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it varies....lyk national geographic says 3 million and the new york times says 0.2 to 0.25 million
it varies....lyk national geographic says 3 million and the new york times says 0.2 to 0.25 million

you are nothing but foot licker of India.......
and everything that happened in 71 was for good reasons.
now after reading all your post!!!!!!
I must assure you that even if it is 100 billion, all love and respect for BD is just gone..... zero

after killing millions of BD people you think that they respect you

dont mansion BD people in this forum they all are pakistany
in any of my posts ....i never said im on india's side....im just against the bad deeds that any country happened to do
in any of my posts ....i never said im on india's side....im just against the bad deeds that any country happened to do

but your history says all......
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I'd like to apologize to my Bangladeshi friends for one bigoted person who has never had the chance or will for introspection and studied the reasons for your demand for independence and atrocities committed by the West Pakistani population in general and Pakistan Army in particular does not represent the views of the majority of wise Pakistanis.

Pakistanis are not just willing but are sure that we should go beyond our past and strengthen our ties. Associating friendly ties with India as a symbol of "Indian foot licking" is downright childish and immature. If the debate relies on religious grounds, then India has good relations with many Muslim populous countries in the region as well (as neither seeks to dominate the other).

One person expressing his inhumane and downright pathetic ideas of condoning the massacre of Bengalis and deeming that even a 100 billion deaths would not have mattered does not portray the thinking of society in general. Our collective guilt stops us from revisiting the scenario more than often, but hardly any sage person is proud of what we did and seeks to move beyond our past and establish enhanced relationships.

Our reasons of the problem with India have more to do with our hegemonic ambitions, paranoia resulting from military adventures and a will to maintain our class structure than letting India become the region's big brother which is inevitable. The threat of Indian military tactics was very real at the very start but enhanced and exaggerated since then. I do not want to digress to this issue here.

War Trials are a no-go area and if BD can move beyond calls for revisiting '71 (which we should do on our own), then it is easily realizable that Pakistan can have a better image in Bangladesh.

you guys were born slaves and will die in slavery of india.

The people of Bengal did not supply soldiers to the British Indian Army to expand its powers in India or for it later worldwide participation. The theory of "martial race" was created by the British to select troops deemed less intelligent, more loyal and far more willing to do anything for money. Those who had fought in 1857 were of course deemed traitors, unfit for military and sidelined in the state apparatus. The "khan bahadurs" that dominated our areas (Punjab, UP, Lucknow, Hyderabad, etc) were rewarded for their meritorious services to the British crown (read treachery against local population) unlike the Bengalis, South Indians and Sikhs who fought against the British in 1857. The heartland of Punjab has produced British slaves, not the heartland of Bengal. Your supremacist rant is entirely fallacious and deep rooted in fictional historical accounts and ideologies.
but your history says all......
you guys were born slaves and will die in slavery of india.

thats the true face of pakistan ... in other threads they calling BD people their brother ... now m request all BD persons in this forum please contribute in this thread
ur slaves have more than double gdp growth than u and 50times less debt than u.....hahahahahahaha
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