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Experts say Pakistan is on trajectory to failure

unless india isnt exporting any thing to the world and have a self reliant economy(which i doubt)party will be over faster then you think.

BJP .Abhinav Bharat. Bhonsala Military Academy and its parent organisation, the Central Hindu Military Education Society (CHMES). .

Hindu Terrorism by Reshma
(caution some pitcures are really disturbing.

These are just to name few if researched i am sure more could be found so unless your hands are clean i suggest shut the ------ up

Kind of reminds me of the Pot calling the Kettle Black,,,,but if I was to be honest I have never heard of Hindus killing that many people,,,not any thing like what Pakistan has done....
For example.

Bangladesh: This country aspired to gain independence from Pakistan. Pakistan reacted with a military invasion that caused mass destruction. It was not a war, it was a massacre. One to two million people were systematically liquidated in 1971. Some researchers define the events of that year in Bangladesh as one of the three greatest genocides in history, after the Holocaust and the Ruanda genocide.

An inquiry committee appointed by the government of Bangladesh counted 1.247 million fatalities as a result of the systematic murder of civilians by Pakistan’s army forces. There are also numerous reports of ‘Death squads’, in which “Muslim soldiers were sent to commit mass killings of Muslim farmers”. The Pakistani army ceased only after the intervention of India, which suffered from waves of refugees - millions - arriving from Bangladesh. At least 150 thousand more were murdered in acts of retaliation after the retreat of the Pakistan army.

Then take Indonesia: The biggest Muslim state in the world competes with Bangladesh for the dubious title of ‘The biggest massacre since the Holocaust’. The massacre commenced with a communist uprising in 1965. There are different assessments (of the number of fatalities) in this case as well. The accepted estimate talks of as many as 400 thousand Indonesians killed in the years 1965-1966, although stricter estimates claim the number is higher.

The massacre was perpetrated by the army, led by Haji Mohammad Suharto, who seized power in the country for the next 32 years. An investigator of those years points out that the person who was in charge of suppressing the rebellion, General Sarwo Edhie Wibowo, admitted: “We killed 2 million not 1 million, and we did good work”. For this argument, we will stick to the lower, more accepted estimates.

In the years 1991 - 1992 there was a Shiite uprising in Iraq. There are contradictory estimates about the number of victims. The numbers vary from 40,000 to 200,000. In addition to the Iraqis that were slaughtered one must add the Kurds. During Saddam Hussein’s reign, between 200,000 and up to 300,000 of them were killed in a genocide that continued all through the 1980’s and the 1990’s

When it comes to mass murder Jews, Israelis, and Zionists Hindus and America are amateurs compared to muslims. Theres a lot more maybe some one should bring this up ever time USA or Isreals is accused of genocide....

Islam.com - Messages
Iowe, you're really something else :cheesy:

The Bangladeshi fatalities of millions have been disproved in numerous threads, not to mention the Bangladeshi Ambassador, and Bangladeshi historians themselves, who have admitted that the figure was nowhere near a million.

Pull up some old threads in the forum, or do a search.

It will enlighten you, and save everyone a lot of time, if you do this.
I think these reports are generally part of propaganda that every country runs. Pakistan is currently facing the Political and Economic Crisis but this is far from doomsday scenario that these experts are making it out. One thing that Pakistan should look at that why conditions deteriorated economically so quickly after 4-5 years of good growth. If my info is not wrong that Pakistan economy was growing with 6-7% pa till 2007. and in 2008 they have to take loan from IMF\WB. Giving the interference\conditions that they impose on borrower nation, Pakistan need to make sure that in future they can avoid going to these org.

Iowe, you're really something else :cheesy:

The Bangladeshi fatalities of millions have been disproved in numerous threads, not to mention the Bangladeshi Ambassador, and Bangladeshi historians themselves, who have admitted that the figure was nowhere near a million.

Pull up some old threads in the forum, or do a search.

It will enlighten you, and save everyone a lot of time, if you do this.

Well if it was just hundreds of thousands,, I guess it dont count then:hitwall:
Kind of reminds me of the Pot calling the Kettle Black,,,,but if I was to be honest I have never heard of Hindus killing that many people,,,not any thing like what Pakistan has done....
For example.

