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Export bids for JF-17 Thunder Multirole Lightweight Fighter Aircraft

Middle is in Asia and Srilanka is in South Asia

The middle east is mainly in North Africa.
How many of your Su30 MKI's have crashed?
How many pilots lost?

Look at your own performance before jumping on the bed.

Well it totally depends on the training hours. You clock minimum crashes coz your flying hours are really nil. While on the other hand Indian Pilots are put to harsh and rigorous flying schedules.
Why bringing historic landings of your own aircraft while you overlook achievements of JF-17 and concentrated solely on its crash ? Hypocrisy much ?
Say that to your gentleman who overlooked the fact that India does not allow single engines fighter jets to fly past on republic day and chose to troll on the photo of an LCA being towed past, very well knowing that all its variants have had sufficient amount of crashless sorties.
Iam sure you are aware the standardization process of both our air forces. You bought a half cooked fighter and are developing it post induction. While we have made several variants of it and are testing rigorously pre induction. An AESA MK1 version to fly out soon. It is airworthy and has clocked more amount of flying hours or sorties than the bird in your arsenal.

Ohhh did not know you were so dumb.
Were you were born like you are today?

One is born as a child and then grows up as time passes. Same is the case with all the things man makes. Progress is done when they are functional by removing the ills. This is the reason JF-17 has been designed to have an upgrade every 50 aircraft so that the issues that are visible can be removed.

LCA is having these problems because HAL is unable to decide on which prototype is to be developed. This is way happens when there are too many cooks. The broth is supposed to be ruined.


Briefing Nigerian delegation at PAS 2015
This is not PAS but Turkey.
Say that to your gentleman who overlooked the fact that India does not allow single engines fighter jets to fly past on republic day and chose to troll on the photo of an LCA being towed past, very well knowing that all its variants have had sufficient amount of crashless sorties.

Let's see once you put LCA into low level flying formations. It would crash or not.
Ohhh did not know you were so dumb.
Were you were born like you are today?

One is born as a child and then grows up as time passes. Same is the case with all the things man makes. Progress is done when they are functional by removing the ills. This is the reason JF-17 has been designed to have an upgrade every 50 aircraft so that the issues that are visible can be removed.

LCA is having these problems because HAL is unable to decide on which prototype is to be developed. This is way happens when there are too many cooks. The broth is supposed to be ruined.

This is not PAS but Turkey.
Lol dude , keep aside how dumb I may sound to you but You definitely are sounding Dumb to me. An upgrade every 50 aircrafts? How many MK Development has your aircraft crossed??

Let me just update you that HAL has rolled out its Serial Production Aircraft of LCA so we are pretty much sure the aircraft that is gonna go into the forces, while we still want to make sure we don't do an MLU on first batch of units yet keep the aircraft close to cutting edge whilst developing a new upgraded version.
Confirmed: Sino-Pak JF-17 Fighter Jet Has its First Buyer | The Diplomat

Confirmed: Sino-Pak JF-17 Fighter Jet Has its First Buyer

An unnamed Asian country will be the JF-17s first export destination.


By Franz-Stefan Gady
June 15, 2015

The Sino-Pakistan jointly developed JF-17 Thunder fighter jet has its first confirmed foreign buyer, Flightglobal reports.

“A contract has been signed with an Asian country,” stated Air Commodore Khalid Mahmood, head of sales and marketing for the Pakistan Aeronautical Complex/Chengdu Aircraft Industry Corporation (PAC/CAC) JF-17 Thunder combat aircraft, at the biennially held Paris Air Show yesterday.

Khalid refused to name the country. Nor did he specify the number of planes to be sold, although he stated that deliveries will begin in 2017. He did, however, emphasize that 11 other countries have shown interest in acquiring the multirole fighter aircraft.

Numerous air forces are toying with the idea of purchasing the JF-17, and the media has floated more than a dozen potential export destinations, including Argentina, Bangladesh, Bulgaria (see: “Pakistan and China May Finally Have a JF-17 Buyer”), Myanmar, Nigeria, the Philippines, Venezuela and Zimbabwe.

