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Extreme Pakistan Bashing

Yes blame it all on pti for progressive Pakistan.
at least use some better words, what progress did PTI brought to Pakistan, I don't support any political party, I am just curious and please provide concrete facts comparing with other political parties. Thank you
Bashing the Pakistani army for treason isn't equal to bashing the Pakistani state. The Pakistani army is guilty for overthrowing a functioning government.

I often ask the question if the Pakistani army would overthrow PDM for mismanaging the economy. The Pakistani army has failed and destroyed Pakistan for generations.
Yea let’s all celebrate for what a great nation with great judges, politicians, military leadership we have…any country would be lucky to be us right now!

Been taught this lesson our entire lives, never criticize the nation and it’s handlers, esp army leadership. What an amazing crossroads we are at today…

Part of the bashing is to instill some shame in the locals to actually move a muscle. The overseas that have secured a place permanently would never even dream of returning and helping these mindless zombies.

But def don’t bash the nation that prides itself on being a Nuclear power yet unable to get its shit straight since birth…

Literally Fck your feelings

Now you have another "proof" other than your bollywood obsessed social circle in support of your arguments

He literally called Pakistan a terrorist supporting state IN PAKISTAN and no one did anything about it 😭😭

kaya kar diyo ho bhai...

Anyway, can Pakistan remain intact in such conditions?

Abdul Rehman Khetran is a brutal sardar who keeps people hostage in private jails.

Akbar Bugti used to do the same crap.

Why are these sardars supported by the establishment?

Pakistani army hegemony would be a good thing if they weren't old and careless incompetent boomers.

The stories you hear of the establishment and how they operate, they are severely incompetent and hegemony by such a group is harmful. Not to mention the corruption and obsession with living excessively luxurious lives.

If they acted more intelligently, more competently, for national interest, we would have been a powerful country today. They have pushed out very intelligent and capable minds due to their own superiority complex built on falsehoods.

The issue is not that they are incompetent, which they are, but because there is no way out of the hegemony.

The jail is almost entirely mine forged, and Pakistanis shall never rise out of it, simply because the nation isn't willing to sacrifice things for a better future.

Look at Iran, they burnt their nation over something as small as Hijabs. Pakistanis are subdued underneath decades of slavery, unable to rise. And we do absolutely NOTHING
Smooth promotion and don't forget, fruitful retirement. Can you blame them? Amreeki Visay ki apni hi chamak he, bhai.
Visa aside, Pakistanio main khuda bany ka keera hy. They will do whatever it take to one up on fellow Pakistanis. Money, visa corruption whatever it takes to be called “izat dar”. “Sahib G”.
All of this could have been avoided if the army system for promotion and evaluation was actually functioning. What we're seeing it seems like office politics and cronyism a la Punjab Police has already seeped into the Army.

Thus a totally bonga, duffer, bewakoof banda like Bajwa became chief. You should've seen his video meeting with Tayyib Erdogan. He looked like a nervous school child or a nervous bride going to sohag raat or something. It was one of the rare videos with audio that surfaced and probably buried deep on this forum somewhere. Whoever said "maathey par paseena aur tangein kaanp rai thi" was probably right.

Now even the veterans and his coursemates are saying he was known as Bonga Baghlool in PMA.

If I put on my Machiavellian hat. The situation can be fixed by throwing Bajwa and some of his cronies under the bus. By providing the public with few heads rolled.

But the military is hell bent on starting some new geo-steategic adventurism with daddy Amreeka. Essentially repeating the Musharraf debacle. It took us about 1.5 decade to recover from that. Now they want to drag us to the qasai(butcher) like how a bakra is dragged by the ear on Eid Qurban.

If you think you'll get some dollars like that then you're seriously deluded. I mean you couldn't even get taxes from every NATO truck passing through and missed out on Billions $$$.

Penny wise. Dollar shy.

But when someone talks about actually making a functional exporting economy the boot damagh has Windows error. One time I mentioned how India is exporting rickshaws to Africa, Middle East and countries like Iraq and Lebanon even for crying out loud. The boots on this forum had the usual oohhh we don't have need, ohhh we are too superior to export to them, ohhh PAF doesn't need this, ooohhh the FN SCAR wasn't good enough BS arguments.

And same fouji boot damaghs in March/April 2022 was openly saying F You overseas Pakistanis we don't need your money. On this very forum. Months later their bonga chief and they themselves were crying for money from overseas Pakistanis.

In bewakoofo, bongon ko apna thooka hua hi chatna parta hai. Again and again and again. They forget a force much bigger than them is running the universe and he imposes the haq on batil and the haq bashes the brains out of the batil.
Spot on
Pakistanis are most likely going through the same shit what East Pakistanis encountered more than 5 decades back. Fortunately, this side of Pakistan was imbecile and sterile (in terms of producing and showing strength against lawlessness) in 1971 as it is now. What you see on social media doesn't bother anyone except, it hurts a few individuals' egos.
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