Bangladesh: This country aspired to gain independence from Pakistan. Pakistan reacted with a military invasion that caused mass destruction. It was not a war, it was a massacre. One to two million people were systematically liquidated in 1971. Some researchers define the events of that year in Bangladesh as one of the three greatest genocides in history, after the Holocaust and the Ruanda genocide.

An inquiry committee appointed by the government of Bangladesh counted 1.247 million fatalities as a result of the systematic murder of civilians by Pakistan’s army forces. There are also numerous reports of ‘Death squads’, in which “Muslim soldiers were sent to commit mass killings of Muslim farmers”. The Pakistani army ceased only after the intervention of India, which suffered from waves of refugees - millions - arriving from Bangladesh. At least 150 thousand more were murdered in acts of retaliation after the retreat of the Pakistan army.

Then take Indonesia: The biggest Muslim state in the world competes with Bangladesh for the dubious title of ‘The biggest massacre since the Holocaust’. The massacre commenced with a communist uprising in 1965. There are different assessments (of the number of fatalities) in this case as well. The accepted estimate talks of as many as 400 thousand Indonesians killed in the years 1965-1966, although stricter estimates claim the number is higher.

The massacre was perpetrated by the army, led by Haji Mohammad Suharto, who seized power in the country for the next 32 years. An investigator of those years points out that the person who was in charge of suppressing the rebellion, General Sarwo Edhie Wibowo, admitted: “We killed 2 million not 1 million, and we did good work”. For this argument, we will stick to the lower, more accepted estimates.

In the years 1991 - 1992 there was a Shiite uprising in Iraq. There are contradictory estimates about the number of victims. The numbers vary from 40,000 to 200,000. In addition to the Iraqis that were slaughtered one must add the Kurds. During Saddam Hussein’s reign, between 200,000 and up to 300,000 of them were killed in a genocide that continued all through the 1980’s and the 1990’s

When it comes to mass murder Jews, Israelis, and Zionists Hindus and America are amateurs compared to muslims. Theres a lot more maybe some one should bring this up ever time USA or Isreals is accused of genocide....

Islam.com - Messages

Hi nice to meet ya but please if you are Indian say it dont hide behind My flag to attack me.

If i think of Mass murder who comes to mind hmmmmmmmmm oh yeah Hitler stalin george w bush george senior bush Ariel sharon and all other israeli ministers so far none of these are muslims yeah you are right it is muslims who are to be blamed for all.
BUT you see there is hypocracy in the world where Non muslims commit crimes pretending to be Muslims just like you are trying to hatred against Muslims while prtending to be One:toast_sign:
Hi nice to meet ya but please if you are Indian say it dont hide behind My flag to attack me.

If i think of Mass murder who comes to mind hmmmmmmmmm oh yeah Hitler stalin george w bush george senior bush Ariel sharon and all other israeli ministers so far none of these are muslims yeah you are right it is muslims who are to be blamed for all.
BUT you see there is hypocracy in the world where Non muslims commit crimes pretending to be Muslims just like you are trying to hatred against Muslims while prtending to be One:toast_sign:

I am not Indian,,I just kind of like the truth to be told,,,,all of it...
this is the artical where I got the above, maybe you should real all of it....
Muslims are massacred by Muslims not Israelis!


I hear time and time again from the Iranian fanboys that America wants to attack Iran and kill hundreds of thousands of civilians just like in Iraq. I hear people say that Israel is the biggest threat to world peace and commits genocide against the Muslims. I didn't really care to investigate if this was accurate until I heard that Americans are killing hundresds of thousands of Muslim civilians in Iraq. I had to ask myself, "Is that true?" After actually investigating it I found out that it is Muslims killing Muslims in Iraq and everyone blames it on America and Israel.

Well I was reading another thread and Alon9 posted a very interesting article about this world wide conspiracy to blame everything on the Jews. It looks like Iranian leaders actually fear their own internal divisions like in Iraq than they do occupation from the Americans. Putting my emotion and nationality aside for a moment lets just look at the facts shall we?

