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Explosions in Mumbai

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Hurts does it? To bring up what India has done to other countries?

Have you ever heard of they saying "what goes around comes around"?

You seriously have no respect for the dead , worthless troll ....
i don't understand why people believe those who take responsibility of such acts .
RIP to the dead and speedy recovery to the injured. Truly another very sad day in the sub-continent.

We need to bury our differences and tackle these God-dammed terrorists jointly. Believe me these things will not stop for decades more unless we unite like the Europeans did after WW II. All the strong growth and financial statistics can vanish in a few short months if there are repeated such attacks. And war with Pakistan will be extremely costly, even mutual suicide for the region.

However I have sliced and diced the future of the sub-continent I have come to the conclusion that, unless we cooperate and provide decent life to our citizens we will have these acts of terrorism for many decades to come. We have widespread poverty, ethnic and communal tensions, hyper-emotional people, and too much illiteracy--a power keg for untold suffering for us all.

we need to kick all terrorists hard, I don't know what these terrorists get by killing innocent people...Iam feeling realy sad, I hope the victims get justice !! Bast**ds need to be hanged as soon as possible,!!
You seriously have no respect for the dead , worthless troll ....

I have much respect for the dead, but I think it is time for reflection on the part of the Indian government about its own policies.

You and others who are outraged here need to understand the shock and horror you feel was felt many times over by people in countries such as Sri Lanka where terror groups were funded by India.
I honestly believe the Pakistan Administration, in the difficult position it is, with the active operation against the terrorists in FATA, & the US drone strikes could have played any kind of role in this incident. I hope the Pakistan Administration doesn't get blamed for this, & both Pakistan & India can work together to solve this problem of terrorism that is affecting the whole region.
Hurts does it? To bring up what India has done to other countries?

Have you ever heard of they saying "what goes around comes around"?

What this IM has to do with LTTE ?? You are a sicko !
Rest in Peace to those lost.

really a sad day for Mumbai, keep up spirit and nail the perpetrators.

(for now please stop fight and blame game, and we will see how things develop.)
Hurts does it? To bring up what India has done to other countries?

Have you ever heard of they saying "what goes around comes around"?

Keep that in mind, considering the atrocities your army committed on hapless civilians trying to escape the civil war. Why did it start in the first place again?

What goes around comes around, right?
I think he was referring to the Maharashtra's Home ministers statement during 26/11. Ironically the same person is the home minister now.
Yes, I know that..but if you read his previous posts,who will find out that he is a false flagger having fun
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