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F-4 Phantom crashed near Shiraz, 2 pilots killed

Two more give there lives to protect lives and property of there citizen and country.
BTW on Topic, Iran should cut the crap out of ignoring IRIAF. i mean for god sake Iran is a Trillion dollar Economy. It should lobby with Russia and China. This "Neither East Nor Wast" Strategy of Khomeini(With due Respects) us not going to work in today modern arena.

Get some F****** Mig35, Su30 or J10 in your Air Force or stop pretending to be a regional power. Pilots and soldiers are Priceless assets. It is completely unfair to risk Sons of Soil with substandard equipment even if you have resources to Fulfill some kind of ideological self supposed goal.
Pakistan is in dire financial crisis we have half the size of Iranian Economy and three times population to feed. but we still manage to maintain a sizable Air force to support the Armed Forces.
Defense of the Nation is much more important then principles some times
What will Irani Friends say on it
The plane does not matter here, I wish if only they could eject before the crash. Screw the Phantom, it's not what matters.

Since Iran is heavily investing in asymmetric warfare most of vintage aircrafts should be phased out, there is no point in training new young pilots on these aircrafts that are just easy targets of modern fighters...

My personal opinion is someday these sanctions are lifted the only option Iran should only exercise/lobby for Chinese Aircrafts and enter into some joint venture of tech transfer for some home made design it is better to be sanction free, russians have proven to be unreliable partners.
This is sad .

May they rest in peace .

Since Iran is heavily investing in asymmetric warfare most of vintage aircrafts should be phased out, there is no point in training new young pilots on these aircrafts that are just easy targets of modern fighters...

My personal opinion is someday these sanctions are lifted the only option Iran should only exercise/lobby for Chinese Aircrafts and enter into some joint venture of tech transfer for some home made design it is better to be sanction free, russians have proven to be unreliable partners.

Iran is working on Qaher .

I don't think they buy any fighter jets .
This is sad .May they rest in peace .

Iran is working on Qaher. I don't think they buy any fighter jets .

What that stealth thing? Even if Iran manages to develop something like that it would prove to be expensive not many would be deployed.

Iran needs fairly modern Fighter Jets like J-10/FC-1/Mig-35...the F-5 derivatives are good for training new pilots but they lack in every department even from the point of view of point of defense interceptor sorry that is the reality.
All those F-1s/F-5/F-4/SU-25 are worth phasing out these Number of types in service is maintenance nightmare and that is reality Iran knows it.

By the way what Engine would power Qaher?
What that stealth thing? Even if Iran manages to develop something like that it would prove to be expensive not many would be deployed.

Iran needs fairly modern Fighter Jets like J-10/FC-1/Mig-35...the F-5 derivatives are good for training new pilots but they lack in every department even from the point of view of point of defense interceptor sorry that is the reality.
All those F-1s/F-5/F-4/SU-25 are worth phasing out these Number of types in service is maintenance nightmare and that is reality Iran knows it.

By the way what Engine would power Qaher?

Not much info is out yet .

But the reality is that , No one will sell good and capable fighters to Iran for sake of Israel + Arab states in region even if Iran - US relation gets incredibly better .

Iran's politics is not clear to anyone , These reformists might go in next 6-7 years or even next election and someone like Ahmadinejad might take power . So , You see ? Its risky for the west to let Iran have a powerful Air force in region .

The other reality is that , Even if eastern powers sell weapon to Iran , They won't be worthy or capable like the sad story of Russian Mig 29s . You need to consider the fact that Iran is not crazy to waste too much money on some downgraded Russian fighters , Leave Chinese fighters aside .

The only chance is working on Qaher .

I've heard the engine might be Sukhoi's reverse engineered one but nothing has been confirmed yet .
Screw the regime too okay? I don't give a crap man. You are just talking like you know what the cause of this incident is and quickly made it political. It may or may not have been because of sanctions, nobody knows YET. Now go on and give us an expert brief about the actual cause of this incident. I didn't mean just say RIP and leave, I asked just don't start a political fight when it's not clear what has actually happened.

If it was only because of maintenance or spare parts, we wouldn't see jets crashing in U.S, Europe or Russia every year. it doesn't matter anyway, you are free to say anything you want.
Keep apologizing for IR.

I'm making it political b/c IT IS POLITICAL. Iran is a theocratic dictatorship. Everything is political. Going to the grocery store is a ritual (having to dress up to go 5 meters outside of your home).

So again, it is political b/c your glorious leaders have made it so. What, you don't want me to mention IR even though they are DIRECTLY responsible for this incident? You think that's logical?

Again, jets crash in the US, sure, but the number of aircraft flying in the North American continent is 10000000000 times the number of aircraft operating in Iran. Of course they're gonna have issues when they operate a billion times more aircraft. The sad thing is, even in absolute numbers, they still have less incidents! Per capita wise, they destroy you.

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