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Exposed: How Al-Houthi brainwashes children, blesses targeting civilians

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Heard of various aid groups ? I am a volunteer on many missions by various charity groups - Darfur, Yemen to name a few.
With the anti-Muslim BS you spew all day long, no chance in hell.
With the anti-Muslim BS you spew all day long, no chance in hell.
Cheers.... If I was anti-moslem, I would not be working closely with imams and best friends who are moslems and choosing to go where my help was needed. Unfortunately, I regretfully have seen so much moslem inflicting war on fellow moslem - common thread KSA inflicted or supported.

I ask you to join in one of the aid missions you will see and serve humanity - Look up MSF or Red Cresent and join in. If you have mil background with first aid trauma handing experiences in long missions with multiple language skills, they are desperately looking. Join us and you will see what i am saying is correct and if that does not change you as a person, nothing will. I have seen satan walk this earth as a human being.

For your info, it was my late dearest friend - Imam Jamal who convinced me to do this work; he went in to Rwanda at the height of genocide and to Bosnia with aid conveys.

Wasting my time writing as you will never understand; never will; your judgement is clouded by wealth and arrogance to even understand the plight of civilians. Please go and help the poor and needy by being with them; walk the path which Jamal laid for me and some of my friends on these missions- even the most strongest of heart will break. I cannot and will not post photos from these missions.

Cheers... come to my farm - located 20km out of Zeerust - Look for the Mampoer sign. Take a right on the dirt road and 15km in is my place. Welcome any time.
Cheers.... If I was anti-moslem, I would not be working closely with imams and best friends who are moslems and choosing to go where my help was needed. Unfortunately, I regretfully have seen so much moslem inflicting war on fellow moslem - common thread KSA inflicted or supported.

I ask you to join in one of the aid missions you will see and serve humanity - Look up MSF or Red Cresent and join in. If you have mil background with first aid trauma handing experiences in long missions with multiple language skills, they are desperately looking. Join us and you will see what i am saying is correct and if that does not change you as a person, nothing will. I have seen satan walk this earth as a human being.

For your info, it was my late dearest friend - Imam Jamal who convinced me to do this work; he went in to Rwanda at the height of genocide and to Bosnia with aid conveys.

Wasting my time writing as you will never understand; never will; your judgement is clouded by wealth and arrogance to even understand the plight of civilians. Please go and help the poor and needy by being with them; walk the path which Jamal laid for me and some of my friends on these missions- even the most strongest of heart will break. I cannot and will not post photos from these missions.

Cheers... come to my farm - located 20km out of Zeerust - Look for the Mampoer sign. Take a right on the dirt road and 15km in is my place. Welcome any time.

You are full of crap, these are you screenshots that prove it.

Insulting Pakistani Army

Insulting ISPR Gen Asif Ghafoor


Now run along and dont quote me again, I dont have time to waste with a disgusting vile creature like you.
Whatever the arabs/iranians do should stay out of Pakistan.

Either they both evolve and work for the betterment of humanity or just die out fighting each other. We have no concern with them. They should keep their proxy wars and infighting to themselves.
I was in Yemen to help and I saw the pain and suffering these KSA bombing had done. If you were there, your heart would break to see the pain and suffering of kids and their mothers. Hence my reaction; it is not to the people of KSA but the rulers.

You should have been to other parts of Yemen and Syria to witness all the suffering there too, understand the conflict instead of blaming one side and using unnecessary profanities.

Any suffering is deplorable, be it the Hothies of Yemen or their Sunni countrymen or Syrians, irrespective of religion, who have been mauled in the conflict for their belief and equally so those who have been presented for slaughter to fulfill a regime's expansionist agenda.

I think i should expand a bit on my earlier post...

The core reason for all the fighting in the region and Iran's pivotal role in escalating it is to fortify the position of its allys and proxies in the region against arch rival Saudis:

This is an undeniable fact that Iranian religious clergy feels that it should be them - their fellow clergymen - who should be the custodian of Islams most Holy sites in KaabatUllah and Al-Masjid-Al-Nabwi (in Saudi Arabia). This deep seated desire is what the Saudis call the pipe dreams and equally so the Iranians call the Saudi desire to destroy Iranian clergy the same.

In 2004, King Abdullah of Jordan warned about the emergence of an ideological Shiite crescent from Beirut to the Persian Gulf. That crescent has indeed emerged stained in the blood of the innocent.

