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FATA Situation

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18 Orakzai tribes form Lashkar against Taliban

* Any tribe sheltering Taliban will be fined Rs 10m, have 100 houses burnt down
* Jirga decides to temporarily end mutual enmities

Daily Times Monitor

LAHORE: After the killing of three levies personnel by local militants in Orakzai Agency on Saturday night, 18 tribes of the agency have decided to form a Lashkar (tribal army) against the Taliban to flush them out of the area, reported BBC Urdu on Tuesday.

A grand jirga of the 18 tribes was held in Ghuljoo, Orakzai Agency headquarters, on Monday morning, which was attended by around ten to fifteen thousand armed men.

Talking to BBC, head of Rabiakhel tribe Malik Zaman Shah said all tribes had unanimously decided not to give shelter to any militant in the area and any tribe breaching the pledge would be punished with Rs 10 million in fine and a hundred houses of the tribe would be burnt down.

End to fight: He said the jirga had also settled ‘Islam Zona’ to temporarily end mutual enmities between the local tribes. The local tribes will, according to the decision, not fight each other until the area is cleared of militants.

Thousands of Pakistani forces are battling suspected militants in the tribal region bordering Afghanistan, where scores of militants and troops have died in clashes in recent weeks. Militants have stepped up attacks against government troops there.
Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan

This is an excellent development. It restricts the militants from finding refuge in these areas and prevents the conflict from spilling over to a larger part of FATA.
Talks for new peace deal in N. Waziristan

By Our Correspondent

MIRAMSHAH, Jan 28: Security forces have released seven tribesmen as a goodwill gesture amid reports that the government and militants are inching towards an agreement for restoring peace in North Waziristan.

Officials said the tribesmen had been held under the collective tribal responsibility clause of the Frontier Crimes Regulations and they were not militants.

Reciprocating the government’s move, the militants extended till Feb 10 a ceasefire they had announced earlier and returned the weapons they had snatched during attacks on security froces, a tribal negotiator told Dawn on Monday.

He said negotiations were in progress and both sides were likely to sign a peace deal soon. “We are optimistic of a positive outcome of the talks.”

However, Baitullah Mehsud, the amir of the Pakistani Taliban, told Al Jazeera television that the forces had deceived militant groups by engaging one group in talks and carrying out attacks in other areas.

He said all groups under his command had agreed to take a joint stand on talks with the government.

Official sources claimed that the militants who had more influence in Miramshah had softened their stance and were inclined towards signing a new peace deal.

They said 22 more tribesmen detained under the FCR were likely to be released soon.

The militants handed over weapons and ammunition to the security forces in Mirali. Jirga members were present on the occasion.

Militants had revoked in July 2007 a peace agreement reached in September 2006, accusing the government of going back on its word by deploying security forces at checkpoints in North Waziristan.

The government launched back-door talks with the militants and constituted a 30-member jirga led by the chief of Madakhel tribe, Malik Qadir Khan, to revive the peace deal.

The sources said the government had withdrawn army and paramilitary troops from two checkpoints in the region and the tribal Khasadar force was checking vehicles.

Talks for new peace deal in N. Waziristan -DAWN - Top Stories; January 29, 2008
LOL, I love this part about the frontier,

any tribe breaching the pledge would be punished with Rs 10 million in fine and a hundred houses of the tribe would be burnt down.

There is always a creative punishment you won't find anywhere else. As if the 10 million Rupees fine isn't enough, a hundred houses have to be burnt down too!

The local tribes will, according to the decision, not fight each other until the area is cleared of militants.

All in a day's work. When the militants are cleared, they'll start fighting each other again! For what reason, one may ask - anyone know?! :enjoy:
Missile strike reportedly kills 12 in Pakistan

Attack on militant hideout comes a day after gunmen held students hostage

updated 6:21 a.m. ET Jan. 29, 2008

PESHAWAR, Pakistan - A missile destroyed a suspected militant hideout in volatile northwestern Pakistan on Tuesday, killing 12 people, officials said. In other clashes in the area, militants killed a soldier and injured four more.

Official: Missile strike kills 12 in Pakistan - Pakistan - MSNBC.com

Missile strikes are on to target Mehsud and gang!

That is what the standard answer is---what if the taliban came back to power when the u s left. Truthfully, we need to resolve the issue at hand and control the fanatics now. Taliban have nowhere to run and hide---we cannot wait for the day when the cows come home. The u s may not leave for awhile. So, that must not be the reason to hold back. The u s is not going to leave without strengthening the position of the northern alliance---so it may not be possible for the taliban to get back into power so easily.

Pakistanis maybe assuming a lots of things based upon their past experiences---truly, we cannot run our business of the state just on pure assumptions that taliban may come to power. The longer the wound is left to fester, the more chance it has of becoming gangrenous. This issue must be resolved now.
Its a shame that because of MUSHY PAKISTAN has lost its territorial sovereignity He says that if I WILL NOT ALLOW FOREIGN TROOPS

but MR MUSHARRAF please say


This strike was carried out by a drone and we could see more of these as NATO is gearing up for a big operation in areas closer to N WAZIRISTAN.

SHAME SHAME MUSHY.What ever his policy about war on terror might be but there should be no violation of our BORDERS.

That is what the standard answer is---what if the taliban came back to power when the u s left. Truthfully, we need to resolve the issue at hand and control the fanatics now. Taliban have nowhere to run and hide---we cannot wait for the day when the cows come home. The u s may not leave for awhile. So, that must not be the reason to hold back. The u s is not going to leave without strengthening the position of the northern alliance---so it may not be possible for the taliban to get back into power so easily.

