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Exclusive: India ready for another strike against Pakistan

You didnt mentioned our so called "second pilot " that you have in your hospital, when are you releasing him? or he was you first shooter who didn't live to ask questions later:rofl:
he might be dead or still in our custody and you(india) claim only 1 pilot missing in action so we gave you 1 @The wheel of time ;):enjoy:

The same day. Btw, you still didnt answer my question. Besides we release the picture of the f16s pilot of yours who was killed, and lets say it was a lie and your pilot didnt die that day, so how could pakistanis miss such a golden opportunity to further your propaganda? all that you had to do was to bring that guy on camera and make him say that the Indian claims were false. You still can do it.
why you're (india) so humiliated and you have no prove that our F-16 was being shot down, but our JF-17 kills MIG-21 bison/MKI, get some shame @The wheel of time :D;):enjoy:

Su didnt get the opportunity to make mince of your fighters but lets not lose hope, its not over yet.
why you're so humiliated, and you're accepting that India is a war monger country @The wheel of time :crazy::hitwall:;):enjoy:
So whuch border will you be fighting at once hostilities commence?

Don't you usually keep this sort of things a secret so your opponent won't be prepared?
I think this is all a show for their elections. It's not gonna happen if it's announced before hand.

The whole world witnessed Indian spanking live on their TV screens and mobile phones.
Their ego is hurting mate. They want revenge. But of course it will be a surprise attack unlike this with complete pom pom show.
Indian try to capture this area?

I have no information. But I think, recently, India claimed to destruct some of our posts in this Akhnoor Sector. But on LOC and WB, such kind of activities are somewhat routine.
i believe that the modi will win the elections in 2019 and his party with his goons will increase oppressions aggainst minorities especially muslims and modi will fail to reduce unemnployment in his second term. Made in india scheme will be in perils. Hindutva terrorism will increase and saffron extremism will get boost in india. india, internally, will be a highly divided country with many minorities and regional ethnics will feel the heat of saffron extremism. all these factors will be bring downfall of india. in desperation of 2023 elections the bjp will do the same drama and a surpirse attack initially will give them an edge and they will occupy lahore and will cross loc and then Pakistan's attack will come and that will be very cruel and it will result in final showdown of worldwar3
I have no information. But I think, recently, India claimed to destruct some of our posts in this Akhnoor Sector. But on LOC and WB, such kind of activities are somewhat routine.

This I think is international boundary isn't it!! or because of IoK it is working boundary!!
This I think is international boundary isn't it!! or because of IoK it is working boundary!!

It is not international border, but working boundary, with Pakistan, on one side, and IOK, on the other.
Pak needs to enhance its conventional capability for deterrence. Nukes have lost its bite.
Nukes are still a potent deterrent, because of them, India will never risk open large scale war. Nukes have already deterred multiple wars with India.

But you're right, Pakistan needs better conventional capabilities. Nukes should be a last resort, not first.
Nukes are still a potent deterrent, because of them, India will never risk open large scale war. Nukes have already deterred multiple wars with India.

But you're right, Pakistan needs better conventional capabilities. Nukes should be a last resort, not first.

Imagine firing all our nukes in one go at India, and then take over the western states using conventional forces.

The massacre would be on our hands and we would also be doomed from the fallout and internationally.
LOL, only in your dreams, but i understand you guys are running a marketing campaign to rip off poor countries like nigeria using false facts. Oh I have a better idea, start claiming that jf17 shot down an F 35.

I think its you who is dreaming go ask your pathetic AF they will tell up you or not don't try to play a behind the screen hero here wont get you anywhere.
Its over dude... After 27 feb... No su30 came near to LOC.. On that day we fired only one AMRAAM that strucked right in the left whole of that elephant.. And it converted into thousands of debris before going down to earth... :lol:

A sovirt era MiG 21 thats it, stop living in fantasy world:D
I will apologize if you tell me exactly where I was disrespectful....
Insisting your crap again & again that why would we release your wing commander abhi within 48 hours, you know what is the GENEVA CONVENTION says about POW (PRISONER OF WAR) @kris

A sovirt era MiG 21 thats it, stop living in fantasy world:D
and you should also stop living in fantasy world claiming that F-16 down by MIG-21 @The wheel of time :crazy::crazy::hitwall::hitwall:
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