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F22P Zulfiqar: Debunking Propaganda

Why would I need to prove anything when Chinese equipment like F22P and VT-4 working well for Pakistan armed forces?

It's the slayer who need to bring out concrete and real proof to back your words. I have the backing of PN rebuke slayed words for F22P?

And what do you have to back your account? The malicious fake article about F22P by american or indian which the PDF moderator delete it due to its unauthentic sources?
Aww.. now you’re running away.
Im not talking about the F-22P(although I knew where the real issues lie and the fixes requested).
You have the backing of PN… so have I..
ill get you my retired 2 star contact if you give me yours.

Lets get back to the subject of everything is propoganda and sponsored by west.

I can testify on oath regarding quality issues I faced from Chinese suppliers while I worked in Pakistan…so that automatically makes me a “western propaganda lackey” who must be banned because he hurt poor Beast’s feelings?? :cheesy::pleasantry:
Aww.. now you’re running away.
Im not talking about the F-22P(although I knew where the real issues lie and the fixes requested).
You have the backing of PN… so have I..
ill get you my retired 2 star contact if you give me yours.

Lets get back to the subject of everything is propoganda and sponsored by west.

I can testify on oath regarding quality issues I faced from Chinese suppliers while I worked in Pakistan…so that automatically makes me a “western propaganda lackey” who must be banned because he hurt poor Beast’s feelings?? :cheesy::pleasantry:
Stop making things up. Backing from 2 star contact? :lol:

I can even say 5 stars from me. How desperate are you.

Show me a credible link or article for F22P problem and their deliciency?

Let me have a fair words. China weapon products 30 years ago , indeed the quality and technology is not the best or comparable to best of western but it cannot be used a benchmark to gauge today's weapon produced by China.

It just like saying China 20 years ago couldn't reach Mars and is relevant to even today context. Which is absolutely not true.
It's matter of time, another junk propaganda will come out and claim the same old story of J-10CP has plenty of problem and WS-10 engine has low service MTBO of only 300hours. PAF got an lemon, better stick with F-16 blah blah blah.... And the same slayers will jump on the bandwagon and continue sang the old tune.

Mark my words.
Why would I need to prove anything when Chinese equipment like F22P and VT-4 working well for Pakistan armed forces?

It's the slayer who need to bring out concrete and real proof to back your words. I have the backing of PN rebuke for smearing of F22P?

And what do you have to back your account? The malicious fake article about F22P by american or indian which the PDF moderator delete it due to its unauthentic sources?

What project? Show your face , rank and real identify to prove your real existence and relevant position. As I say any tom, dick harry can make things up hiding behind these computer and brag as real.
Why should I show my face to you
You are also a ming, wu or wang hiding behind the internet calling everything western propoganda..


Stop making things up. Backing from 2 star contact? :lol:

I can even say 5 stars from me. How desperate are you.

Show me a credible link or article for F22P problem and their deliciency?

Let me have a fair words. China weapon products 30 years ago , indeed the quality and technology is not the best or comparable to best of western but it cannot be used a benchmark to gauge today's weapon produced by China.

It just like saying China 20 years ago couldn't reach Mars and is relevant to even today context. Which is absolutely not true.
Cmon.. you bring your contact otherwise you’re a bulkshitter now running back to “quality issues were old” and the f-22P
My project was 2011.. that isn’t 20 years ago.
So if you truly were fair you would eat your words on every critique of Chinese equipment being western propoganda
Why should I show my face to you
You are also a ming, wu or wang hiding behind the internet calling everything western propoganda..
@waz @PakSword

Name calling and insult others after losing an argument. Isn't this thread proves my words about evil western or indian propaganda? The burden of proof lies on you,not me.

And I need credible link or article, not some make up stories. I didn't say all article against China equipment is propaganda. Typical tactics to avoid the point. The fact is none of your accusations has any concrete proof beside mention some make up non existent experience which is nothing but smearing.

You are the one hiding and avoid my inquiry. Are you saying Pakistan armed forces selected unqualified weapon or low quality weapon to equip it's armed force? The burden of proof lies on you. Let me repeat that. I don't need to prove anything.
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I know this is a fake article but let just recall the junk they wrote for PN.

Actually, the thread about the fake article for F22P shall not be delete away. It shall be just closed for posting but keep as evidence against those pakistanis who trusted such source and insult the navy and Chinese engineers. Those so called Pakistanis shall be ashamed of themselves.

Those Pakistanis who let down for those brave Pakistanis sailors who spend time , effort and their life protecting Pakistan sea while in return got ridicule for shabby equipment they maintain and manned.
@waz @PakSword

Name calling and insult others after losing an argument. Isn't this thread proves my words about evil western or indian propaganda? The burden of proof lies on you,not me.

And I need credible link or article, not some make up stories.

You are the one hiding and avoid my inquiry. Are you saying Pakistan armed forces selected unqualified weapon or low quality weapon to equip it's armed force? The burden of proof lies on you. Let me repeat that. I don't need to prove anything.
Yeah... Ban @SQ8
Aww.. now you’re running away.
Im not talking about the F-22P(although I knew where the real issues lie and the fixes requested).
You have the backing of PN… so have I..
ill get you my retired 2 star contact if you give me yours.