"And the World is Silent" - Muslims are massacred by Muslims, Israel to blame

Muslims are being murdered all over the world, and the finger is pointed at Israel more times than not. But genocide and Zionism have nothing in common. There is no greater libel in the world today. Deception unmasked

Fact no. 1: Since the establishment of the state of Israel a merciless genocide is being perpetrated against Muslims and/or Arabs all over the world. Fact no. 2: The Middle-east conflict specifically that between Israel and Arabs in general and Palestinians in particular, is regarded the central conflict in the world of today. Fact no. 3: According to polls carried out in the European Union, Israel takes first place as "most dangerous to world peace". A perfect example would be the opinion of 74 percent of Holland's population. Not Iran mind you. Not North Korea. Israel. The connection between these findings creates one of the biggest deceptions of our time: Israel is perceived as the single country responsible for every calamity, crisis, or peril. She is a menace to world peace, not just the Arab or Muslim world.

The finger is pointed cleverly. It is difficult to blame Israel for the genocide in Sudan or for the civil war in Algeria. How is it done? By dozens of publications, books, magazines and internet sites all dedicated towards a single goal: portraying Israel in the world public opinion as a country that incessantly commits war crimes. Both in Jakarta and in Khartoum Israel's flags are being burned while in London, Oslo and Zurich articles of incitement are published supporting the destruction of Israel. Every search done on an internet search engine for the words "Genocide" against "Muslims", "Arabs" or "Palestinians", in connection to "Zionists" or "Israel" - would yield endless results. Even after we've filtered out the trash, we are left with millions of deadly serious publications.

The systematic propagation of information yields results. It works like brainwashing. It is the commonly held viewpoint, no longer a fringe opinion. Only five years ago we witnessed a singularly anti-Israeli spectacle at the Durban Convention. Only two years ago we clamorously protested when am Israeli academic figure blamed Israel of 'symbolic genocide' against the Palestinian people. Much ado about nothing. There are thousands of publications blaming Israel of actual genocide, not merely symbolic. The widely held claim in both the universities and the media, compares today’s Israel to the damned Nazi regime of yesteryear.

There are those who already concluded that it is time to call for the end of the 'Zionist Project'. Or in simpler words: since Israel is a country that perpetrates so many war crimes and dabbles in ethnic cleansing and genocide - it has no right to exist. This, for example, is the essence of an article by the Norwegian writer Jostein Gaarder (author of "Sophie's World"), who wrote, among other things: "We call killers of children by their name ", the conclusion is that Israel has no right to exist.

This great deception that covers up the real facts preserves and even gains momentum only because the Media and the Academic thinkers in the West participate in it. In endless publications, books, periodicals and web sites Israel is portrayed as a state that perpetrates "war crimes", "ethnic cleansing" and "systematic murder". Sometimes it is because it is fashionable, sometimes it is mistaken, sometimes it is the result of hypocrisy and double standards. Sometimes it is due to old and new anti-Semitism, from the left and the right, both overt and covert. Most classic blood libels were quickly refuted. The blood libel of modern times, against the state of Israel, only continues to gain momentum. Many Israelis and Jews are accessories to the nurturing of this libel.

The Arab-Israeli conflict
The Zionist settlements which began at the end of the 19th century, did indeed create a conflict between Jews and Arabs. The amount of those killed in various clashes up until the establishment of the State of Israel was no more than a few thousands, of both Jews and Arabs. Most of the Arabs killed in those years were killed in armed struggles of Arabs amongst themselves; such as, for example, in the days of the Great Arab Uprising of 1936 - 1939. It was a sign of things to come. Many others were killed by the harsh treatment of the British. Israel has never done anything remotely comparable.

The total count reaches about 60,000 Arabs killed in the framework of the Israeli-Arab conflict. Among them only several thousand Palestinians, although it is because of them, and only them, that Israel is the target of the world’s anger. Every Arab and Muslim death is regrettable. And it is okay to criticize Israel. But the obsessive and demonic criticism emphasizes a far more amazing fact: The silence of the world, or at least relative silence, in the face of the systematic extermination of millions of others by Muslim and Arab regimes.

The blood price of the Muslims
From here on we must ask: How many Arabs and Muslims have been killed in those same years in other countries, for instance, in Russia or in France, and how many Arabs, Muslims and others, were killed in those same years by Arabs and Muslims. The information gathered here is based on various research institutes, academic bodies, international organizations (such as Amnesty and other bodies that monitor human rights abuses), the UN, and government agencies.

In many cases the different organizations present different and contradictory numbers. The differences sometimes reach hundreds of thousands, and sometimes even millions. We will probably never know the precise number. But even the lowest agreed upon numbers, that are the basis for the tables given here, present a staggering and horrific picture. In addition, time is too short to survey bloody conflicts that are not even covered in these tables, although these conflicts took a higher human toll than the blood price of the whole Arab-Israeli conflict.

