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Expensive Pakistani Habbits , for a Economically Poor nation

Stop thinking like nomad
Driving is need of hour.
We are not sheep to stand all day long in the buses.
Shrink our blood in sweat of sunlight.
Quality of life is necessity not luxury
Stop non sense just like on minister said few days back.said geezer is luxury in response to high bills

Geezer is luxury?
What are we
Have you seen map of cities and rural areas
What makes you think everyone can have access to public transportation.

Have some mercy on common man for God sake.
Consider from your own house and family before applying the ban on the rest of nation without feeling their pain.

It's not Public who needs tuning
It's government who needs to be tuned well

Baning this Banning that
World's 6th in population a country which is far behind the world's 3rd countries.
Reasons might hurt you but none of them faulty due to nation ( a common man)

Give a hammer to industrialists
Give a hammer to politicians
Give a hammer to judicery
Give a hammer to laws and police
Give a hammer to white collar criminals
Give a hammer to doctors

And all those institutions should hammer and bleed a common man. And then do the job of a vampire or leech.

Govt is not responsible to fulfill your so called "needs" of driving. Don't like travelling in public transport, fine, pay tax to govt and pay full amount for petrol, why should govt provide any subsidy when there are more important stuff.
Govt is not responsible to fulfill your so called "needs" of driving. Don't like travelling in public transport, fine, pay tax to govt and pay full amount for petrol, why should govt provide any subsidy when there are more important stuff.
You reside in US and talk about Pakistan.
Remind me of Jahangir Karamat who end up being strategist in Pentagon for bunch of $$$s
First you bring your God Damn arse and role back to Pakistan
Then travel by public transport to have a better idea.
You have no sense of economics.
We pay government of Pakistan so much more as nation
Equity of what we earn in return is not in USD.
Quality of life w.r.t purchase power is SH1t okay
We pay taxes by default and what we receive back is a BIG BAD VOID
If government is FAIL to take taxes from the RICH
It's their incompetency
Not a common man who earns less than 1500usd per annum
Sitting in couches and talking about baning stuff
Thats madness.
You reside in US and talk about Pakistan.
Remind me of Jahangir Karamat who end up being strategist in Pentagon for bunch of $$$s
First you bring your God Damn arse and role back to Pakistan
Then travel by public transport to have a better idea.
You have no sense of economics.
We pay government of Pakistan so much more as nation
Equity of what we earn in return is not in USD.
Quality of life w.r.t purchase power is SH1t okay
We pay taxes by default and what we receive back is a BIG BAD VOID
If government is FAIL to take taxes from the RICH
It's their incompetency
Not a common man who earns less than 1500usd per annum
Sitting in couches and talking about baning stuff
Thats madness.

It's beyond embarrassment for me to respond to an immature brain which is growing old but had refused to grow up.


Govt should remove entire subsidy for residential consumers of petrol. If they can keep cars, they should pay for it's fuel, not govt.
It's beyond embarrassment for me to respond to an immature brain which is growing old but had refused to grow up.


Govt should remove entire subsidy for residential consumers of petrol. If they can keep cars, they should pay for it's fuel, not govt.

The guy you are responding to is classic example of spoiled brat suffering from entitlement syndrome, pakistan didn't use to have these kind of spoiled people as late as 20 years ago. No wonder pakistani economy is suffering from eternal deficits and trade imbalances during last 20 years. But the guy lives in saudi arabia where entitlement syndrome is the order of the day because saudi government is subsidizing all imports in saudi arabia. He thinks pakistani government should spend on imports in the same way as the saudi government does without realizing that pakistan is no saudi arabia from financial and economic point of view.
Another case of Patriots ( who refuse to live in Pakistan) calling for ban on everyday items used by common Pakistani. Patriotism is indeed amazing.
Another case of Patriots ( who refuse to live in Pakistan) calling for ban on everyday items used by common Pakistani. Patriotism is indeed amazing.

I don't know about others but as far I am concerned then whether I live in pakistan at the moment or outside of pakistan, I know pretty well what is happening in pakistan on daily basis. Bans on luxury imports will mostly affect 10% rich class people in pakistan, rest of 90% people are already living non-luxury life, for them it is a non issue. But bans on luxury imports will surely be a very good tool to bring reality check to top 10% rich classes in all areas of pakistan.
That is why I always call for bans on luxury imports instead of going only the currency devaluation route which puts burden on whole public.
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Another case of Patriots ( who refuse to live in Pakistan) calling for ban on everyday items used by common Pakistani. Patriotism is indeed amazing.
Atleast he is not Indian trying to pass of as a Pakistani

Can't get any lower than that
It's beyond embarrassment for me to respond to an immature brain which is growing old but had refused to grow up.

Shameless Elite Refute to be wise
Still you respond anyway

There will be no ban ever on Cars
So your idea of taxing further goes to black hole just like you convince yourself how to judge others lives.

