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Exposed: How Al-Houthi brainwashes children, blesses targeting civilians

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If you are a Shiite your awaited RA won't be acceptable to rest, and if you are rest your awaited RA won't be acceptable to Shiite.
Calm down dude.

The jews, the christians and the muslims all believe in the coming of their awaited Messiah.
So you see, It's not about acceptability or convincing between just Sunni and Shia, it shall become inevitably obvious in the end times by the turn of events.

If you knew the meaning of pipe dream then you wouldn't be guessing if i am a shia or a sunni.

Believe whatever you want but Its not my fault if you forgot your meds or something, lol. If you don't believe in Sahih Hadith then say whatever floats your boat but don't jump into the water naked here, it is shameful.

Now let me answer your post by highlighting your own enlightening words:

Most of the Muslim world has no idea of the nature of this conflict,
They simply look at it as it is something that is happening in our times only.
Oil is a curse that turns warriors into incompetent lazy rears.

Get it? No?

Ok, So you think its about oil, lol, rather than a religiously driven struggle for the control of holy sites as mentioned by yours truly:
This is an undeniable fact that Iranian religious clergy feels that it should be them - their fellow clergymen - who should be the custodian of Islams most Holy sites in KaabatUllah and Al-Masjid-Al-Nabwi.

Again keeping in mind what you mentioned so wisely yourself:
They simply look at it as it is something that is happening in our times only.

...A reminder of the very wise words of your own for good measure :
Oil is a curse that turns warriors into incompetent lazy rears.

Need I say anything more...

I am as calm as I can be.

I thought (thought) you were intelligent but ...... well whatever. I can respond to your post and the personal jibes .... but the thing is now I consider it waste of time. The only effort I am putting in is for other readers.

So I was guessing your sect? I have no time nor any desire to guess that, I already know how many are there, plenty of mosques and turbans ...... personally I don't believe in any sect and I don't think any of them is what Islam is. Keep believing a white bearded dude is hiding in a cave just waiting for a white winged horse ....... he will come to your rescue. Keep believing like Jews and Christians who are known to have changed their divine books and messages. By the way its strange how these sectarian Muslims hate these Jews and Christians but find refuge in finding basis for their fairy tales in fiction created by the same Jews and Christians.

And the oil reference in my post wasn't being "about oil", it is my disgust and sorrow for how Muslims from Arab and Hijaz who once had been the beacon of enlightenment and justice for humanity have adopted a lavish lifestyle and forgotten what their forefathers were ....

Keep believing that white bearded dude. He will come to your rescue.
The truth of the matter is that this is all the doing of the extremist iranian regime. ''A legitimate terrorist nation''
First you post this:
If you are a Shiite your awaited...if you are the rest...
Then you have the audacity to respond with this:
So I was guessing your sect? I have no time nor any desire to guess that

Moving along to another contradiction:
because of this and the million fake stories introduced in books of traditions for both Sunni and Shiite.
I don't think any of them is what Islam is.
I sure hope you are just saying that in your misplaced anger and I'm sure you believe in Hadiths, at least some that teach the details of how to actually perform e.g. Salah/Namaz as it is the basic fundamental of Islam and mentioned in the Quran but not the actual way in which to perform it, that's only in Sahih hadith like many other fundamentals of Islam like a Masnoon burial. I hope you caught the drift ;) of your earlier stinky mistake of calling hadiths as mere stories.

As for the rest of your post my dear, like the following lines:
Keep believing that white bearded dude. He will come to your rescue.

My response to the rest, with out any hard feelings towards yourself, is that I'll again have to refer to your own wise words::
. I can respond to your post and the personal jibes...but the thing is now I consider it waste of time.

Indeed, Good day :enjoy: and hopefully an end to getting away from topic.
Then you have the audacity to respond with this:

So when I say you ...... you as in your individual capacity think that I am referring to you? This you included me as well. You as in Muslims.

I sure hope you are just saying that in your misplaced anger and I'm sure you believe in Hadiths, at least some that teach the details of how to actually perform e.g. Salah/Namaz as it is the basic fundamental of Islam and mentioned in the Quran but not the actual way in which to perform it, that's only in Sahih hadith like many other fundamentals of Islam like a Masnoon burial. I hope you caught the drift ;) of your earlier stinky mistake of calling hadiths as mere stories.

You have no idea dear. Seriously you have no idea. The day reality dawns upon and I hope it soon does, you may be left thinking how your previous years have been wasted believing something that was never part of Islam. This namaz argument of yours is the weakest (please), namaz isn't even an Arabic word, plus if you would spare sometime and do some research you would know Islam is more than rituals, and this particular ritual of how to do physical symbolic submission in front of ALLAH is pretty much explained in Quran. And by the way the Zoroastrians have the same exact timings of their daily five time prayers (internet is your friend its available check it for yourself), the Shab e Barat is a Persian invention. The story of namaz kaisay aur kab faraz hui is very much concocted by some jew in collaboration with a Persian, no Muslim in his right mind and belief would ever be willing to accept that Muhammad Peace be upon him didn't know and Moosa Peace be upon him had to tell him and then Muhammad would go to ALLAH again and again telling (نَعُوْذُبِالله) ALLAH to change an already given instruction / order (I hope you could at least get the drift of what it actually means). Plus the word Ameen that formed further division amongst Muslims (oncha bolo, ahista bolo, na bolo) is not even once mentioned in Quran.

The topic is simple ..... conflict between sectarian Muslims, the reasons are in front of us. You can chose to ignore.
What people fail to understand is, the external support provide to Houthis to destabilize Yemen, is an indirect attack on the Holy cities. IF Yemen falls, next are the Holy cities, these hypocrites have already launched missiles at Makkah Mukkarama.

