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FATA Situation

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1.9 km..

Joins Dara Adam Khel with Kohat ....

Just an alternate route to the Kohat Pass, situated between the cities of Peshawar and Kohat. Reduces the travel time, Not so much Important thou, but since its the smaller route mostly it is used.

Yes now through this tunnel one can reach Kohat from Peshawar in about 25 minuts.

BTW its an important route:)
Yes now through this tunnel one can reach Kohat from Peshawar in about 25 minuts.

BTW its an important route:)

Have you been through that Tunnel! All the electrical Installations have been done by Siemens, i was there in 2002-2003.

Not so much Important i would say!
Local commander among 31 militants detained in Swat

Updated at: 1910 PST, Sunday, January 27, 2008

SWAT: Security forces have captured 31 militants including local commander Sher Zaman during a search operation in Matta, Sambal and Bodigram areas of Swat district.

The security forces have launched a search operation in Matta, Sambal and Bodigram areas of Swat, a press release of media information centre Mingora Sunday said.

The forces have captured 31 militants including local commander Sher Zaman in operation, the statement said. A large quantity of arms and ammunition was captured from the militants.

The local population has lauded the search operation conducted by the forces, the statement added.

Local commander among 31 militants detained in Swat
Pakistani troops kill 24 militants, gain control of road tunnel

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan, Jan 27 (AP) - Security forces gained control of Kohat Tunnel, linking Peshawar city with Kohat in the North West Frontier Province, after fierce fighting killed 24 militants Sunday, the army said. The fighting occurred around the town of Dara Adam Khel, where clashes broke out on Friday after security forces launched an operation against the insurgents, the army said in a statement.(Posted @ 18:23 PST)

Were the militants actually in control of the Tunnel? Sounds more like they blockaded the roads leading up to it and then took up positions on the hills overlooking it to fire at any vehicular traffic, as the following report seems to suggest.

Pakistan troops pound militants holding key tunnel

PESHAWAR, Pakistan, Jan 27 (AFP) - Pakistan artillery backed by gunship helicopters pounded militant positions in an attempt to take back control of a key road tunnel, blocking traffic between the main city of Peshawar in North West Frontier Province and the city of Kohat. As the operation entered a third day Sunday, troops were using artillery, long-range weapons and helicopters to dislodge militants from their bunkers on hills overlooking the tunnel, a military spokesman said. Residents said hundreds of vehicles were stranded on both sides of the tunnel, with the militants having erected barricades on the road to the tunnel. “Fighting is going on near Kohat tunnel and troops have purged militants from a large area,” chief military spokesman Major General Athar Abbas told AFP. Troops had made good progress in their advance, he said, expressing hope that the rebels would be flushed out from the area by Monday and the tunnel freed. “They are holding key positions on mountain tops; that is why it is taking time,” the spokesman said, adding security forces suffered no casualties and there were no details of militant losses in the latest clash. He said 25 militants were killed late Saturday. On Friday the troops said they had killed 30 rebels and lost two soldiers in Darra Adam Khel, which is known for its weapons bazaar and illegal arms manufacturing factories.(Posted @ 11:21 PST, Updated @ 17:09 PST)
Yeh... Only that can be the case!

Cannot stop the PA from moving in, on the road level ... no way!

I have seen the area and it is best ambushing area by all means, If you are on the hills then no way any one can pass through the tunnel towards peshawar and also in no way can march freely towards you upwards. Only Gunships and heavy shelling on hills can solve the problem. I bet most of the Tunnel head would have been damaged. Lets see when we know of it.
Security forces in full control of Darra Adamkhel

Updated at: 1200 PST, Monday, January 28, 2008

DARRA ADAMKHEL: Security forces have taken full control of Darra Adamkhel and all its roads, and have recovered the supply trucks which were hijacked by militants last week, amid clashes which took place throughout the night.

Kohat Tunnel is under repair at the moment to allow for the flow of traffic between cities after security force re-captured the Tunnel and drove militants away from the area.

Militants have fled into the mountains around the region, after 24 were killed during the Kohat Tunnel Clashes, as the armed forces prepare for a major search operation to arrest those responsible for hijacking their supply trucks.

Meanwhile, many familes from Darra Adamkhel have been displaced amid harsh winter weather...as they seek refuge in Kohat and Peshawar.

Militants had occupied the Peshawar-Kohat Tunnel on Friday in retaliation to an operation by security forces. The army went into Darra Adamkhel after militants hijacked 4 of their vehciles on Indus Highway last week.

Security forces in full control of Darra Adamkhel
Just a thought or should i say more of a question? When the militants fled into the mountains, why cant we then use the airforce there? obiviously there is no chance of colatteral damage there, so why not just carpet bomb them. Whats appearing to me is that everytime PA attacks and defeat them in an area, they simply go back to the mountains, get regroup and then attack somewhere else. There has to be some permanent solution to this in which they cannot even run back to the mountains and either they surrender to the authorities or simply get killed.

