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Exclusive - DG ISPR takes Journalists to LoC and briefs

Sure it can be, but not the way you guys claim.
Firstly your DGMO never mentioned crossing into Pak at all.
all you have got is your media, that's twisting stories from using choppers to dropping paratroopers. You might sure infilterate but can't go back alive with zero casualities without anyone sniffing any bit of what happened for 4 damn hours.

Good that you admit that infiltration is possible. Tell that to your countrymen who think going over to the Pak side is more difficult than escape from Alcatraz.

So once you admit possibilities of infiltration , then all possibilities open up. Maybe a large group went in but many were killed, and both Indians and Pakis wont admit to it, for obvious reasons. At least the prevailing claim from Pakistani side about it being something beyond impossible should be moderated.
Good that you admit that infiltration is possible. Tell that to your countrymen who think going over to the Pak side is more difficult than escape from Alcatraz.

So once you admit possibilities of infiltration , then all possibilities open up. Maybe a large group went in but many were killed, and both Indians and Pakis wont admit to it, for obvious reasons. At least the prevailing claim from Pakistani side about it being something beyond impossible should be moderated.

That's where you should be questioning your DGMO to give further details and evidence instead of being fed lies.
The bodies of your men would be all over media if you had really infilterated and had got few casualities. it was a win for Pak army to claim some kills without Indians having anything to show as evidence whether they completed their mission or not - But tell you what? All you guys did was shelling and firing and branded it as surgical strike
Answer what? your pathetic theories "hmmm 5x5 would be enough for 30 terrorists" "oh it must just be a tent that could not be targeted by artillery" ?

I thought you guys also believe its PA that supports them?
The fact? neither do they come from Pak neither does PA support them, And not there are any launch pads along LoC as the UN military observers have full access to anywhere along Loc.

Well just asking you, so where they came from? just drop from sky? and your Hafiz saeed / Hizbul ? what about him, if you told him that, terrorist dropped from sky, he will die with heart attack.

Basically have Few Questions :
A) If terrorist do not come from PAK then from where they come ?

B) then why India spend so many $ for fence etc ?

C) 5x5 Tent 4 -6 tents can have 5 person / tent ,only for meeting .

D) Moreover if you use Artillery shell for precise bombing then you need to position one person with Laser target Designator isnt? which is invented for precise bombing.

You mean 5X5 tents were the ''launching pads''?
And you killed 40+ ''terrorists'' by destroying those tents?
Look like such ''tents'' were over crowded.

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You must be talking about this thing
View attachment 340037
this shows nothing can hide in India unlike PAK army which buried kargil reports?
Well just asking you, so where they came from? just drop from sky? and your Hafiz saeed / Hizbul ? what about him, if you told him that, terrorist dropped from sky, he will die with heart attack.

Basically have Few Questions :
A) If terrorist do not come from PAK then from where they come ?

B) then why India spend so many $ for fence etc ?

C) 5x5 Tent 4 -6 tents can have 5 person / tent ,only for meeting .

D) Moreover if you use Artillery shell for precise bombing then you need to position one person with Laser target Designator isnt? which is invented for precise bombing.

Please read the edited post.

Nope, You guys had claimed your used your satellites to locate the so called launch pads. You can very well use your GPS to do the precision bombing.

this shows nothing can hide in India unlike PAK army which buried kargil reports?

What reports. PA showed up list of 473 men who lost lives in kargil after the war, some of them who also got the highest military award.

What about your lies that start from faking battles in laungewala, to siachen, to deny kulbhushun yadav, to deny you blew up pakistani fishing boat, to deny samjota express? and long list that im missing here.
Answer what? your pathetic theories "hmmm 5x5 would be enough for 30 terrorists" "oh it must just be a tent that could not be targeted by artillery" ?

6-7 tents of around 5x5 can hold 30 men , isnt? not for sleeping , only meeting or sitting.

what happens to yours side? can't see them? Does that mean PA can pull a similar stunt as yours too?

you becoming so innocent, when terrorist taken Indian soldiers head ? and Indian soldiers also came inside and cut your soldiers in return, that happen in ground and keep on happening.

Anyhow to the question,
I thought you guys also believe its PA that supports them?

Here is what we believe - neither do they essentially come from Pak neither does PA support them, And not there are any launch pads along LoC as the UN military observers have full access to anywhere along LoC on our side.
yes, how many UN observer in PAK? are they stand on every KM and watching?

Even if they do, they don't do amid war drums being beaten. they don't do it so they have to get back home alive as well. so theirs is essentially one way mission unlike your commandos with stealth arses who got back as well with zero casualities after spending 4 hours in a highly militarized zone. another thing im sure they are not stupid enough to cross LoC all of them at once in group.

They did, operation last 7 hrs including insertion /hitting/ back

Yes you talking about this?

no i am talking your Super duper commando attack siachin post ...and got killed in numbers...

Please read the edited post.

Nope, You guys had claimed your used your satellites to locate the so called launch pads. You can very well use your GPS to do the precision bombing.
our Artillery shells are not so smart with 0 error margin. May be PAK Armyhas those kinda shell which have 100 Accuracy, India do not have ,

Can you please tell which kinda shell have 100 Accuracy ?

What reports. PA showed up list of 473 men who lost lives in kargil after the war, some of them who also got the highest military award.

Same PA told that Terrorist is present in Kargil isnt during months long war? isnt?

Then why PAK hiding kargil report and hiding real number of people killed?