Anyone who feels it's about oil /land is seriously mistaken. It is all about Islam.

As to the rhetoric stating that the coalition is loosing the war, they have yet to answer / prove why the Houthis are loosing ground everyday.

@The SC @Wilhelm II @Tps43 @Signalian @Tps43

@Shane @I.R.A @Maarkhoor @Mangus Ortus Novem @MastanKhan
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What people fail to understand is, the external support provide to Houthis to destabilize Yemen, is an indirect attack on the Holy cities. IF Yemen falls, next are the Holy cities, these hypocrites have already launched missiles at Makkah Mukkarama.

Anyone who feels it's about oil /land is seriously mistaken. It is all about Islam.

As to the rhetoric stating that the coalition is loosing the war, it yet to answer / prove why the Houthis are loosing ground everyday.

@The SC @Wilhelm II @Tps43 @Signalian @Tps43

@Shane @I.R.A @Maarkhoor @Mangus Ortus Novem @MastanKhan
People always forget and forget that's media force to change right to lie let them say bla bla bla important is our growing

What people fail to understand is, the external support provide to Houthis to destabilize Yemen, is an indirect attack on the Holy cities. IF Yemen falls, next are the Holy cities, these hypocrites have already launched missiles at Makkah Mukkarama.

Anyone who feels it's about oil /land is seriously mistaken. It is all about Islam.

As to the rhetoric stating that the coalition is loosing the war, it yet to answer / prove why the Houthis are loosing ground everyday.

@The SC @Wilhelm II @Tps43 @Signalian @Tps43

@Shane @I.R.A @Maarkhoor @Mangus Ortus Novem @MastanKhan
But we should not forget that qasim soleymani say The way of Quds passes from Mecca they want to occupy holy shrines but that is a pink dream
What people fail to understand is, the external support provide to Houthis to destabilize Yemen, is an indirect attack on the Holy cities. IF Yemen falls, next are the Holy cities, these hypocrites have already launched missiles at Makkah Mukkarama.

Anyone who feels it's about oil /land is seriously mistaken. It is all about Islam.

As to the rhetoric stating that the coalition is loosing the war, it yet to answer / prove why the Houthis are loosing ground everyday.

@The SC @Wilhelm II @Tps43 @Signalian @Tps43

@Shane @I.R.A @Maarkhoor @Mangus Ortus Novem @MastanKhan
If I say something a sectarian will delete my post so I am keeping my mouth close
What people fail to understand is, the external support provide to Houthis to destabilize Yemen, is an indirect attack on the Holy cities. IF Yemen falls, next are the Holy cities, these hypocrites have already launched missiles at Makkah Mukkarama.

Anyone who feels it's about oil /land is seriously mistaken. It is all about Islam.

As to the rhetoric stating that the coalition is loosing the war, they have yet to answer / prove why the Houthis are loosing ground everyday.

@The SC @Wilhelm II @Tps43 @Signalian @Tps43

@Shane @I.R.A @Maarkhoor @Mangus Ortus Novem @MastanKhan
Iran's revolution is seemingly all about helping poor and oppressed people.. but the government is taking the wrong measures to help these people.. helping them get a better education will set them free from poverty _the mother of all trouble_, instead of giving them weapons and keeping them dwelling in ignorance..
Anyone who feels it's about oil /land is seriously mistaken. It is all about Islam.

@Shane @I.R.A I think you two Gentlemen have put both your POV's forward, and now need to: "agree, to disagree" and move on.

It's a bright sunny day, and the Rhinos are roaring ;)

I will try remaining silent ....... (that would be dishonest, but anyways I understand insecure Pakistanis are not ready to stop defending the liars and corrupts who created all this). Its not current, its historic.
Al-Houthi is from the same mold as Osama bin Laden, Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah, Iranian militia strongman Qassim Soleimani and Daesh leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, analysts told Arab News.

Oh Really?
Osama Bin Laden or Tim Osman, the story of ISI Collocation with CIA along-with SAUDI MONEY to train & wage JIHAD against Russia (Soviet Union) is crystal clear!

Daesh/ISIS is 100% SUNNI Organization and follows WAHABI SAUDI teachings. Also in Syria & Iraq, Saudi Arabi DID more damage & killings of innocent peoples, minorities than Shia's or Iran.

Al Qaeda in Arabian Peninsula, Al Qaeda in Iraq & Syria are completely supported by Saudi Wahabis. And please open up your Saudi Wahabi mouth about Saudi Atrocities in Yemen, Al Qaeda in Yemen, and Sudan's mercenaries in Yemen, actively killing innocent peoples.
I know,its grimly hilarious.:wacko::rofl:
Its pretty much the :cuckoo:insane:cuckoo: equivalent of trying to claim that theres no difference between himmler and the ss and eisenhower and the us army.
Still what do you really expect from :butcher:arabnews.com:butcher:,its basically the :ph34r:wahabist/gulfie:ph34r: equivalent of fox or even 70s era soviet pravda:coffee:,except of course unlike pravda you cant even use it for toilet paper[lol!]:sarcastic:
not to forget if you now protest against the donkey Salman, you get the neck chopped off under disguise of promoting terror? Really. Since when is protesting about inequality and justice being equated to terror.

Saudis - Salman the donkey and his entire croonies are terrorists who have sponsored others across the region. the world keeps quiet and the attrocities within continue unabated.

Well done so called Custodians of the Holy Mosques. If this is what qualifies, then i am living in a hell.
Watch your words please
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