Algeria: A few years after the establishment of the State of Israel, there began another war of independence. This time it was Algeria against France, between the years 1954-1962. Today there is no question that the French killed nearly 600,000 Muslims. And these are the French, who do not stop preaching to Israel, the Israel that in the whole history of its conflict with the Arabs failed to reach even one tenth of that number, and even then, according to the more severe assessments. 500,000 to 1 million in the war of independence; 100,000 in the civil war in the 90’s.

Sudan: A country torn by campaigns of destruction, almost all of them between the Arab-Muslim north, that has control of the country, and the south, populated by blacks. Two civil wars have taken place in this country, and a massacre, under government patronage, has been taking place in recent years in the district of Darfur. The first civil war spanned the years of 1955-1972. Moderate estimates talk of 500,000 victims. In 1983 the second civil war began. But it wasn’t a civil war but a systematic massacre suitably defined as ‘genocide’. The goals were Islamization, Arabization and mass deportation, that occasionally becomes slaughter, also for the need to gain control over giant oil fields. We are talking about an estimated 1.9 million victims.

This is probably the worst series of crimes against humanity since WWII. We’re talking about ethnic cleansing, deportations, mass murder, slave trade, forcible enforcement of the laws of Islam, taking children from their parents and more. Millions have become refugees. As far as is known, there are not millions of publications about the Sudanese ‘Right of Return’ and there are no petitions by intellectuals negating Sudan’s right to exist.

Recent years have been all about Darfur. Again Muslims (Arabs) are murdering (black) Muslims and heathens, and the numbers are unclear. Moderate estimates are talking about 200,000 victims, higher estimates say 600,000. No one knows for sure. And the slaughter continues.

Throughout the atrocities of Sudan, the slaughter has been perpetrated mainly by the Arab Muslim regime, and the great majority of victims, if not all, are black, of all religions, including Muslims. 2.6 million to 3 million.

Afghanistan: This is a web of nonstop mass killings - domestic and foreign. The Soviet invasion, which began on the 24th of December 1979 and ended on 2nd of February 1989, left about a million dead. Other estimates talk of 1.5 million dead civilians and an additional 90,000 soldiers.

One million to one and a half million, as a result of the Soviet invasion; about one million in the civil war. Yet when the coalition forces invaded Afghanistan it was 10,000 deaths as compared to the Soviets 1.5 million.

Somalia: Since 1977 this Muslim state in East Africa has been immersed in an unending civil war. The number of victims is estimated at about 550,000. It is Muslims killing mainly Muslims. UN attempts to intervene, in the interest of peace keeping, ended in the failure, as did later attempts by American Forces. Most of the victims died not in the battle fields, but as a result of deliberate starvation and slaughter of civilians, in bombardments aimed at the civilian population (massive bombardments of opponent districts, such as the bombardment of Somaliland, that caused the deaths of 50,000 ).

Bangladesh: This country aspired to gain independence from Pakistan. Pakistan reacted with a military invasion that caused mass destruction. It was not a war, it was a massacre. One to two million people were systematically liquidated in 1971. Some researchers define the events of that year in Bangladesh as one of the three greatest genocides in history, after the Holocaust and the Ruanda genocide.

An inquiry committee appointed by the government of Bangladesh counted 1.247 million fatalities as a result of the systematic murder of civilians by Pakistan’s army forces. There are also numerous reports of ‘Death squads’, in which “Muslim soldiers were sent to commit mass killings of Muslim farmers”. The Pakistani army ceased only after the intervention of India, which suffered from waves of refugees - millions - arriving from Bangladesh. At least 150 thousand more were murdered in acts of retaliation after the retreat of the Pakistan army.

Indonesia: The biggest Muslim state in the world competes with Bangladesh for the dubious title of ‘The biggest massacre since the Holocaust’. The massacre commenced with a communist uprising in 1965. There are different assessments (of the number of fatalities) in this case as well. The accepted estimate talks of as many as 400 thousand Indonesians killed in the years 1965-1966, although stricter estimates claim the number is higher.

