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Eye Opener | An Indian-American Visits Pakistan.


Kkkk.... Just explain why I dont look like your typical dalit/south Indian/dravidian being a dalit chamar from Uttar Pradesh .:hitwall::hitwall:
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Again it seem Indians keep ignoring facial features and instead only concentrate on skin tone. This pic of Pak punjabis clearly is different then Indians.


And here look Pashtuns,


There will be Indians with that skin tone but will not look like them. Just like blacks look different then Indians with dark skin.


Kkkk.... Just explain why I dont look like your typical dalit/south Indian/dravidian being a dalit chamar from Uttar Pradesh .:hitwall::hitwall:

You mean UP? Well in kid foto you look like average non-punjabi kid. Grown up pic will be better to judge further. UP dalits have very high ASI, so even if by some miracle you looked like South Euro, it will be exception.
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You are going by words, I wrote nothing inaccurate in my previous comment.

Your claims had lots of loopholes , first of all you failed to answer why low caste Hindus ended up having a high percentage of ANI, it not just 2-3% of ANI in low caste Hindus. Second loopholes you forget to take consideration of later Indo-European immigrants in Indian subcontinent like Greeks, Scythians, Parthians, Kushans etc. who increased the percentage of ANI among the people of North India, since they never arrived in Vedic period. While the same genetic studies say endogamous caste system can only be traced to 1900 yrs ago. You made a inaccurate analysis out of your deep Hinduphobia. :wacko::wacko:

First of all many waves of ANI come, ANI can be anything which isn't Ancestral south Indian. Aryans weren't the only ANI people who mixed with natives. Also many Indians have mongloid genes on top of ASI.

Again it seem Indians keep ignoring facial features and instead only concentrate on skin tone. This pic of Pak punjabis clearly is different then Indians.


And here look Pashtuns,


There will be Indians with that skin tone but will not look like them. Just like blacks look different then Indians with dark skin.

I know what are you trying to prove by posting pictures of Punjabi with Pashtuns but you already know the reality
. :omghaha:
I know what are you trying to prove by posting pictures of Punjabi with Pashtuns but you already know the reality
. :omghaha:

I trying to prove how dumb you guys are by posting pictures of dark brown average Pakistani people on street. There is clear difference between pashtuns and punjabis even in that picture. You guys are blind, being austrolid hybrids i cant blame you. Get this in to your head, no matter how many fair creams you guys use, will still have round face and aurtroloid features.
First of all many waves of ANI come, ANI can be anything which isn't Ancestral south Indian. Aryans weren't the only ANI people who mixed with natives. Also many Indians have mongloid genes on top of ASI.

I saw the origin of many low caste Hindus from mixing of ANI and ASI it goes back to 3000-3500 years ago. Now you are telling me another inaccurate stuffs. Moreover Rajputs and Jats are said to have originated from Scythians and Gujjar said to have originated from Kushans by intermarriage leading to much higher ANI in these groups. Scythians and Kushans didn't arrive during Vedic period.

Again it seem Indians keep ignoring facial features and instead only concentrate on skin tone. This pic of Pak punjabis clearly is different then Indians.


And here look Pashtuns,


I have got sharper features than those pashtuns. Look at his gigantic nose . He looks neanderthal . And pashtuns only make 15 % of pak population and they are iranic while we are indic

You mean UP? Well in kid foto you look like average non-punjabi kid. Grown up pic will be better to judge further. UP dalits have very high ASI, so even if by some miracle you looked like South Euro, it will be exception.

Now you are speaking out of your arse ! You don't know anything ! In my native village(only chamars live there) near budayun , UP , almost all the people look like me . And I look way more caucasian and ANI than average punjabi . So there are many in budayun district itself that look like me .

Grown up pic will be better to judge further

So you say I miraculously look like dark australoid now
I trying to prove how dumb you guys are by posting pictures of dark brown average Pakistani people on street. There is clear difference between pashtuns and punjabis even in that picture. You guys are blind, being austrolid hybrids i cant blame you. Get this in to your head, no matter how many fair creams you guys use, will still have round face and aurtroloid features.

Those Pashtuns look sun-tanned instead of natural skin color of your Punjabi people.
I have got sharper features than those pashtuns. Look at his gigantic nose . He looks neanderthal . And pashtuns only make 15 % of pak population and they are iranic while I am indic

Now you are speaking out of your arse ! You don't know anything ! In my native village(only chamars live there) near budayun , UP , almost all the people look like me . And I look way more caucasian and ANI than average punjabi . So there are many in budayun district only that look like me .

So you say I miraculously look like dark australoid now

No offence but sharp features and Indian especially dalit doesn't go hand in hand. Indian dalits have 70+% ASI and rest if mongloids and some ANI. And look at noses which are behind him, anyway he still look better then 99% of Indians. Hell your bollywood industry is dominated by Khatri punjabi who migrated from Pakistan and Afghan-pashtuns. And one just have to see other Indian movies to get real picture of average Indian.

I like South Indian movies, any average looking Indian get chance there.
Those Pashtuns look sun-tanned instead of natural skin color of your Punjabi people.

These punjabis are clearly in village and got tanned by working in field, they have light brown skin if not for sun. And pashtuns are fair skin on average if not tanned. Indian obession with skin colour is amazing, while they ignore facial features which actually make difference. Do they look north euros to you?

No offence but sharp features and Indian especially dalit doesn't go hand in hand. Indian dalits have 70+% ASI and rest if mongloids and some ANI. And look at noses which are behind him, anyway he still look better then 99% of Indians. Hell your bollywood industry is dominated by Khatri punjabi who migrated from Pakistan and Afghan-pashtuns. And one just have to see other Indian movies to get real picture of average Indian.

I like South Indian movies, any average looking Indian get chance there.

Post you pic now ! Maybe you are one of these dark punjabis monkeying around that you got offended and started spouting bs .:omghaha: Let's see if you look like a khatri/afghan .


Now whenever you start with your ani-asi bs , I will quote my pic :cool:
@MohitV Bhai sincere advice , Don't post personal pics of those people as they can be misused .:)
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For ANI-ASI you will have to do genetic tests, both girls are pretty. Stop posting pictures of 1-2 people.

ForumBiodiversity.com » Anthropology Biodiversity Forum (ABF)

Go there to read more about differences and see proper pictures instead of picking and chosing, but it seem at the moment the site is down.

Lets share webcam if you dont want to post your picture. :cheers:

dude m not picking and posting....i live among these people as i am one of them and divya is my gf for godzzsake.....m jus saying that.. no...not everyone in india is australoid.......by the way...can we find out from which country/region our ancestors migrated with the help of these genetic tests??
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