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F-16 program not stopped: US Embassy


Dec 15, 2010
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ISLAMABAD: The US Embassy has confirmed that the F-16 program with Pakistan has not been stopped. The embassy says reports in the media about the stoppage of the program are not accurate.

According to a US Embassy statement, the planned delivery of the last “new-buy” F-16 purchased by Pakistan is scheduled to arrive from the United States in late January, 2012.

Several other F-16s purchased by Pakistan from the United States are undergoing mid-life upgrades and will arrive in Pakistan beginning in late January.
Deliveries will continue throughout this year and next.
F-16 program not stopped: US Embassy

ISLAMABAD: The US Embassy has confirmed that the F-16 program with Pakistan has not been stopped. The embassy says reports in the media about the stoppage of the program are not accurate.

According to a US Embassy statement, the planned delivery of the last “new-buy” F-16 purchased by Pakistan is scheduled to arrive from the United States in late January, 2012.

Several other F-16s purchased by Pakistan from the United States are undergoing mid-life upgrades and will arrive in Pakistan beginning in late January.
Deliveries will continue throughout this year and next.

F-16 program not stopped: US Embassy
Does that mean we have bought another tranche of 18 F-16 Block 52+ ?
No these are just the old ones sent to US for mid-life upgrades to the level of block C-40/42.......

The article is talking about new F-16s.
The MLU work is being done in Turkey
No these are just the old ones sent to US for mid-life upgrades to the level of block C-40/42.......

According to a US Embassy statement, the planned delivery of the last “new-buy” F-16 purchased by Pakistan is scheduled to arrive from the United States in late January, 2012.

Several other F-16s purchased by Pakistan from the United States are undergoing mid-life upgrades and will arrive in Pakistan beginning in late January.

read the 2 paragraphs !
4 old F-16s are in USA for MLU.
6 are in Turkey.
Pakistan asked USA to return 4 more old f-16, out 28 embargoed in 90s. Probably the same are for MLU there.

BUT there is no new deal of any new Block-52.
Yar yhis one is the last one in US for some test and it will be in Pakistan by the end of this month And this was the last blk -52+ and the mlu one'S will be coming home soon from US and turkey Nd all old falcons will be mlued by 2014.

we need those apg-80 on our f-16.

do it quickly or we wont open the supply lines

Got it :X
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