The massacre was perpetrated by the army, led by Haji Mohammad Suharto, who seized power in the country for the next 32 years. An investigator of those years points out that the person who was in charge of suppressing the rebellion, General Sarwo Edhie Wibowo, admitted: “We killed 2 million not 1 million, and we did good work”. For this argument, we will stick to the lower, more accepted estimates.

Iraq: Most of the destruction of the last two decades was the doing of Saddam Hussein. This is another case of a regime that caused the deaths of millions. Nonstop death. One of the highpoints was during the Iran-Iraq war, in the conflict over the Shat El Arab River, the river that is created by the convergence of the Euphrates and Tigris rivers. This was a conflict that led to nothing but large scale destruction and mass killing. Estimates are between 450,000 and 650,000 Iraqis, and between 450,000 and 970,000 Iranians. Jews, Israelis, and Zionists were not around, as far as is known.

In the years 1991 - 1992 there was a Shiite uprising in Iraq. There are contradictory estimates about the number of victims. The numbers vary from 40,000 to 200,000. In addition to the Iraqis that were slaughtered one must add the Kurds. During Saddam Hussein’s reign, between 200,000 and up to 300,000 of them were killed in a genocide that continued all through the 1980’s and the 1990’s.

The Iraqis continue to suffer. The civil war that is raging there now - even if some would rather not give that name to the mutual massacre of Sunnis and Shiites - is costing tens of thousands of lives. It is estimated that about 100,000 people have been killed since the coalition forces took control in Iraq.

Lebanon: The Lebanese civil war took place from 1975 to 1990. Israel was involved in certain stages, by way of the first Lebanon War in 1982. There is no disagreement that a considerable part of the victims were killed in the first two years. The more assessments talk of over 130,000 killed. Most of them were Lebanese killed by other Lebanese, on religious, ethnic grounds and in connection with the Syrian involvement. Syria transferred its support between various parties in the conflict. The highest estimates claim that Israeli activities were the cause of around 18,000 people, the great majority of which were fighters.

Yemen: In the civil war that took place in Yemen from 1962 to 1970, with Egyptian and Saudi involvement, 100,000 to 150,000 Yemenites were killed, and more than a thousand Egyptians and a thousand Saudis.
Egypt committed war crimes by incorporating the use of chemical warfare. Riots in Yemen from 1984 to 1986 caused the deaths of thousands more.

Chechnya: Russia turned down Chechen Republic demands for independence, and this led to the first Chechen war of 1994 to 1996. The war cost the lives of 50,000 to 200,000 Chechens. Russia put a great deal into this conflict, but failed miserably. This did not help Chechens, because although they had gained autonomy there republic was in ruins. The second Chechen War began in 1999 and officially ended in 2001, but it has not really ended, and the number of victims is estimated between 30,000 to 100,000 dead.

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict
To all the above, one can add this data: The great majority of Arabs killed in the framework of the Arab-Israeli Conflict were killed as a result of wars instigated by the Arabs and as a result of their refusal to recognize the UN decision regarding the establishment of the State of Israel, or their refusal to recognize the Jews right of self-definition.
The number of Israelis killed by Arab aggression has been relatively far more than the numbers of Arabs killed. In the War of the Independence, for example, more than 6,000 Israelis were killed out of a population that was then made up of 600,000. This means: One percent of the population. In comparison, Arab fatalities in the war against Israel came from seven countries, the populations of which were already tens of millions. Israel has never dreamt, nor thought of nor wanted to destroy any Arab state. But the ostensible goal of the attacking armies was “to liquidate the Jewish entity”.

It is an obvious fact that in recent years the Palestinian victims have received most of the attention of the Media and the members of the academic community. Another fact is that Palestinian victims make up a very small percentage of the total sum of all Arab and Muslim victims. The total sum of Palestinians killed by Israel in the territories that were conquered is several thousand. 1,378 were killed in the first Intifada and 3,700 since the start of the second Intifada.

This number is less, for instance, than the number of Muslim victims massacred by former Syrian president, Hafez Assad in Hama of 1982. This is less than the Palestinians massacred by King Hussein in 1971. This is less than the number of those killed in a single massacre of Muslim Bosnians by the Serbs in 1991 in Srebrenica, a massacre that left 8,000 dead.

