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Explosions in Mumbai

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@Santro or any other mods on this thread.....Can you please ban these Trolls for gods sake!!

@ Topic..

DAMN!! WTF!! Mumbai is on attack !!! f@#k!!

Lets just wait and see who is behind these bomb blast...:angry:

Who so ever is behind these should by killed with worst possible death :angry:
Just keep your stories up to you, no one is listening you though.
If we would have done that whatever you have assumed to, you wont be able to post anything more here......

If you are watching the pictures of the bomb site on TV, please keep in mind this was the same thing that was happening in Sri Lanka carried out by rebels that were armed, trained and funded by India -- while politicians in Tamil Nadu cheered them on.
RIP to the dead and speedy recovery to the injured. Truly another very sad day in the sub-continent.

We need to bury our differences and tackle these God-dammed terrorists jointly. Believe me these things will not stop for decades more unless we unite like the Europeans did after WW II. All the strong growth and financial statistics can vanish in a few short months if there are repeated such attacks. And war with Pakistan will be extremely costly, even mutual suicide for the region.

However I have sliced and diced the future of the sub-continent I have come to the conclusion that, unless we cooperate and provide decent life to our citizens we will have these acts of terrorism for many decades to come. We have widespread poverty, ethnic and communal tensions, hyper-emotional people, and too much illiteracy--a power keg for untold suffering for us all.
If you want to talk about the big bad evil India and LTTE, go find the appropriate thread. No one's interested in your sob story here.

Hurts does it? To bring up what India has done to other countries?

Have you ever heard of they saying "what goes around comes around"?
I know SIMI is supposed to have alleged links with IM, & if I'm not mistaken, isn't Pakistan accused of having some kind of links with the IM, even though the IM is a local Muslim extremist group in India? If the IM is responsible, will it derail the talks between Pakistan & India?
RIP to the Dead.....

Indian Army we want revenge for these innocent people's deaths by laying more bodies of these jehadists in Kashmir.....Play holi with these terrorists
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