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Exclusive: India ready for another strike against Pakistan

The only difference between what you saying and what my point of view is this simple fact, when you strike, you strike with full power, otherwise, it is no deterrent. If according to your argument proportionality is to deter India to impose a full scale war. I am certain, if Pakistan has downed 5/10 Indian jets on 26th and attack on 27th with full force taking out the Indian military targets and if Bipin was in the range, him too. It would have deterred India.
I for one second didn't say anything about Economic condition of Pakistan, we all know about it, therefore there is not much to debate on it. But that like numeric disadvantage is our weakness India is definitely going to exploit. Therefore, in the bigger scheme of things, it is irrelevant what Pakistan thinks and what is there disadvantage. We have actually given the impetus and control of acceleration in to Indians hands by not striking decisively. I have written this before, by striking on 26th and getting away lightly, Indians are under the impression that they have coward Pakistanis to proportional response, and now they are free to escalate it without "Nuclear" threshold breached.
Some of their participants here are already indicated it on this forum.

Now to Economic vows of Pakistan. What Indians have done cleverly that they have spend time and money on Pakistani politicians with the help of their Western allies is to make inroads with Pakistani politicians.
Nawaz and Zardari have caused more damage to Pakistan than the Indians ever could. Nawaz all his 5 years spent to threaten the PA. Same did Zardari whenever he thought he is in the firing line.
Both of them and their henchmen looted Pakistan to their heart's content ,without any fear and check and balances. The whole purpose of them attacking PA was that the army would be under pressure to take any action against them. Guess what they were right, whole time PA and its establishment coward against these two thieves and their 40 men. Still nobody is willing to take them on. Sadly it is reflected in the SCP decision too.
As for LHC and IHC, they are full of Butts appointed crooked judges. They will give Butts all the benefits and clear them from all the charges.
This situation has arisen because

I totally agree with what you have said in the second paragraph.

I have never said that our "proportionality of response" would act as a deterrence for India. India is deterred, from a full-scale aggression against Pakistan, for a variety of other internal and external reasons. One of them is that global powers would never allow for a full-sale war to happen, between India and Pakistan, and they have more than sufficient leverage on both the countries, to ensure this. I again repeat that "proportionality of response" is our compulsion, not our choice. If we forego this path, under the prevailing circumstances; it may prove to be disastrous for Pakistan. As for India exploiting our weaknesses, sure it is doing that and would keep on doing this; but the solution to this is not in what you are proposing.
Had imran not announced in your parliament immediately that abhinandan will be released ( that too without asking any apology ) India would have got the bargaining chips by now.
Pakistan ain't in a position for conflict with India
That's why Imran waved the white flag

Same goes for India too, any full blown war with Pakistan will cripple Indian economy as now all economic centers are under striking distance of Pakistani PGMs.
They don't need another surgical strike.fight is going on to regain control of akhnoor dagger.today you have seen iaf and paf over akhnoor.i think it's time to prepare for an all out war.
They don't need another surgical strike.fight is going on to regain control of akhnoor dagger.today you have seen iaf and paf over akhnoor.i think it's time to prepare for an all out war.

ANY evidence for your claims? If what you say is true then remember to post the links here.
You have to see polls.
If polls for Modi are down, ready for an attack..
If they are positive, they wouldn't dare.

You are right; but the problem is that it is again Modi and his coterie, who are going to assess that how the polls are going. Another aspect is that Modi is trying to maximize his gains in elections, in order to establish a strong government. These factors may lead them to initiate another similar low-intensity attack against Pakistan.
Many links my friend.read retired indian army officers and naval offices.i am not talking about twitter.stay United.

Many links my friend.read retired indian army officers and naval offices.i am not talking about twitter.stay United.

indians also claim to have invented UFOs 7,000 years ago and the internet 10,000 years ago. Do you expect me to believe that too:



Do you have ANY genuine, honest, irrefutable and reliable evidence to back up your claims? If so then please post the links here. If not then you are lying and making it all up. Believing ANYTHING indians say is like asking someone to trust known compulsive liars.

PS Are we to believe the same people who claimed to have bombed over 300 terrorists in Balakot without a shread of evidence?.....:lol:
everything you said would hold weight if we believe its about terrorism or Hafiz Saeed or Molana Azhar.
Lets for the sake of discussion we assume Pakistan hands over Hafiz and Azhar to India, do you believe than there will be peace between two countries?

No. You are right. Clearly and surely, it is not at all about this so-called bogey of "terrorism". What India wants from Pakistan is: 1) to forego its claim, regarding right of self determination for the people of Kashmir, and 2) to take a subservient geopolitical position viz-a-viz India, in the regional context, as adopted by the other neighboring countries, except China
indians also claim to have invented UFOs 7,000 years ago and the internet 10,000 years ago. Do you expect me to believe that too:



Do you have ANY genuine, honest, irrefutable and reliable evidence to back up your claims? If so then please post the links here. If not then you are lying and making it all up. Believing ANYTHING indians say is like asking someone to trust known compulsive liars.

PS Are we to believe the same people who claimed to have bombed over 300 terrorists in Balakot without a shread of evidence?.....:lol:

I have links but i don't post here.recently indians made my post viral.i don't want to be in indian news.you will see intense fighting in the coming days.please forget balakot and mig-21. It is now history.kindly look at recent situation at loc.
They don't need another surgical strike.fight is going on to regain control of akhnoor dagger.today you have seen iaf and paf over akhnoor.i think it's time to prepare for an all out war.

What is this? Can you kindly clarify a little more, as nothing is coming on media, in this regard?
I have links but i don't post here.recently indians made my post viral.i don't want to be in indian news.you will see intense fighting in the coming days.please forget balakot and mig-21. It is now history.kindly look at recent situation at loc.

If the link is indian or by indians, then it is fake.
They don't need another surgical strike.fight is going on to regain control of akhnoor dagger.today you have seen iaf and paf over akhnoor.i think it's time to prepare for an all out war.
Can you shed somelight on Akhnoor daggar? Tell me about it
Can you shed somelight on Akhnoor daggar? Tell me about it

Akhnoor dagger is a strategic position like a chicken neck.see it on Google map.it stretches inside indian territory and have seen wars in the past.it is the most important point to attack india.very strategic place.
I have links but i don't post here.recently indians made my post viral.i don't want to be in indian news.you will see intense fighting in the coming days.please forget balakot and mig-21. It is now history.kindly look at recent situation at loc.

You have asked all concerned to "look at recent situation at LOC"; but, what to look at, when no sound information is available, in this context?
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