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F-4 Phantom crashed near Shiraz, 2 pilots killed

Qaher was a big fucking joke, an embarrassment. If the regime changes its attitude completely we'll be able to build one that is NOT made out of fiberglass.

When your scientists and engineers are either in jail or out of country, this is what you'll get.

Agreed. Qaher was a disastrous idea.
Sad loss for not just Iran but their will-wishers across the border.. My heart goes out to victims and their families.

It's the whole illegals storming the border thing that's bothering me. He's letting in the next generation of Democratic voters by not securing the border. I don't think the Muslims are getting anything. We have bigger fish to fry.:usflag:

the corporate leaders and wealthy people who are Muslim always vote republican :D
I mean when the IR claims that it has manufactured stealthy fighter jets (Qaher 313), yet it still uses this half century Phantom then you know how credible the IR is. Let alone the space conquest program and the other endless lists of technological achievements.


U can not even bulid wheelbarrows.

It's the whole illegals storming the border thing that's bothering me. He's letting in the next generation of Democratic voters by not securing the border. I don't think the Muslims are getting anything. We have bigger fish to fry.:usflag:

All of your technologys is stollen from Nazi Germany and Europe sciolistics.

It is beyond amazing those things are still flying. Considering they were sold to Iran in the mid 70's that makes them 40 years old. Not sure what the airframe hours are but I'm sure they are well passed the projected lifespan.

1950's tech...and it still flies.
You're right. The U.S. NEVER invented ANYTHING. Not like Iran does. Keep building those 3/4 scale cardboard fighters, chief.
Respecting those who died, would you mind start shutting up?

It is beyond amazing those things are still flying. Considering they were sold to Iran in the mid 70's that makes them 40 years old. Not sure what the airframe hours are but I'm sure they are well passed the projected lifespan.

1950's tech...and it still flies.

Tomcats still flying too, yeah its something
R.I.P ... We are developing a trainer but it's not that easy !
R.I.P ... We are developing a trainer but it's not that easy !

I am glad you finally realized that it is not that easy to make planes. Though, I must say that you always sound like a nice guy, you still tend to take the IR's institutionalized propaganda very seriously. Guess what, no one else will have a sever reaction against being a victim for that propaganda except you. You might turn into the opposite direction later in your life to specialize in revealing that propaganda, instead of spreading it.
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