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Extreme Pakistan Bashing

Who let Javed Akhtar into Pakistan?

He openly says Pakistan is a terrorist state IN PAKISTAN...where is army?
Ali Zafar and the Lahori based liberals let him in.

According to him art is art and should not know any boundaries bla bla bla.

Lahori elite are beghairat honourless scum. In their desperate journey to immitate the white man's liberalism to feel they have inherent value, they degrade themselves to seem "progressive" and tolerate insults to their ethnicity and country from literal genocidal maniacs.
Impossible, as prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) told us about past nations getting annihilated because of lawlessness. Anyone who believes otherwise that the country can survive doubts the words of beloved prophet pbuh.
Pakistan is ripe for annihilation, lawlessness, corruption, nepotism and shirk is widespread. Pakistan is nothing special in the grand scheme of things no matter how nationalist or patriotistic you are.

If they refuse to ammend their ways, only one outcome awaits.
Ali Zafar and the Lahori based liberals let him in.

According to him art is art and should not know any boundaries bla bla bla.

Lahori elite are beghairat honourless scum. In their desperate journey to immitate the white man's liberalism to feel they have inherent value, they degrade themselves to seem "progressive" and tolerate insults to their ethnicity and country from literal genocidal maniacs.

Where is the army?

DGISPR did a whole PRESS CONFERENCE on Imran khan meanwhile a guy is calling Pakistan a terrorist supporting state and is getting 0 repercussions.

Even Pakistanis as a whole aren’t really protesting against this. If this happened in India, Indians would’ve caused a havoc. India bans Pakistani artists. Meanwhile Pakistanis are hosting Bollywood day in their universities.
I am happy for what PTI stands for (with some disagreements). They are the best party to lead Pakistan.

You are right.

But one sign of PTI losing a battle, or the deep state scoring, and people here just go on a Pakistan should be wiped off the map rampage.

Ye sahi nahi hai bhai.
Imran can't rule without deep state on board.. he realizes it..but he is giving the tease to see the stretch and political clout he can get out of it and at same time doesn't let his party people speak much on it Instead have them meet establishment regularly. To settle issues..a pretty similar strategy to that of Benazir... Benazir was more harsh on establishment..

When will the specific dumb pti supporters get that Imran can't rule without deep state on board.
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Where is the army?

DGISPR did a whole PRESS CONFERENCE on Imran khan meanwhile a guy is calling Pakistan a terrorist supporting state and is getting 0 repercussions.

Even Pakistanis as a whole aren’t really protesting against this. If this happened in India, Indians would’ve caused a havoc. India bans Pakistani artists. Meanwhile Pakistanis are hosting Bollywood day in their universities.
Don't need the army involved in every little thing, this is largely a social problem not a national security problem. Only a militarised state would respond with the army.

In any self-respecting nation it would be the people to respond in an appropriate manner. Perhaps certain laws could be used against him.

Anyway I don’t see it serious enough to get the army involved over a pajeet. And there was a significant response on social media regarding it.
Dont you see how establishment has alienated parts of Baluchistan and KPK? Did not you hear slogans against army after recent bomb blast in Peshawar?

None of them were PTI. They were KP police.

So please stop blaming PTI when you know exactly which forces use their ego and arrogance to create discord in Pakistan. It was the same people who broke the country up in 1971. If they were convicted then, Pakistan would not be where it is now.

Even now, with so much reaction from pro Pakistan voices, establishment is still standing with the convicts and thieves.

Those who learn from history ought not repeat it.

Imran can't rule without deep state on board.. he realizes it..but he is giving the tease to see the stretch and political clout he can get out of it and at same time doesn't let his party people speak much on it Instead have them meet establishment regularly. To settle issues..a pretty similar strategy to that of Benazir... Benazir was more harsh on establishment..

When will the specific dumb pti supporters get that Imran can't rule without deep state on board.

They cant rule without deep state, thats true. But deep state need to be put in limits. So far, its only deep state ruling the country. This is why we are in sh*thole after 75 years. While countries with much less resources who gained independence with us are far ahead of us.

Political parties might go, Army won’t.
Army seems to be pushing itself into a 71 type scenario in KPK, do you have any plans if such is to happen or are you banking on hoping it never does?

I don't think hope or luck is going to work here
Don't need the army involved in every little thing, this is largely a social problem not a national security problem. Only a militarised state would respond with the army.

In any self-respecting nation it would be the people to respond in an appropriate manner. Perhaps certain laws could be used against him.

Anyway I don’t see it serious enough to get the army involved over a pajeet. And there was a significant response on social media regarding it.

ISPR is a media wing of the army. He was alleging that the Mumbai attackers were roaming free in Pakistan. Wouldn't that elicit a statement? Especially after that entire press conference against Imran Khan, where even the DGISI was involved.