Pakistanis maybe assuming a lots of things based upon their past experiences---truly, we cannot run our business of the state just on pure assumptions that taliban may come to power. The longer the wound is left to fester, the more chance it has of becoming gangrenous. This issue must be resolved now.

MK, quite right but Taliban force and its background shows that PA Establisment is still pursuing the same agenda and they donot what to flush the complete resistance in Afghanistan, which is being supported by this side with manpower and material. The problem now is that because of this WOT involvement of Pakistan, we have no other option then to flush them but, the problem still remians that if we do so then we will see an Afghanistan which will be not Pakistan Friendly. It is not that we are running our business of state on assumptions but pure policy which led to Taliban rule in past. The same double policy is at play and we should not turn our backs on Talibans completely. This had to happen some day, when we have to choose! But this day has been brought ahead of Schedule by CIA and all. US wants to see Afghanistan without Taliban. Pakistan wants to see Afghanistan with Taliban in the Power Sharing and that is why we have risked being targeted at from all like this.

Agno, by flexibility i meant that Talibans are not flexiable in their understanding and Pakistan establishment is not flexiable or Talibans in US pressure. I agree to your thinking what you mentioned in your Post but i only mentioned what is happening in reality. Correct that this double game is unsustainable which CIA and others by manupilating few of the Talibans and mostly all the banned militant groups. Ironical part is that these Islamic Militant Groups were banned by Pakistan for militancy on US pressure in 2000 and now they turn with CIA and all to do their work.

Northern aliance would be left with too many resources by the u s army for the taliban to over come----I think that we are seeing the last of the taliban for a long time to come. They have made too many mistakes---too many errors in judgements---no strategy no game plan. Once the americans leave, the northern alliance will jump on the taliban and completely annihilate them. Taliban leadership had made the worst mistake of their infamous rule to fight the u s . A brave but a senseless struggle---a wasteful death of the men, women and children. In the end---it will all be lost---. Taliban will be a story that some of you will tell your grand children.

Northern aliance would be left with too many resources by the u s army for the taliban to over come----I think that we are seeing the last of the taliban for a long time to come. They have made too many mistakes---too many errors in judgements---no strategy no game plan. Once the americans leave, the northern alliance will jump on the taliban and completely annihilate them. Taliban leadership had made the worst mistake of their infamous rule to fight the u s . A brave but a senseless struggle---a wasteful death of the men, women and children. In the end---it will all be lost---. Taliban will be a story that some of you will tell your grand children.

MK, i agree to your post word by word but you are not understanding my point.:confused:

Quite right that NA will be made so strong by US that Taliban will not be able to overcome Afghanistan like they did in the past. That is the point! For US to empower NA they require stability, influx of Economic aid and some peace. Taliban can give them that by not attacking them like Insurgents and either by Annilation (which US wants). By continued resistance from support from Pakistan (led Talibans) it is evident for the NATO forces in Afghanistan that they need to bring Taliban into dialogue and some sort of Understanding to finish this gorilla war and start rebuilding Afghanistan with US support and with NA if they ever want the ongoing destability in Afghanistan to Stop.

Only this is the aim now i suppose and not the rule of Afghanistan!
Its a shame that because of MUSHY PAKISTAN has lost its territorial sovereignity He says that if I WILL NOT ALLOW FOREIGN TROOPS

but MR MUSHARRAF please say


This strike was carried out by a drone and we could see more of these as NATO is gearing up for a big operation in areas closer to N WAZIRISTAN.

SHAME SHAME MUSHY.What ever his policy about war on terror might be but there should be no violation of our BORDERS.

Maybe they should stop using Pakistan as a base to launch attacks
Maybe they should stop using Pakistan as a base to launch attacks

i dont think they are using pakistan as a base. they are probably launching UCAVs from bases in Afghanistan.
I think A Rahman meant the militants should stop using Pakistan as a base to launch attacks into Afghanistan - since MOSABJA is so concerned about "foreign strikes".
Bodies of 13 missing Pakistani soldiers found: police KOHAT

, Jan 30 (Reuters): The bodies of 13 Pakistani paramilitary soldiers kidnapped by militants last week have been found in an abandoned vehicle, officials and police said on Wednesday. The bodies were recovered in Darra Adam Khel, a tribal area near the city of Peshawar in North West Frontier Province, where fighting broke out on Friday after militants seized four trucks carrying ammunition and other supplies for soldiers. “Ten bodies have been identified while the remaining three are difficult to recognise,” said a police official, who declined to be named. “They were apparently killed last week but their bodies were found today.” Some sources said the bodies were found earlier. Pakistani military spokesmen were not immediately available for comment. (Posted @ 18:50 PST)

This is how these "warriors of Islam" display their courage - murdering prisoners of war after they have been disarmed. And some people have the gall to defend these lunatics.
This is how these "warriors of Islam" display their courage - murdering prisoners of war after they have been disarmed. And some people have the gall to defend these lunatics.

You've been making some great posts recently regarding these so called "Islamic warriors/heroes"; and it would be difficult for anyone with basic reasoning abilities to disagree with what you've said. However, I think the problem here is that when it comes to a thought process which is channeled through religion or religious values, the act of "reasoning" (rather our understanding of that term) goes right out the window.

Religion by it's very nature is a system constructed around belief which in turn is inspired by the subjective interpretation of cryptic and often self contradictory religious scriptures. It would be nice if it were really possible to replace the bad interpretations with the good ones, but IMO this is going to be very very difficult.

Ok, I probably just derailed this thread for no good reason.

Never mind carry on.
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