Lets get back to the subject of everything is propoganda and sponsored by west.

I can testify on oath regarding quality issues I faced from Chinese suppliers while I worked in Pakistan…so that automatically makes me a “western propaganda lackey” who must be banned because he hurt poor Beast’s feelings?? :cheesy::pleasantry:

Just to second this. I spoke to someone high up at PAC, in charge of one of the factories, they had mentioned to me that they were struggling to produce some components due to CATIC withholding supply, the reason they withhold supply? Because they wanted PAC to pay extra for components they didn't need, selling them as a package. For example, if we needed a connector, they would not sell us the connector alone, but rather force us to buy a connector, a pair of shoes, some pens, and a bag of coffee (this is an example for those who won't realize lol), even worse was that CATIC would withhold part numbers so we couldn't buy elsewhere, scummy business practices to squeeze PAC out of money. Others have noted significant issues on the part of the Chinese on the JF-17 also. I have refrained from publishing or even talking about this publically on this to prevent negative light from being brought upon the project lol
zero credibility? ok, those who need to know, know. Why cant you handle criticism?
Criticism is one thing. Fake account or fake stories is another. Fake stories are the main reason why this thread started, right?

I am more than happy to accept criticism if u can prove your story with concrete evidence..I am here long enough to know all kind of slayer tricks.
Criticism is one thing. Fake account or fake stories is another. Fake stories are the main reason why this thread started, right?

I am more than happy to accept criticism if u can prove your story with concrete evidence..I am here long enough to know all kind of slayer tricks.

Please, take your nonsense elsewhere. Let me just record my conversations so i can prove to Beast on PDF the Chinese aren't actually very nice. I know this first hand as a matter of fact, ironically, the reason i actually was told this story was because the manager of one of the factories (i wont specify to protect the details) wanted me to source the missing components for them from the people i worked with, ZT Group, im sure you're familiar with them. The issue was we did not have part numbers, so it was a little more difficult. In the end they needed the specific components from CATIC, not what we had, anyway, i had basically quit at that point after some initial discussions with AEC of KSA and also Edge of UAE because i learnt that the Chinese are intolerable to work with. BTW, i have screenshots, im just not sure how to upload them. Anyway, once again, i could not care less what you think of me or my credibility, i know your companies better than you do
Just to second this. I spoke to someone high up at PAC, in charge of one of the factories, they had mentioned to me that they were struggling to produce some components due to CATIC withholding supply, the reason they withhold supply? Because they wanted PAC to pay extra for components they didn't need, selling them as a package. For example, if we needed a connector, they would not sell us the connector alone, but rather force us to buy a connector, a pair of shoes, some pens, and a bag of coffee (this is an example for those who won't realize lol), even worse was that CATIC would withhold part numbers so we couldn't buy elsewhere, scummy business practices to squeeze PAC out of money. Others have noted significant issues on the part of the Chinese on the JF-17 also. I have refrained from publishing or even talking about this publically on this to prevent negative light from being brought upon the project lol
Unfortunately, this stress in the relationship continues. This doesn’t mean it’s entirely negative but that it not all smooth sailings and a constant back and forth goes on. The Chinese do tend to leverage their “loan” pressure at times to get Pakistan to accept things as they are.

A current PAF AM is so averse(when he was Acdre when I spoke to him) to the Chinese loans because to his point - yes, we are taking loans from you to buy your stuff but it is still our money and we have full intentions to pay the loan back to you.
Unfortunately, this stress in the relationship continues. This doesn’t mean it’s entirely negative but that it not all smooth sailings and a constant back and forth goes on. The Chinese do tend to leverage their “loan” pressure at times to get Pakistan to accept things as they are.

A current PAF AM is so averse(when he was Acdre when I spoke to him) to the Chinese loans because to his point - yes, we are taking loans from you to buy your stuff but it is still our money and we have full intentions to pay the loan back to you.
Yep, atleast with the west, they arent as problematic, you step out of line? sanctioned. With the Chinese, you do everything correctly as you should? We will squeeze and rinse you for every penny.
those so called true blood Pakistanis who believe such propaganda.
You have to comment on everything under the sun .... and you have no knowledge about it ???

The propaganda article was written by an Indian for Indian audience, Pakistani side just responded back which was not even necessary as the original Article had many factual inaccuracies and was only showing amateurish attitude of the author of false propaganda article.

And mind you no Pakistani was believing it, so plz drop your attitude towards Pakistani audience, I have noted you do this many times
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You have to comment on everything under the sun .... and you have no knowledge about it ???

The propaganda article was written by an Indian for Indian audience, Pakistani side just responded back which was not even necessary as the original Article had many factual inaccuracies and was only showing amateurish bettitue of the author of false propaganda article.

And mind you no Pakistani was believing it, so plz drop your attitude towards Pakistani audience, I have noted you do this many times
Are you sure, @iLION12345_1 is not a Pakistanis I guess...

Why avoid accepting the fact some Pakistanis are bend on bias against Chinese and some are easy to believe propaganda.

If the previous thread is not delete, I can easily shown u the proof to prove my words and shown u your wrong.

You can go VT-4 thread and see for yourself too.
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