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Face Veil removal request in Western Countries

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:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: what about me mate i never set foot in any western country born in Pakistan brought up in saudi arabia and yet here i am.how did i get infected with this virus .some time its the right thing to do is to accept the failures of your own society and its ways as it is the first step toward solving the problems. then try your best to right these wrongs and believe me you don't need west to do it.

There are a lot of problems with Pakistan, there is no denying it. It is about the standards you use to argue for what is right or wrong. If you are going to use liberal Western standards to defend or argue for something, then you have to work within that framework. Unfortunately, someone here does not get that, they do not see women that choose to wear face veils are exercising their rights and freedom. This isn't Pakistan or Saudi Arabia, where there is not distinction between state and church.
It's always other countries it's never 'we cocked up, let's sort our own mess'. They show lack of responsibility towards their own Country, what can one expect when they go abroad? Lol
we don't like it when some one show us the mirror.but what people need to understand that the mirror is only showing us who we truly are.don't like then change it don't put blame on others for your problem.
Liberal West is oppressive towards Muslims. They colonized and destroyed the Muslim countries. Unfortunately they left behind some of their mental slaves in the form of so called "Muslim Liberals" who are really in fact sellouts and White wannabee's.

Face veil is a beautiful thing. If woman choose to wear it then it is her choice. Its just another way for women to guard their body as Allah and His Prophet (PBUH) commanded them to.
My life (or anyone for that matter) is more important than some random old woman salty because a random dude looked at her and no, neither God nor Prophet s.a.w commanded women to cover their faces.
Don't put words in Prophet's mouth

Don't understand people who hate the West, whose asking you to stay? You enjoy rights and privileges but don't treat their security threat as yours?

It's all 'we want rights' excercise responsibility too.
BOOHOO! KAFIR WEST, they hate us, they hate muslim

oh you have actual arguments, facts and logic against my claims? boohoo my feelings matter, KILL THE INFIDELS

- almost every Pakistani forum ever

That aside
Waiting for people defending face veil in the name of Islam to actually bring a hadith or Quranic verse.

If you are going to use liberal Western standards to defend or argue for something
liberalism is neither a western standard neither it has a fixed frame work.all it do is provide you with some basic building blocks like tolerance, basic human rights and freedom etc and then your are free to build upon them according to your culture there is no need to follow the west to become liberal (yeah you can derive some of their rules or more complex concepts if you think they can fit well with your society but there is no compulsion ).
Big wordw coming from the french, italian, aboriginal, xhosa, inuit tunisian. Did i miss one of your identities?

yes you did @HannibalBarca continuously denies the great BLACK civilization of the BLACK AFRICAN kingdom of Carthage that stormed the alps. it took a BLACK king to challenge the romans at that time.
liberalism is neither a western standard neither it has a fixed frame work.all it do is provide you with some basic building blocks like tolerance, basic human rights and freedom etc and then your are free to build upon them according to your culture there is no need to follow the west to become liberal (yeah you can derive some of their rules or more complex concepts if you think they can fit well with your society but there is no compulsion ).

Well liberalism was the backbone of Western Renaissance, which is the backbone of modern Western moral and ethical code. French Revolution paved the way, and there is a solid 300 years backing up of it from the works of Hume, Locke to Nietzsche. It is a highly evolved functioning system. People's liberties are of the utmost importance.
they do not see women that choose to wear face veils are exercising their rights and freedom.
on one hand you are parsing the freedom that liberal western system provides
These "Muslim Liberals" believe they become enlightened when they move to West, and must inform the "shackled sheeples" of the Muslim world about their tyrannies. They are also the first to denounce their own heritage and roots.
and then you are opposing the basic reason behind that freedom and denying us the right to even try to bring that freedom in our country
on one hand you are parsing the freedom that liberal western system provides

and then you are opposing the basic reason behind that freedom and denying us the right to even try to bring that freedom in our country

Dont think you understand what I wrote. I am quoting you their hypocrisy thus the quotations. They call themselves liberals yet are the first to snatch away religious rights of the minorities.

Btw, when did I say you can not "export" it into your country? If the people of Pakistan decide they want to adopt an entirely Western moral code then so be it. But do not do so at the cost of undermining the rights of others.
If the people of Pakistan decide they want to adopt an entirely Western moral code then so be it. But do not do so at the cost of undermining the rights of others.

You can't snatch or undermine the rights of people or minorities in a country where people got no rights.
Dont think you understand what I wrote. I am quoting you their hypocrisy thus the quotations. They call themselves liberals yet are the first to snatch away religious rights of the minorities.

Btw, when did I say you can not "export" it into your country? If the people of Pakistan decide they want to adopt an entirely Western moral code then so be it. But do not do so at the cost of undermining the rights of others.
my bad i thought you meant something else.
but still don't agree with the hypocrisy part though i mean they move to another place with different climate and now they have to adjust accordingly to fit in.if during that process they realize the bad thing about their own country which are considered normal there and preach about it to their fellow countrymen then whats wrong with it.

coming to the Muslim liberal taking away the religious freedom part when did that happen
Well liberalism was the backbone of Western Renaissance, which is the backbone of modern Western moral and ethical code. French Revolution paved the way, and there is a solid 300 years backing up of it from the works of Hume, Locke to Nietzsche. It is a highly evolved functioning system. People's liberties are of the utmost importance.

Nonsense. Renaissance was not liberal in any way. Ask the ottomans who tried conquering Italy how liberal our bullets and flame throwers were. The only liberty allowed to them was how crispy they got fried.

Also liberalism has its borders. You cant tolerate cult that is highly illiberal itself. People dont accept a faceless person.

I honestly dont understand why you dont get that. Is your believesystem so rotten that you believe you can go anywhere and shit on open street?
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