do their homework...now look whose derailing :tsk: @Cherokee now do you see the derailer?
Are you really thick? Again, I am not shifting the topic to pakistan, but explaining that muslims follow clerics everywhere, and obey fatwas. In response to your question of whether indians can think or not. The topic is still fatwas, I am only illustrating by example. Not changing the topic to the illustrated example. Damn, you really lack comprehension, dont you?
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