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Featured Exiled Tibetans in India's 'special force' are only 'cannon fodder'

India surrendered way more than twice
90,000 times actually
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90,000 times actually
Those Pakistani POWs had way less of a chance than the German Sixth Army in Stalingrad ... I don't know why India takes so much pride in encircling and forcing the surrender of an army which was completely isolated from Pakistan by well over 1000 miles. All Indian victories have been against completely isolated enemies, whether it be at Goa against Portugal in 1961 or Pakistan in Bangladesh in 1971. You guys can never defeat an enemy head on on even comparable terms, let alone superior terms.
Those Pakistani POWs had way less of a chance than the German Sixth Army in Stalingrad ... I don't know why India takes so much pride in encircling and forcing the surrender of an army which was completely isolated from Pakistan by well over 1000 miles. All Indian victories have been against completely isolated enemies, whether it be at Goa against Portugal in 1961 or Pakistan in Bangladesh in 1971. You guys can never defeat an enemy head on on even comparable terms, let alone superior terms.
Never realized the German Sixth Army in Stalingrad was facing only 3000 Russian Troops

Han history from alternate universe is indeed fascinating
In Islamic history of 1400 years this was the first time Muslim laskar of 90000 surrendered .......

I don't know about the Muslim laskhar, but under stronk Hindu man Modi and his RSS hindu terrorist regime, India has achieved perhaps a unique medal of honour, i.e. to surrender 1000 sq km of Indian territory to China without firing a single bullet.
Someday soon
Keep Balochistan, We didn't want it.

Balochistan was never under the rule of your self styled secular republic. We never dispossessed India of it.

Azad Kashmir would have been a correct analogy. We took it off you through violent means and still hold it.

Go on - tell us you don't want Azad Kashmir....only you can't can you?
The term special in this case means “special”caste forces. It’s means Tibetans are not part of any caste and so they can be cannon fodders.
May we lost 1000sq Km may be we dont ...but thanks for considering Laddak as part of India ....It's really warming to hear that Pakistanis consider areas of J&K as part of India :)

I don't know about the Muslim laskhar, but under stronk Hindu man Modi and his RSS hindu terrorist regime, India has achieved perhaps a unique medal of honour, i.e. to surrender 1000 sq km of Indian territory to China without firing a single bullet.
The latest border confrontation between China and India has brought under spotlight an Indian force unit, composed of the exiled Tibetans who some Indian media believe formed an "elite unit" and played an "important role" in the latest standoff triggered by India's provocative actions.

However, according to Chinese analysts, this so-called Special Frontier Force (SFF), numbered at most 1,000, was far from being "elite" and was only used by Indian army as cannon fodder in the border clash.

After the Indian army again confronted Chinese troops on the border area at the southern bank of the Pangong Tso Lake and near Reqin Mountain pass on Monday, Indian media hyped up the casualties of Tibetan members of its Tibetan armed unit. India army said its troops preempted Chinese military during the latest clash.

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Then more Western media reported about the SFF, saying ethnic Tibetans in exile are joining the Indian army to help India fight against China.

However, Qian Feng, director of the research department at the National Strategy Institute at Tsinghua University, told the Global Times on Friday that Indian army deployed the unit of exiled Tibetans to conduct the preemptive actions, but according to Indian media, the action resulted in one death and injuries to another commander, which fully reflects Indian forces' insufficient preparations.

"One death and injuries to another commander in this non-war military action showed that the SFF was not that 'special,' and far from being elite. They were only used by Indian army as cannon fodder," Qian said.

The SFF was first formed with the support of the US in the 1960s as the exiled Tibetans had high-altitude combat capabilities. They were later used by India to spy on Chinese military, according to Qian.

At present, the SFF's importance has declined significantly in Indian army and it no longer plays any important role. The number of the unit has also dramatically reduced, and at present the unit has at most 1,000 offspring of the exiled Tibetans, he said.

Indian army does not trust foreign soldiers, thus most of the ethnic Tibetans had very low status in the military. Becoming a member of the unit was only their means to make a living, Qian said.

However, some foreign media including Reuters boasted their importance and claimed the Tibetan "government-in-exile" support them in fighting shoulder to shoulder with India against China.

After a Reuters reporter asked Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying to comment on it at Wednesday's media briefing, Hua said we firmly oppose any country providing convenience in any form for the "Tibet secessionist" forces' separatist activities.

Analysts said that Tibetan "government-in-exile" has faded into obscurity and cannot make any waves internationally. It only used the China-India border confrontations as an opportunity to get a little bit of attention.

While for India, colluding with the exiled Tibetan and playing the Tibet card is only shooting its own foot, as China's economic power and military strength are much greater than India's, analysts said.

tibetatns have special and spiritual attachment to dalai lama and tibet , they will give life for tibet to reincarnate to serve tibet and dalai lama in next life , these special forces are trained to fight on more than 12000 ft height .
May we lost 1000sq Km may be we dont ...but thanks for considering Laddak as part of India ....It's really warming to hear that Pakistanis consider areas of J&K as part of India :)

No sunshine, there is no maybe or ifs/buts. Say goodbye to 1000 sq kms. well actually today's news is, from horse mouth your vary own defence minister on your floor of parliament has conceded that China have swallowed 38000 sq km of your claimed territory. LOL

China has illegally occupied over 38,000 square km of land in Ladakh: Rajnath Singh

That's what you, yourself, your state, your establishment consider as sovereign land of India? don't you? LOL

What we consider our land, is already depicted in our political map ;) .
So Pakistan has no claims on Laddak ???
No sunshine, there is no maybe or ifs/buts. Say goodbye to 1000 sq kms. well actually today's news is, from horse mouth your vary own defence minister on your floor of parliament has conceded that China have swallowed 38000 sq km of your claimed territory. LOL

China has illegally occupied over 38,000 square km of land in Ladakh: Rajnath Singh

That's what you, yourself, your state, your establishment consider as sovereign land of India? don't you? LOL

What we consider our land, is already depicted in our political map ;) .

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