Note: this question is intented for pakistani senior members related to the armed forces who can give a more detail analysis of the ground reality.
Hi Icecold,

This is the million dollar question that all of us have been wondering about---this has been a matter of big concern about the quality of training of the pak army---enough excuse that these are our brothers---these are terrorists and they need to be treated as such. Now why have there not been any air strikes on the fleeing taliban---what is it that is holding the army back---how was it possible for the taliban to take control of the kohat tunnel---I have developed serious doubts about the leadership capabilities and the mindset of the the pakistani army officers---seems like there is always an intentional hold back .
I don't think it's a matter of training. I mean seriously these people must be some of the most battle hardened soldiers in that part of the world which transcends any training dispensed at a training camp.

The operational modalities where hot pursuits are conducted by aircrafts reigning down bombs upon fleeing guerrila fighters requires a highly coordinated effort with a variety of land, air and space assets. As of now, the USA, Israel and a few NATO nations are the only ones who really have the necessary assets and experience to conduct this sort of warfare which was designed taking into account the experiences in Viet Nam and most of all by observing the Russian experiment in Afghanistan.

The rest of the world, particularly developing nations in South Asia do not as yet have the ability to engage in this sort of combat. The PA relies more upon conventional methods which requires boots on the ground. So I'm not really sure it's fair to cast a doubt on their training.

My comments were directed more towards the commanding officer of the operation not asking for air strikes. Not the lack of ability of PAF or army aviation to do the job. Army aviation has a lots of issues with keeping its helicopter fleet up in the air all the time. Any critiscism that I have is for the person in charge here---the problem over here is that no govt wants to do air strikes on their own soil---it is a damned if I do it and damned if I don't kind of scenario---.

I can empathize with the commanding general--but if he has opted to take the job, then he needs to finish it as well. We have seen and heard of enough excuse that fill up a hundred empty horse barns but will do nothing to the welbeing of the country.
12 militants killed in Miranshah missile attack

Updated at: 1335 PST, Tuesday, January 29, 2008

MIRANSHAH: A missile destroyed a militant hideout in Miranshah, killing 12 militants inside.
According to US news agency, security forces carried out missile attack after midnight in Khushali Torikhel, a village in Miranshah, capital of North Waziristan in which 12 miscreants were killed. However, there is no official confirmation of the incident.

12 militants killed in Miranshah missile attack
Hi Icecold,

This is the million dollar question that all of us have been wondering about---this has been a matter of big concern about the quality of training of the pak army---enough excuse that these are our brothers---these are terrorists and they need to be treated as such. Now why have there not been any air strikes on the fleeing taliban---what is it that is holding the army back---how was it possible for the taliban to take control of the kohat tunnel---I have developed serious doubts about the leadership capabilities and the mindset of the the pakistani army officers---seems like there is always an intentional hold back .

I agree with you!

But Taliban are still considered as an asset for future of Afghanistan by some in establishment whether you believe me or not.

The peace agreement was done on that thinking and US opposed it alot. Since then the CIA has been operating in Pakistan to start a fight between the Talibans and Pakistan Establishment in which it seems that they have suceeded and this time both sides are not showing any flexibility. Mehsuds are being flushed out from the FATA region, surely, but not from the areas which are adjacent to Afghanistan, PA establishment donot want the insurgencies in Afghanistan to Stop. A large quantity of supplies and weapons go from Dara Adam Khail to Afghan Talibans with the support of ISI and MI. We still support them and it seems less likely to change until US agrees to include Talibans in making peace in Afghanistan by Power sharing of some sort.
Even if your analysis were correct - it is the Taliban that are being inflexible - putting up unacceptable conditions for NATO. Mullah Omar never wanted to compromise during the Taliban rise and eyday, and he will not do it now. The only alternative is to wean away Taliban factions in Afghanistan, but while the PA has been able to accomplish this with mixed success, the task is much harder for NATO to do since they have the added baggage of being the "West" and an "occupier".

Since at this point it doesn't seem that the US at least is not leaving Afghanistan anytime soon -so where does that leave Pakistan? With heavily armed militants in FATA, who, going by recent events in Waziristan, Swat and Darra Adamkhel, will not think twice about biting the hand that feeds them. This "double game" is unsustainable - that much is clear.

Here is an article from the Daily Times, that may support your analysis. It mentions a resident claiming eight militant training camps around Darra Adamkhel (Militants trained by Arabs etc.) and he then claims they go onto S Waziristan for "suicide bombing training". If his claims are true, then I find it impossible to believe that the GoP is not aware of camps that a simple resident knows about - which would indicate that the GoP is turning a blind eye to these activities for the reasons you mentioned.

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
When they say mountains it does not mean that these mountains are not Inhabited.

Secondly about use of air force its again i would say is the matter of trun up time for the Helis and jets so i guess till the time terrorits escape into mountains (they know most of the porouse routes to use on the mountains) the jets and helies hardly comeby that time.

Secondly we can not use extensive air strikes to level the mountains to ground.

FATA is very very very very rich in minerals :)
I tell you once peace returns (Amin) FATA would become if mineral soruces exploited well, will become one of the most modern parts of Pakistan.
MIRANSHAH: A missile destroyed a militant hideout in Miranshah, killing 12 militants inside.
According to US news agency, security forces carried out missile attack after midnight in Khushali Torikhel, a village in Miranshah, main town of North Waziristan tribal region in which 12 miscreants were killed. However, there is no official confirmation of the incident.
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