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Those Pakistani POWs had way less of a chance than the German Sixth Army in Stalingrad ... I don't know why India takes so much pride in encircling and forcing the surrender of an army which was completely isolated from Pakistan by well over 1000 miles. All Indian victories have been against completely isolated enemies, whether it be at Goa against Portugal in 1961 or Pakistan in Bangladesh in 1971. You guys can never defeat an enemy head on on even comparable terms, let alone superior terms.

90000 also included civil servants, their families, other civilians etc

The actual fighting force was much less than 50k fighting against enemy enjoying numerical superiority of around 1:10. Surrounded by enemy from all sides. And isolated from main land Pakistan by more than a thousand miles.

Some thing which isn't going to happen ever again and hence no such victories for bharat mata anymore :)
For sake of argument, let's agree with the Map, then what kind of mullah logic is that India lost 38000 sq km of Pakistani territory as shown in your map to China, the only other explanation is you don't even believe your own govt's map and consider those territory show in your map as Indian territory.

Please refer to the recently unveiled map of Pakistan. :D

View attachment 670346
For sake of argument, let's agree with the Map, then what kind of mullah logic is that India lost 38000 sq km of Pakistani territory as shown in your map to China, the only other explanation is you don't even believe your own govt's map and consider those territory show in your map as Indian territory.

they think releasing maps will change the ground scene .
90000 also included civil servants, their families, other civilians etc

The actual fighting force was much less than 50k fighting against enemy enjoying numerical superiority of around 1:10. Surrounded by enemy from all sides. And isolated from main land Pakistan by more than a thousand miles.

Some thing which isn't going to happen ever again and hence no such victories for bharat mata anymore :)

as a veteran jihadi fighter from afghan jihad zaid zaman hamid says one pakistani soldier is equal to ten hindu bania soldiers , 90000 were equal to 9 lakh indian army ,
even then they surrendered ?
as a veteran jihadi fighter from afghan jihad zaid zaman hamid says one pakistani soldier is equal to ten hindu bania soldiers , 90000 were equal to 9 lakh indian army ,
even then they surrendered ?

Nobody here cares about your obsession with Zaid Hamid
Nobody here cares about your obsession with Zaid Hamid

lal topi is pakistan's best defence expert , nobody except pakistanis are obsessed with him , pakistani channels take his expert advice of global defence matters .

lal topi is pakistan's best defence expert , nobody except pakistanis are obsessed with him , pakistani channels take his expert advice of global defence matters .

Only you are talking about him. Obsession
For sake of argument, let's agree with the Map, then what kind of mullah logic is that India lost 38000 sq km of Pakistani territory as shown in your map to China, the only other explanation is you don't even believe your own govt's map and consider those territory show in your map as Indian territory.

38K Pakistani territory? what are you on about? What kinda Sadhu logic is that?

Our map is clear, those unending border lines will be adjusted with the major power which is China once Indian nuisance is been taken care of.
Only country with map without boundaries ha ha ha .... the loss of half country made you really weird
38K Pakistani territory? what are you on about? What kinda Sadhu logic is that?

Our map is clear, those unending border lines will be adjusted with the major power which is China once Indian nuisance is been taken care of.
38K Pakistani territory? what are you on about? What kinda Sadhu logic is that?

Our map is clear, those unending border lines will be adjusted with the major power which is China once Indian nuisance is been taken care of.
38000 sq km? oh, Aksai chin. By that logic, you gave away 5400 sq km to become their cheerleader. Bad deal in my opinion.
They are even supplying/selling girls to China , giving disputed land and even supplying donkeys :
AP Exclusive: 629 Pakistani girls sold as brides to China
38000 sq km? oh, Aksai chin. By that logic, you gave away 5400 sq km to become their cheerleader. Bad deal in my opinion.
Only country with map without boundaries ha ha ha .... the loss of half country made you really weird

Coming thick from a citizen of country which doesn't have any border with a neighbouring super power? lost your marbles? LOL
38000 sq km? oh, Aksai chin. By that logic, you gave away 5400 sq km to become their cheerleader. Bad deal in my opinion.

That's Indian randi rona about Pakistan gifting land to China has been debunked on this vary forum. Keep your eyes open sunshine and read the forum regularly.
A cheerleader claiming some third world country as a superpower doesn't make it one, anyway, we have our claim of the border ...you guys are not even claiming anything in your non boundary map seems like whole Pakistani territory is open to be get settled/discussed with .... your superpower.
But anyways ....your country your rules your maps
Coming thick from a citizen of country which doesn't have any border with a neighbouring super power? lost your marbles? LOL

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