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Exclusive: India ready for another strike against Pakistan

Haha I want him to win because he’s helping Pakistan a lot.

Secondly, it’s not Modi who got the pilot back but it’s Pakistan who played really smartly and gained so much with just giving you the pilot back.
Don’t twist the facts as all the Indians do all the time.
Pakistan got played by diplomatic pressure...
Yes I'm an succeeded in defusing the hot environment with one move... For now.

Your slaves?? Who are you?
I thought you guys are converted by force?
What was your country name then when you slaved us?
I thought Pakistan came into existence in 1947 only !! Isn't so?

What you gained by returning a solider??
Dollars? ?
What they don't realize is whose ancestors were forced into Islam and how..
And they still think themselves as an Arab nation
Such a pity and lack of self identity with inferiority complex.
Bangladeshis never make such claim

This is what they are taught in Pakistan 'we ruled India for 1000 years'

They question that should be asked is 'how did USA make you to release abhinandan'
A correction, the slaves converted themselves.

We are unbowed heads.
When i was working in UAE, I used to see a lot of these unbowed heads licking muslim boots.

SO what will the moronic leadership of our send to fight f16s this time, MiG 15s or Gnats?
Why don't you send RSS to fight PAF with their .303 guns? I have heard they are very brave.
Your slaves?? Who are you?
I thought you guys are converted by force?
What was your country name then when you slaved us?
I thought Pakistan came into existence in 1947 only !! Isn't so?
Not all converted by force... Muslim & hindus ratio were same during mughal rule... They were clever and 1000 ago they invented a geneogical DNA test kit and came to know War is not in hindu blood...so they preferred to use you as slaves...
I also have a feeling that some relatively extraordinary activities is going on in Akhnoor Sector; but there is no news, in this regard, from Pakistani side.

We will not release any information until we capture back our posts but Indian army now dominates strategic positions.another Pakistani assault is expected.i hope they will take back lost territory.enemy approached from two different positions.right between those two positions is Pakistan army and from North,another Pakistani attack is expected.indians can't hold the lines for too long but they are now in commanding position because of strategic positions.
Try again and you shall find out words are cheap and actions speak louder then words. If war is that you want then you shall get it peace is not in your mind nor souls then you are just as evil as the devil himself pathetic people.
JF-17 shot down SU-30, some advice for you: first worry about JF-17 before even dreaming about F-16.

LOL, only in your dreams, but i understand you guys are running a marketing campaign to rip off poor countries like nigeria using false facts. Oh I have a better idea, start claiming that jf17 shot down an F 35.
The same as they did before, they sent a su30 and had it back in pieces. If they keep repeating this pattern, they basically fall in the definition of insanity.

Had Su 30 been sent your PAF would have been in pieces by now but our Generals are still living in 1970s era where the MiG 21s blew your air force out of the sky and wanted a repeat performance this time against f16s.
When i was working in UAE, I used to see a lot of these unbowed heads licking muslim boots.
A correction, they do work and their employers pay them. This is how the entire civilized world treats everyone who work for them as employees but the Muslim world and their attitude is different, see what you said. What sort of attitude is this?

BTW what are you doing in UK? I don't want to stoop down to your level but I hope you got what I meant.
LOL, only in your dreams, but i understand you guys are running a marketing campaign to rip off poor countries like nigeria using false facts. Oh I have a better idea, start claiming that jf17 shot down an F 35.

Your denial just feeds my satisfaction. Indian tears are so plentiful over JF-17 shooting down SU-30 that their value is worth less than the poo on the street.
LOL, only in your dreams, but i understand you guys are running a marketing campaign to rip off poor countries like nigeria using false facts. Oh I have a better idea, start claiming that jf17 shot down an F 35.
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