Social media doesn't equal real life. Indians would've done something in real life, Pakistanis didn't. That's the difference between the 2 groups.
ISPR is a media wing of the army. He was alleging that the Mumbai attackers were roaming free in Pakistan. Wouldn't that elicit a statement? Especially after that entire press conference against Imran Khan, where even the DGISI was involved.

Social media doesn't equal real life. Indians would've done something in real life, Pakistanis didn't. That's the difference between the 2 groups.
No need to give such attention to some random guy sitting at a function in Lahore. Most people don't know, don't care or will forget in a week's time. Unnecessary attention will help the dude.

And Indians would've not done anything in real life... they would have done some fake Twitter boycott trend.

The room was full of liberal cucks, I really wasn't expecting anyone to do anything. If it was a religious crowd they would have definitely done something.
Lately, I’ve been seeing alot of threads derailed on the count of bashing Pakistan.

Comments like Pakistan balkanized, out of the map, should be nuked, is speaking the language of Pakistan’s enemies.

I have to say, sadly, in majority of the cases, pro PTI boys are the cause of this mayhem.

This trend needs to stop and mods please DYJ.

Lol... The Army establishment themselves are in bed with Hussain Haqqani... Do you deny this?... Why the hell should we care if the entire establishment is corrupt and Treasonous??.... What are we? Suckers?

Impossible, as prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) told us about past nations getting annihilated because of lawlessness. Anyone who believes otherwise that the country can survive doubts the words of beloved prophet pbuh.

Exactly... People like to put a corrupt failed state before the Prophet. That is why we are in this position....

Normalization of corruption. That's the Curse.
The Army establishment themselves are in bed with Hussain Haqqani... Do you deny this?..
No proof

Army seems to be pushing itself into a 71 type scenario in KPK, do you have any plans if such is to happen or are you banking on hoping it never does?

I don't think hope or luck is going to work here
You will be the happiest man if pashtuns separate..wouldn't you be.
i wouldn't count china out just yet, it likely still sees use in pakistan for its personal interests, given Gwadars strategicness. An independent Balochistan would be a bad thing for Asia, it threatens Irans region, it makes things difficult for China.

plus today pakistan is a nuclear power unlike those times. lets say a civil war was to start and afghanistan decides to support it, GHQ if it wants could level entire villages and areas. India likely wont even get involved as they'll cut deals in the backdrop, and also it risks nuclear retaliation. Iran won't either.

don't think its that easy to win civil wars especially in todays time, with enough to offer, you will find allies. and the destruction would be immense if turns to that.

i also can smell the coffee, but in tough times tough measures cause u to extreme stuff, trade extreme things.
For decades you've sold the geography of your own country. Like some prostitute. Always failed to try and invest in and develop your human resource. Indians/Bangladesh surpassed us. Now their youth is making bank sitting at home. While in Pakistan you fouji boot damaghs are actively looking for excuses to ban internet and technology just because Bajwa has a tantrum over a tweet by some FSc/O level student.

You're gonna have to take the youth back to stone age just to control them. And looks like you're busy doing just that.
Impossible, as prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) told us about past nations getting annihilated because of lawlessness. Anyone who believes otherwise that the country can survive doubts the words of beloved prophet pbuh.
The generals sit in lavish halls. Sip fine aged spirits. And quote Quaid e Azam No force on Earth can undo Pakistan and Ghazwa e Hind non sense. Meanwhile Allah in Quran explicitly says otherwise how rebellious nations were destroyed.
No its not the mission if state is what we see . Country is not holy . A country can be changed devided and even abolished .people are matters not the country
Life of people will get worse after becoming srilanka nepal bhutan .....state being divided and abolished means any hope of having a balance of power in the region will diminish..with western provinces seeing mass afghan demographic influx and Eastern provinces seeing extreme economic projection. enslaving it like Bangladesh of today.. I'm sure you would love to be the gold digger second wife who can sell her respect for an umbrella. .. that will open doors to greater cultural exchanges for reaping small economic benefits which will make your future generations a Charba of Shahrukh khan and abdula abdula who will bloat about their gdp for which they would show up at Pooja paat to get blessing of the politicians. your relatiively better HDI you will make you lose the cultural and religious values and eventually your generations will assimilate and disappear. A revenge pending for 1000 years..
I personally would prefer to die as poor villager with some honor than a slave of an outsider .with few trinkets..not sure about you
They cant rule without deep state, thats true. But deep state need to be put in limits. So far, its only deep state ruling the country. This is why we are in sh*thole after 75 years. While countries with much less resources who gained independence with us are far ahead of us.
You want army to be turned into punjab police?
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