Every person killed is regrettable, but there is no greater libel than to call Israel’s actions ‘genocide’. Even so, the string ‘Israel’ and ‘genocide’ in Google search engine leads to 13,600,000 referrals. Try typing ‘Sudan’ and ‘genocide’ and you’ll get less than 9 million results. These numbers, if you will, are the essence of the great deception.


You know I am really shocked and amazed. Alot of these FACTS I did not know. My media does not report about these numbers. All I hear about is Israel and America are evil. That Israel is committing genocide against the Muslims and Palestinians. That America is bombing civilians and killing hundreds of thousands of innocent pure Muslim civilians. You guys make me sick. This propoganda that you are pushing is pure brainwashing. You either don't know, or nobody has told you. If you look at these facts the greatest threat to the world is not America bombing Iran, but Muslims committing genocide against each other. If I were President I would pull all American soldiers out of the Middle East, build a missile defense shield in Israel and let all of the Muslims kill each other. However they will still somehow point the finger at Israel.

Everytime you hypocrites run your mouth to me about the evils of America I will pull out these numbers. You cannot argue against fact. I don't care what race, nationality, or background you come from. They do not change the facts that Muslims have committed genocide against each other and then turn around and blame Israel or the USA or someone else. This is disgusting. I learned something new today and it was not something positive which pisses me off. Some of you are right. The Western media is biased. It is not informing us of what is really going on and the violence Muslims have perpetuated over the last 100 years. All I hear is that me and my country are the evil bad guys committing genocide. What a load of crap.
Muslims are massacred by Muslims not Israelis - Iran Defense Forum

Sorry Boys I am not one to toe the party line,,,,:pakistan:
Iowe, I hate traitors like you (if you are a Pakistani, which I doubt, most likely a troll of some kind), being critical is one thing, but the way you are criticizing your own is beyond my imagination, you're disgusting and reading your posts is no good for my eyes.
Iowe, I hate traitors like you (if you are a Pakistani, which I doubt, most likely a troll of some kind), being critical is one thing, but the way you are criticizing your own is beyond my imagination, you're disgusting and reading your posts is no good for my eyes.

Dont you think you should thank me for your education...the way i see it

Those who attack the messenger because the message is uncomfortable are in fact making an understandable, though primitive, response. The mosquito stings so you slap the mosquito, the apple is sour so you fling it into the bushes, someone reeks of body odor while attempting to kiss you and you give them a shove. Push it away, the child’s first response to something offending, with no further thought about repercussions. Adults, in human society, are supposed to be logical, entertain facts, digest, discuss, and conclude. They most often do none of this, but simply react, as a child, to the offending substance of message, rejecting it. These are not leaders of men, as this type of reaction makes them scarcely suitable for any life but swinging from trees, but as Internet access is granted to anyone, they write email and post their simplistic reactions on message board. “Go away, you’re crazy, I don’t want to hear it”, they cry, and when the shift occurrs will be found huddled in some corner making these demands still.

ZetaTalk: Attack the Messenger
lowe you should join japantoday like S-2 lol troll around there as well..
guys chill out he is not an Indian he is just a Pakistani American who loves America and denies to accept what US does to the world. Don't embarrass my Pakistani brother lowe..with list of genocides and crimes against humanity by US a long list i can give him and he'll be reading it all day let it go brothers. He forgot that US and Israelies have completely secure their Soldiers from being prosecuted in International Court for whatever crimes they commit against anyone from any religion or region. My brother lowe forgot that US can invade and kill as many as she wants if she feels threatened in any part of the world as using all resources to justify its case against these days "Muslims". So lets forgot don't you guys fight he in a minority if he is thinking like that no problem there are many non Muslims replacements who have better intellect and just see who is to be blamed and they don't point finger at Muslims.
lowe you should join japantoday like S-2 lol troll around there as well..
guys chill out he is not an Indian he is just a Pakistani American who loves America and denies to accept what US does to the world. Don't embarrass my Pakistani brother lowe..with list of genocides and crimes against humanity by US a long list i can give him and he'll be reading it all day let it go brothers. He forgot that US and Israelies have completely secure their Soldiers from being prosecuted in International Court for whatever crimes they commit against anyone from any religion or region. My brother lowe forgot that US can invade and kill as many as she wants if she feels threatened in any part of the world as using all resources to justify its case against these days "Muslims". So lets forgot don't you guys fight he in a minority if he is thinking like that no problem there are many non Muslims replacements who have better intellect and just see who is to be blamed and they don't point finger at Muslims.