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How on earth will the people of Pakistan learn to live without imported cheese? This is outrageous!
I agree. Banning imported cheese will wipe out current deficit.

Shameless Elite Refute to be wise
Still you respond anyway

There will be no ban ever on Cars
So your idea of taxing further goes to black hole just like you convince yourself how to judge others lives.

These Patriots keep advocating such measures because they won't be facing consequences. Having no skin in game makes them so much wiser.
Govt is not responsible to fulfill your so called "needs" of driving. Don't like travelling in public transport, fine, pay tax to govt and pay full amount for petrol, why should govt provide any subsidy when there are more important stuff.
What an ignorant literate person of you , without knowing stats and facts
You utter just data which is based on your perception.
If myself is as dumb as you think then you should come up with data?
Oil price in the world is easily available on the web. From 55 to 65 USD per barrel
Almost 159 litres per barrel.
Equivalent 47 Rupee per liter
So If you are not infancy stage then explain
Where is your so called subsidy?? SIR
Yep common sense is added cost of refinement and other honey canals are added to put up the cost of petrol.
I have posted a clip of Rauf Clasra journalist where he gives total break down of petrol price.
Your chooran of subsidy on oil is not sellable.
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Govt is not responsible to fulfill your so called "needs" of driving. Don't like travelling in public transport, fine, pay tax to govt and pay full amount for petrol, why should govt provide any subsidy when there are more important stuff.

the real issue is that the public does not get to decide what is important
What an ignorant literate person of you , without knowing stats and facts
You utter just data which is based on your perception.
If myself is as dumb as you think then you should come up with data?
Oil price in the world is easily available on the web. From 55 to 65 USD per barrel
Almost 159 litres per barrel.
Equivalent 47 Rupee per liter
So If you are not infancy stage then explain
Where is your so called subsidy?? SIR
Yep common sense is added cost of refinement and other honey canals are added to put up the cost of petrol.
I have posted a clip of Rauf Clasra journalist where he gives total break down of petrol price.
Your chooran of subsidy on oil is not sellable.

Get lost you dumb rturd, I'm not your dad that you speaking with ,I'm sorry, you identified me wrong. Don't teach me your house manners a whole. You have zero knowledge of economy or any knowledge what makes economy or what breaks it, I wonder what you do in KSA. I have seen plenty of frs like yourself, critiquing everything on govt but no introspection of own selves, when someone disagrees, you show them your aukat and house manners.

No matter what b cry you does, I stick to my opinion, if India has petrol prices 1.03, China at 1.02, Bangladesh at 0.77, while they are growing tremendously, there is no reason for a poor country with negative growth in dollar terms to have subsidies on petrol. You want to have a privilege, you fkin pay for that sh11t, not govt. Many poor people don't have jobs, govt should utilize that waste of money to creates job opportunities for them or use that money to build dams, or power projects. Now gtfo and don't quote me.

the real issue is that the public does not get to decide what is important

If public have no knowledge and act as sheep, then obviously these buerocrats or politicians or even oil companies will pressure the govt for the bests of their interests.

These Patriots keep advocating such measures because they won't be facing consequences. Having no skin in game makes them so much wiser.

Yes Mr bharti, care to explain why indian govt have petrol prices at 1.03 while Pakistan at 0.67? After all bhart is growing and is a Supa pawa now.

Pakistan gas prices are 24th cheapest out of 186 countries world wide. Even US has gas price at 0.71.
Get lost you dumb rturd, I'm not your dad that you speaking with ,I'm sorry, you identified me wrong. Don't teach me your house manners a whole. You have zero knowledge of economy or any knowledge what makes economy or what breaks it, I wonder what you do in KSA. I have seen plenty of frs like yourself, critiquing everything on govt but no introspection of own selves, when someone disagrees, you show them your aukat and house manners.

No matter what b cry you does, I stick to my opinion, if India has petrol prices 1.03, China at 1.02, Bangladesh at 0.77, while they are growing tremendously, there is no reason for a poor country with negative growth in dollar terms to have subsidies on petrol. You want to have a privilege, you fkin pay for that sh11t, not govt. Many poor people don't have jobs, govt should utilize that waste of money to creates job opportunities for them or use that money to build dams, or power projects. Now gtfo and don't quote me.

If public have no knowledge and act as sheep, then obviously these buerocrats or politicians or even oil companies will pressure the govt for the bests of their interests.

Yes Mr bharti, care to explain why indian govt have petrol prices at 1.03 while Pakistan at 0.67? After all bhart is growing and is a Supa pawa now.

Pakistan gas prices are 24th cheapest out of 186 countries world wide. Even US has gas price at 0.71.
Zero stats again Sir ( an imbecile )
You have not answered what I questioned led you say petrol is subsidy
You have given an example of India USA and China
Do you even know GDP per capita of these countries
You're joke Sir
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