Out of all the export destinations named, Myanmar appears to be the most likely. As one of my colleagues noted in The Diplomat back in June 2014:

Although the report is unconfirmed, it is extremely plausible. To begin with, Myanmar has previously operated or currently operates a number of Chinese-made aircraft including: 48 NAMC A-5C fighters, 52 Chengdu F-7M Airguard fighters and 4 Y-8 medium lift transports. The Southeast Asian nation’s air force also recently purchased Sky 02A Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) from China, and built domestic copies of them.

Most notably, Myanmar is also believed to operate 4-10 Karakorum-8 (JiaoLian-8) jet assault and trainer planes, which were also jointly produced by China and Pakistan. Some reports indicate that the deal for the K-8s also included a license in-country component.

As of now, the Pakistani Air Force (PAF) is the only one to operate the aircraft. So far, the (PAF) has received 50 Block I planes, and is scheduled to receive 16 Block-II JF-17s annually over the next few years. The plane is manufactured at the Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC) west of Islamabad, which has the capacity to produce 25 aircraft per year, according to the head of Pakistan Aeronautical Complex, Air Marshal Javaid Ahmad. Pakistan produces 58 percent of the airframe and China 42 percent respectively, Flightglobal notes.

However, as I reported back in April of this year (see: “China Will Supply Pakistan With 110 New JF-17s”), Pakistan’s military aircraft industry cannot keep up with domestic demand for new planes. Consequently, it had to order 110 additional JF-17 aircraft from China, which calls into question the true export capacity of Islamabad’s aircraft industry.

IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly summarizes the technical characteristics of the JF-17 Thunder combat aircraft:

Developed jointly by China (where it is designated the FC-1) and Pakistan, the JF-17 Thunder made its maiden flight in 2004. Powered by a single Russian-designed but Chinese-built Klimov RD-93 (RD-33 derivative) turbofan, it has a top speed of Mach 1.6 (at altitude); a radius-of-operation of 648 n miles (1,200 km) (…)

It has seven underwing/fuselage hardpoints, and is equipped with an internal GSh-23-2 twin-barrel cannon. Weapon options include up to four PL-5, -7, -8 or -9 short-range air-to-air missiles (AAMs) or four PL-12/SD-10B medium-range AAMs; two C-802A anti-ship missiles; two anti-radiation missiles; five 500 kg bombs; twin launchers for up to eight 250 kg, MK-20, GBU-12 or anti-runway bombs; single 1,000 kg bomb or GBU-10; or up to three mission pods.

I guess I'll have to come to terms with it. Well, the bright side is it'll finally replace the remaining F-7s and I guess some assembly will take place in Myanmar, hopefully, like the K-8.
I can only pity those who say LCA can't fly. Well we have seen an aircraft crash, which couldn't even let its Pilot eject.

You mean the same aircraft that has been to 4 international airshows, has had an aerial demonstration on 3 of them, has a nearly confirmed export order, is inducted in the airforce it was intended for gaining positive reviews while exceeding the expectations of the very people that formulated the project in the first place with updated versions already arriving --- while two new versions are already in the pipe line ...

and on the other hand you've got LCA, an aircraft so safe & reliable ------- that you chose to show it infront of your public on the back of a truck ...

In order to display LCA to the public they parade the LCA on truck ... what's your point to prove... oh i see.. i got your logic.. you got perception problem. . I really wonder when some **** members said.. j 31 is going to be inducted in PAF by 2019-20 .... just within 4 or 5 years straight jump from conceptual phase to mass production and that too without technological hiccups.... i seen over excitement just for one statement. ...

I suppose this was going in your mind when you wrote all this

" Hmmm -- how do I defend this ... how about not talking about the topic: "JF-17" altogether cuz I know I'll get my @ss fried on that one, better avoid that and say something that sounds partially brainy --- wait -- I've got it --

Indian accent on!!

Youuuu gaaat perception problemmmm, J-Thirrrttyyy ONEEEE!! will be inductedddd late tooo --- takee that ****!!" :blah::blah:
......and on the other hand you've got LCA, an aircraft so safe & reliable ------- that you chose to show it infront of your public on the back of a truck ...

Why this all false pride by Pakistanis ? Get real !! This is basically a Chinese fighter, with Russian engine and assembled in Pakistan.
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