Iranians have been relatively successful in their recent campaign because they have changed their tactics.

After Iran Iraq war, the Iranian Clergy changed the way it wages war on its enemies after suffering heavy losses.

The new strategy emerged inspired by the success of Mujahideen against Soviets and more recently the Taliban against the military might of the West in neighbouring Afghanistan.

What began in the 70s and 80s as local movements is now expanding its influence. The Iranian regime is using proxies, training and arming militias and using them as pawns in its war against Saudi influence in the larger region, all the while keeping itself and the general Iranian population away from harms way.

No longer is the life of ordinary Iranian citizens on the line while scores of Shiite (and Sunni) die in other parts of the region fighting for the expansionist agenda of the Iranian clergy.


No wonder the new rulers of Saudi Arabia have changed their strategy too. The Saudis have no other option but to counter Iran and find themselves forced to take proactive actions in Syria and even waging an all out war in Yemen. Such a War driven by religious hate and fervour is brutal, savage and their is no real space for mercy on either side @denel

The question is why would the Iranian regime stop now that it has tasted relative success?

The answer lies in what we see happening from the Saudis, raising the stakes higher to such an extent that it either defeats the Iranian influence or forces and brings Iranian regime to the table and negotiate peace.

Untill that happens or the Iranian leadership has a change of heart to suddenly abandon their expansionist agenda, i don't see any peace in the region.

Therefore i wrote the following:
For any peaceful solution to succeed, both Saudia and Iran need to stop military actions. Iran has to agree to stop it's massive efforts to try and encircle Saudi Arabia in a Shiite crescent and the Saudis need to de escalate their massive counter military efforts to thwart Iran's increasing armed influence in neighboring countries.

Untill the above happens, there is no chance for any peace ever and the fate of the people would be in left in the hands of extremist mercenaries like the one @Khafee 's OP is about Abdul-Malik Al-Houthi.
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By the way @Khafee , both of my earlier posts on this thread are my own opinions and have not been copy pasted from any other source except obviously the picture of the crescent from Pew RC.

What are your thoughts about what I inferred as the source of inspiration for the Iranian regime's tactics:
After Iran Iraq war, the Iranian Clergy changed the way it wages war on its enemies after suffering heavy losses.

The new strategy emerged inspired by the success of Mujahideen against Soviets and more recently the Taliban against the military might of the West in neighbouring Afghanistan.

No longer is the life of ordinary Iranian citizens on the line while scores of Shiite (and Sunni) die in other parts of the region fighting for the expansionist agenda of the Iranian clergy.
Iran, KSA Emirates are all part of the problem. I did not go to Syria because Halab is the city of my ancestors who left in 1920; this happened back then as well.

cheers.... shows you are arrogant as ever. never worked to help others have you.....

useless as expected.

Correct. the devastation first by KSA across the region is terrible enough, then to put fuel by Iran just has been terrible.
You really hate KSA..don't you?
What devastation are you talking about? When the whole Muslim world and the world at large praise KSA for its peace and stability efforts in the region and humanitarian aids all over the world..
Point taken. Thank you. It upsets me to see how these people keep getting away with pure murder of innocent and this forum shuts down any discussion on that. I was in Yemen to help and I saw the pain and suffering these KSA bombing had done. If you were there, your heart would break to see the pain and suffering of kids and their mothers. Hence my reaction; it is not to the people of KSA but the rulers.

Friend - not a curry muncher in DNA by a long shot. thank you.
There are always two sides to a conflict and it may come as news to u but no, no one party is ever innocent. You target Saudis for their bombing campaigns yet always fail to mention Iran who is sponsoring these groups in the backyard of the Saudis. For the Saudis it is a little too extreme and unprofessional reaction but that reaction is born out of a natural instinct for self preservation yet why do u forget the agressor here, the one importing and imposing its ideology in the M.E.
cheers.... shows you are arrogant as ever. never worked to help others have you.....

useless as expected.


After me plastering your true colors, piss poor comeback / deflection by you. @Dawood Ibrahim and a lot of other members know a little of what I have done in real life for people, but unlike you I wont blow my own trumpet.

Which ever way you deflect, the truth is these screenshots, that expose your anti-Pakistan agenda. Now post some more BS about you being a good human.

