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Export bids for JF-17 Thunder Multirole Lightweight Fighter Aircraft

It was in news long time ago at least 4/5 years China is no longer middle man and Pac /pak importing Rd directly from russsia

Your info is way out of Date

There was a news article some time ago from Russia that Klimov RD-93MA contract is China origin. We might be getting direct deliveries but the contracts might be handled by a third party in China. See nothing wrong here, middlemen often involved in procurements to avoid complications or speed things up.

There was a news article some time ago from Russia that Klimov RD-93MA contract is China origin. We might be getting direct deliveries but the contracts might be handled by a third party in China. See nothing wrong here, middlemen often involved in procurements to avoid complications or speed things up.

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Russian can excuse themselves for supplying weapon parts to PAF thru such arrangement.
Unofficial reports of Azerbaijan ordering 36 JF-17s. Let's wait and see.

Hearing a lot of chatter on this. Can someone confirm? I am also hearing emergency supply of warplane request before they hit mountains area of NK for heavy precision bombings.
Azerbaijan can't afford buy manned planes due to low oil price. Their economy is in depression. Unlike Russia which has a somewhat diverse economy, Azerbaijan does not.
Russia doesn't sell to Pakistan directly. The orders for RD-93s are made by China and delivered to Pakistan. And even if engine is blocked Azerbaijan can opt for WS-13 equipped Thunders.

China won't sell to Azerbaijan due to Azeri support of Uyghur secession. On the other hand, Armenia is a major customer of Chinese military hardware, for example WM-80 MRLS.
Azerbaijan can't afford buy manned planes due to low oil price. Their economy is in depression. Unlike Russia which has a somewhat diverse economy, Azerbaijan does not.

China won't sell to Azerbaijan due to Azeri support of Uyghur secession. On the other hand, Armenia is a major customer of Chinese military hardware, for example WM-80 MRLS.

Hearing that deal might be balanced with free oil supply from Azerbaijan to Pakistan for next decade. It will be good for Pakistan to lose the dependency on GCC and their blackmail.
they have committed to gripen, once pass the initial cost gripen is fairly good priced item..and may even have a lower operating cost then thunder given its highly reliable engine

i doubt they will buy anything else, will probably acquire used gripens if they need to
South Africa has more Gripens than they need, so they rotate them in and out of storage.
they have committed to gripen, once pass the initial cost gripen is fairly good priced item..and may even have a lower operating cost then thunder given its highly reliable engine

i doubt they will buy anything else, will probably acquire used gripens if they need to
operational cost of Jeff is only 1200 -1500 dollars/flight/sortie.

F16's is 4500
South Africa has more Gripens than they need, so they rotate them in and out of storage.


They are very expensive to fly for SA---. They are of older vintage. SA made a terrible mistake to order those aircraft.

The JF17 procurement would have done wonders for their defence industry.

They are very expensive to fly for SA---. They are of older vintage. SA made a terrible mistake to order those aircraft.

The JF17 procurement would have done wonders for their defence industry.

Spot on Sir. There are so many moving parts and layers to fighter jets. But we have keyboard warriors hell bent on singing the praise of Gripen and other jets without getting their facts right.
Azerbaijan ain't getting JF-17. Both Russia and China blocked it because of Azeri backing of Tatar / Uyghur secession.
:lol: Buddy really really need to stop living in a fool's paradise! Azeris uses Russian and Chinese weapons and even turks use both Russian and Chinese sub systems in their ''S four hundred''. It has tonnes of Chinese material and systems in it. Azeris use Chinese weapons in a small scale however. I didnt see any problems of them with that or did i?

Besides Pakistan takes this fighter to Turkish Anatolian exe regularly where US also participates as well as in exercise North Thunder in KSA against F15s of KSA.

Pakistan owns fifty eight percent of this project thats why we had offered and guaranteed this fighter to Azeris, Malaysian and Indonesians too. Even that Block-3 is on offer to Turkey as well. BTW Ukraine also wants Block-3 and we r gonna sell em.

Our relations with China are far more different then u think. This is Asia afterall not Europe! here in Asia European tactics dont work!

As for Russia! Its economical situation is very low right now it needs money, And it already sells S four hundred and now Akula-2 sub to india despite ours as well as Chinese objections so.........

Russia is in a far lower position in comparison to Pak-China axis then u think! It even has concerns of its own of BRI passing through Central Asia in which China isnt happy with it and specially right now with indian S four hundred sales to india post Northern Kashmir skirmishes. Russia maybe influential to small European countries but in Asia there r far bigger countries then it.
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If China and Pakistan decides to sell JF17 to any country, I don't think Russia will mind this or object in any case as he will get benefit with Engine sales and later on parts.
All the countries in the region some how using Russian weapons 💁‍♂️
Nigeria has order seven Block-IIIs even before they hit production line.

Its being sold as 35 mil /aircraft and the total prize of order is of 245 mil. They will be delivered in 2025.

credits; Saf Riz who is known as Shaheen Missile in PDF.

They are very expensive to fly for SA---. They are of older vintage. SA made a terrible mistake to order those aircraft.

The JF17 procurement would have done wonders for their defence industry.

Yep, $6,300-$7,800 per flight hour is OUTRAGEOUS - not really.
Low usage makes them quite a lot more expensive than those in the Swedish Air Force, but they are still very low cost to operate.


Spot on Sir. There are so many moving parts and layers to fighter jets. But we have keyboard warriors hell bent on singing the praise of Gripen and other jets without getting their facts right.
I guess @MastanKhan joined the crowd praising JF-17 without getting his facts about Gripen right.
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