You my friend are a hypocrite, you run your mouth to me about the evils of America. . You cannot argue against facts. I don't care what race, nationality, or background you come from. That does not change the facts that Muslims have committed genocide against each other and then turn around and blame Israel, India or the USA or someone else. For every Muslims another country has killed Muslims have killed a thousand muslims.. All I hear is that me and my country are the evil bad guys committing genocide. What a load of crap.

Some examples Somalia: Since 1977 this Muslim state in East Africa has been immersed in an unending civil war. The number of victims is estimated at about 550,000. It is Muslims killing mainly Muslims. UN attempts to intervene, in the interest of peace keeping, ended in the failure, as did later attempts by American Forces. Most of the victims died not in the battle fields, but as a result of deliberate starvation and slaughter of civilians, in bombardments aimed at the civilian population (massive bombardments of opponent districts, such as the bombardment of Somaliland, that caused the deaths of 50,000 ).

Bangladesh: This country aspired to gain independence from Pakistan. Pakistan reacted with a military invasion that caused mass destruction. It was not a war, it was a massacre. One to two million people were systematically liquidated in 1971. Some researchers define the events of that year in Bangladesh as one of the three greatest genocides in history, after the Holocaust and the Ruanda genocide.

An inquiry committee appointed by the government of Bangladesh counted 1.247 million fatalities as a result of the systematic murder of civilians by Pakistan’s army forces. There are also numerous reports of ‘Death squads’, in which “Muslim soldiers were sent to commit mass killings of Muslim farmers”. The Pakistani army ceased only after the intervention of India, which suffered from waves of refugees - millions - arriving from Bangladesh. At least 150 thousand more were murdered in acts of retaliation after the retreat of the Pakistan army.

Indonesia: The biggest Muslim state in the world competes with Bangladesh for the dubious title of ‘The biggest massacre since the Holocaust’. The massacre commenced with a communist uprising in 1965. There are different assessments (of the number of fatalities) in this case as well. The accepted estimate talks of as many as 400 thousand Indonesians killed in the years 1965-1966, although stricter estimates claim the number is higher.

The massacre was perpetrated by the army, led by Haji Mohammad Suharto, who seized power in the country for the next 32 years. An investigator of those years points out that the person who was in charge of suppressing the rebellion, General Sarwo Edhie Wibowo, admitted: “We killed 2 million not 1 million, and we did good work”. For this argument, we will stick to the lower, more accepted estimates.

Iraq: Most of the destruction of the last two decades was the doing of Saddam Hussein. This is another case of a regime that caused the deaths of millions. Nonstop death. One of the highpoints was during the Iran-Iraq war, in the conflict over the Shat El Arab River, the river that is created by the convergence of the Euphrates and Tigris rivers. This was a conflict that led to nothing but large scale destruction and mass killing. Estimates are between 450,000 and 650,000 Iraqis, and between 450,000 and 970,000 Iranians. Jews, Israelis, and Zionists were not around, as far as is known.

In the years 1991 - 1992 there was a Shiite uprising in Iraq. There are contradictory estimates about the number of victims. The numbers vary from 40,000 to 200,000. In addition to the Iraqis that were slaughtered one must add the Kurds. During Saddam Hussein’s reign, between 200,000 and up to 300,000 of them were killed in a genocide that continued all through the 1980’s and the 1990’s.

The Iraqis continue to suffer. The civil war that is raging there now - even if some would rather not give that name to the mutual massacre of Sunnis and Shiites - is costing tens of thousands of lives. It is estimated that about 100,000 people have been killed since the coalition forces took control in Iraq.

Lebanon: The Lebanese civil war took place from 1975 to 1990. Israel was involved in certain stages, by way of the first Lebanon War in 1982. There is no disagreement that a considerable part of the victims were killed in the first two years. The more assessments talk of over 130,000 killed. Most of them were Lebanese killed by other Lebanese, on religious, ethnic grounds and in connection with the Syrian involvement. Syria transferred its support between various parties in the conflict. The highest estimates claim that Israeli activities were the cause of around 18,000 people, the great majority of which were fighters.