@Horus @WebMaster @Slav Defence @Irfan Baloch
@Xeric @Foxtrot Alpha @The Eagle @WAJsal @Dubious
How can anyone after speaking crap all day long, especially against the Pakistani Army be allowed on the forum, forget being a title holder?

Denel2.JPG Denel1.JPG
The issue can be discussed and resolved impeccably in Proper Section but not in open like this. In-case of disagreement in arguments, there is no need to disrespect anyone or any nation at all. Hope that conversation will get back to topic in hand on merit.

The title holders have more responsibility while discussing such strategical issues which needs proper insight, in depth analysis, credible sources & links for detailed discussion with quality contrary to our personal likes/dislikes in certain matters. Let's be exemplary for others.

Point taken. Thank you. It upsets me to see how these people keep getting away with pure murder of innocent and this forum shuts down any discussion on that. I was in Yemen to help and I saw the pain and suffering these KSA bombing had done. If you were there, your heart would break to see the pain and suffering of kids and their mothers. Hence my reaction; it is not to the people of KSA but the rulers.
I am from Pakistan where we had multiple bomb blasts in a day and yet I am not acting like a loose monkey on any issue! So kindly be civilised
After me plastering your true colors, piss poor comeback / deflection by you. @Dawood Ibrahim and a lot of other members know a little of what I have done in real life for people, but unlike you I wont blow my own trumpet.

Which ever way you deflect, the truth is these screenshots, that expose your anti-Pakistan agenda. Now post some more BS about you being a good human.

@Horus @WebMaster @Slav Defence @Irfan Baloch
@Xeric @Foxtrot Alpha @The Eagle @WAJsal @Dubious
How can anyone after speaking crap all day long, especially against the Pakistani Army be allowed on the forum, forget being a title holder?

View attachment 556099 View attachment 556100
Interesting. since when am I anti-Pakistan - amazing your command of understanding is astounding overall. well done. First I am indian (really), then etc etc etc and now Anti-Pak? You are going around in circles and not realising it - stop embarassing yourself.

I would not be on this forum to give my input @Umair Nawaz @MastanKhan; if I was anti-Pak - my work would not be speaking for itself that runs in the veins on PAF's Mirages or Raptor secure links; or in the G6s battlefield awareness that are in UAEs possession. My works speaks for itself.

Cheers. no further discussions any further. Mods. Thank you for giving me the bandwidth to reply.
Interesting. since when am I anti-Pakistan - amazing your command of understanding is astounding overall. well done. First I am indian (really), then etc etc etc and now Anti-Pak? You are going around in circles and not realising it - stop embarassing yourself.

I would not be on this forum to give my input @Umair Nawaz @MastanKhan; if I was anti-Pak - my work would not be speaking for itself that runs in the veins on PAF's Mirages or Raptor secure links; or in the G6s battlefield awareness that are in UAEs possession. My works speaks for itself.

Cheers. no further discussions any further. Mods. Thank you for giving me the bandwidth to reply.
IF you can read?
Denel1.JPG Denel2.JPG
After Iran Iraq war, the Iranian Clergy changed the way it wages war on its enemies after suffering heavy losses.
I disagree with this point
the Clergy has not shied away from sending the senior officers even up to generals who have died in their fight against Daesh & proxies of KSA & Israel/ USA etc in Iraq & Syria
Iranian clergy doesn't care about loosing people. the factual details I have from Iran Iraq conflict are very disturbing if one takes off the sectarian bigotry and sees it from human point of view.

Point taken. Thank you. It upsets me to see how these people keep getting away with pure murder of innocent and this forum shuts down any discussion on that. I was in Yemen to help and I saw the pain and suffering these KSA bombing had done. If you were there, your heart would break to see the pain and suffering of kids and their mothers. Hence my reaction; it is not to the people of KSA but the rulers.

don't criticize us over staying mum over KSA brutality. we are way low in the pecking order
our posters will switch to Iranian conspiracies etc.

look how Americans and British apologies and find excuses for KSA although both UK and USA dont face the debt problems, the unemployment, sectarian terror and power failure like we do. our PM has to drive these Arab sheikhs to get some pittance and in return we get some scraps and from the other hand slapped when our enemy is made guest of honor despite our protests,
if you need someone to convince the existence of God then look at Pakistan. how despite decades of bloody carnage somehow our armed and security forces are able to keep our nation together and away from civil war
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