Yemen: In the civil war that took place in Yemen from 1962 to 1970, with Egyptian and Saudi involvement, 100,000 to 150,000 Yemenites were killed, and more than a thousand Egyptians and a thousand Saudis.
Egypt committed war crimes by incorporating the use of chemical warfare. Riots in Yemen from 1984 to 1986 caused the deaths of thousands more.

Every time one of you accuses america of genocide you are nothing but a liar and a hypocrite... All the lies in the world are not going to change that.

Muslims are massacred by Muslims not Israelis - Iran Defense Forum
lowe you should join japantoday like S-2 lol troll around there as well..
guys chill out he is not an Indian he is just a Pakistani American who loves America and denies to accept what US does to the world. Don't embarrass my Pakistani brother lowe..with list of genocides and crimes against humanity by US a long list i can give him and he'll be reading it all day let it go brothers. He forgot that US and Israelies have completely secure their Soldiers from being prosecuted in International Court for whatever crimes they commit against anyone from any religion or region. My brother lowe forgot that US can invade and kill as many as she wants if she feels threatened in any part of the world as using all resources to justify its case against these days "Muslims". So lets forgot don't you guys fight he in a minority if he is thinking like that no problem there are many non Muslims replacements who have better intellect and just see who is to be blamed and they don't point finger at Muslims.

This lowe is an indian ie a bharati, a hindustani. Check out what he wrote in the following thread http://www.defence.pk/forums/chines...hina-next-great-country-world-jim-rogers.html
He said instead of China being the next greatest country on earth, india is going to be the next greatest country on earth :rofl:
To Luftwaffe, Jihad and Omar 1984

Iowe1941 has made a valid point that you guy's have chosen to counter by that oh so favourite term "you're just an Indian"

The fact remains that in the countries mentioned muslims are killing muslims.

My preferred example is to compare the 1980-88 war between Iran and Iraq with the the Arab- Israeli conflict.

More mulisms were killed by muslims during the former conflict than the combined casualties of every Arab- Israeli wars.

Either inject some useful debate and counter his points or wind your necks in
This lowe is an indian ie a bharati, a hindustani. Check out what he wrote in the following thread http://www.defence.pk/forums/chines...hina-next-great-country-world-jim-rogers.html
He said instead of China being the next greatest country on earth, india is going to be the next greatest country on earth :rofl:

I know little about India,, but I do know something about communism and that is the reason i say India will someday be more powerful then China..

I am not the only one that thinks so..

India at 60, on its way to being a world power

India's advantages
What are the things giving India its heft? For one thing, India's democracy attracts many countries that wish to invest there or take advantage of its drive, Kohli said.

"Whenever there's a crisis, it can be solved by political entrepreneurs," Kohli said. "However, it's uncertain how stable China is. India's economy is driven by indigenous capitalists, while China's growth is often dependant on external resources."

Then there is the fact that as a former member of the British Empire, it's an English- speaking country (English is considered the subsidiary official language behind Hindi), which means it integrates well in terms of values and economy with such powerhouses as the U.S. and Britain

CBC News In Depth: India

Individual liberty is individual power, and as the power of a community is a mass compounded of individual powers, the nation which enjoys the most freedom must necessarily be in proportion to its numbers the most powerful nation"
John Quincy Adams
To Luftwaffe, Jihad and Omar 1984

Iowe1941 has made a valid point that you guy's have chosen to counter by that oh so favourite term "you're just an Indian"

The fact remains that in the countries mentioned muslims are killing muslims.

My preferred example is to compare the 1980-88 war between Iran and Iraq with the the Arab- Israeli conflict.

More mulisms were killed by muslims during the former conflict than the combined casualties of every Arab- Israeli wars.

Either inject some useful debate and counter his points or wind your necks in

"Pakistanis" living abroad and criticizing Pakistan in such a manner, WITHOUT even showing the slightest of support or hope for our nation should shut the f*ck up and mind their own business, as they have no use or no good for our country and we do not need people like them.
Ofcourse we know that hypocrisy is involved and that Muslims often have been in conflict with eachother, but what on earth does that have to do with this thread?
He defends Israel while he sees as a PAKISTANI that it is slaughtering the Palestinians.
In my opinion, he needs to grow a pair of balls and get educated and injected with some nationalistic sense and pride for it's people and it's nation.
If he cannot, he should be happy he doesn't live anywhere near me or my Pakistani relatives or friends for that matter, because I don't like useless traitors who criticize or abuse our flags.

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