What about your lies that start from faking battles in laungewala, to siachen, to deny kulbhushun yadav, to deny you blew up pakistani fishing boat, to deny samjota express? and long list that im missing here.

Even if India lies , Press is independent and its expose , unlike PAK which hide Kargil report and hide its real numbers.

India accepts Kulbhshun unlike u which didnt accept your citizens.
PAK fishing boat?, PAK denied that boat was his, so India blew boat which is claimed by no country.
Samjotha happen in India,

if open the list , before samjohta , Their was , Dawood -Mumbai , and Mumbai , your list is long and you only have samjhota till last year and now kulbhshan.
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6-7 tents of around 5x5 can hold 30 men , isnt? not for sleeping , only meeting or sitting.

Again, where did you get this from? your media?
They were planning in TENTs at 2:30 Am? and had no weapons to fire upon you - WTF stop brain farting.

Plus, for the matter of using artillery, Artillery doesn't mean a single shot that could simply miss as you claim.

you becoming so innocent, when terrorist taken Indian soldiers head ? and Indian soldiers also came inside and cut your soldiers in return, that happen in ground and keep on happening.

Again, where is that coming from? terrorists took the heads off your soldier and got back to pakistan? and similar happened on our side? LOL! Another crap

Anyhow they got detected, Didn't they? So i don't see any similarity

btw, you never answerd would you have believed if PA had done this similar surgical strike on your side? NOPE! Big fat NO.
yes, how many UN observer in PAK? are they stand on every KM and watching?

They can visit any place any time on ours side after formal request, Doesn't depend on the numbers,
They did, operation last 7 hrs including insertion /hitting/ back
But they got detected even if i take your claim.
Get back when you get some some evidence, not ofcourse your media. That's not possible, if you really believe it happened, then you better hone up your border management skills.

no i am talking your Super duper commando attack siachin post ...and got killed in numbers...

Bla bla bla.. Your soldiers were caught faking killings in siachen speaks volumes about your claims.
our Artillery shells are not so smart with 0 error margin. May be PAK Armyhas those kinda shell which have 100 Accuracy, India do not have ,

Can you please tell which kinda shell have 100 Accuracy ?

One shell could miss - not all of them firing different shots at the same time.
Same PA told that Terrorist is present in Kargil isnt during months long war? isnt?

Then why PAK hiding kargil report and hiding real number of people killed?

You being a kid and gullible believer in your media stories need to learn alot . The kargil here has been discussed to death, Go waste your time in those threads.
ven if India lies , Press is independent and its expose , unlike PAK which hide Kargil report and hide its real numbers.

India accepts Kulbhshun unlike u which didnt accept your citizens.
PAK fishing boat?, PAK denied that boat was his, so India blew boat which is claimed by no country.
Samjotha happen in India,

if open the list , before samjohta , Their was , Dawood -Mumbai , and Mumbai , your list is long and you only have samjhota till last year and now kulbhshan.

No you don't - you accepted him as your navy officer as the Navy number was shown to the world by pakistan. You don't accept he was creating terrorists in pakistan working for RAW. Which he confessed.

PAK fishing boat?, PAK denied that boat was his, so India blew boat which is claimed by no country.
Samjotha happen in India,

That's why you denied destroying it in the first place before the officer blew up your lies in air.
Yes samjota happened in India in which indian security officers were involved.
if open the list , before samjohta , Their was , Dawood -Mumbai , and Mumbai , your list is long and you only have samjhota till last year and now kulbhshan.

Mumbai? you talking about mumbai? we lost more than 30,000 people in your state sponsered terrorism in FATA and balochistan, Something your monkey has confessed, apart from TTP commanders for themselves.

Lastly, stop wasting my time, Better come up when your DGMO comes up with something to back up your theories.
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Sure it can be, but not the way you guys claim.
Firstly your DGMO never mentioned crossing into Pak at all.
all you have got is your media, that's twisting stories from using choppers to dropping paratroopers. You might sure infilterate but can't go back alive with zero casualities without anyone sniffing any bit of what happened for 4 damn hours.
yes, also PM said "we not crossed PAK", we crossed in Kashmir line which we consider is ours...."

sorry its 7 hrs raid ..... that is what commando do, kill and came back quietly, Zero causalities because we are not attacking any army base. and attacking some terrorist which is in their resting state.

Again, where did you get this from? your media?
I think Tipu7 did actually post a very accurate picture to house 30 guys in 5x5 TENT

did i said single 5x5 tent? small multiple tents

Again, where is that coming from? terrorists took the heads off your soldier and got back to pakistan?
btw, you never answerd would you have believed if PA had done this similar surgical strike on your side? NOPE! Big fat NO.
It was not terrorist , they PA regulars , and Indian also cross loc and taken PA soldiers heads.

Well PA sending terrorist which attacking and we capturing some of them alive and killing few of them, when you cannot accept that , what more can accept from your side?

They can visit any place any time on ours side after formal request, Doesn't depend on the numbers,

Get back when you get some some evidence, not ofcourse your media. That's not possible, if you really believe it happened, then you better hone up your border management skills.

Well after pathankot attack India/US provide GPS coordinates / mobile phone and ask Indian agency to visit and check records / do equerry,and PAK run away after that.


Bla bla bla.. Your soldiers were caught faking killings in siachen speaks volumes about your claims.
yes , we caught by ourself because we believe in truth, we didnt ask PAK to provide proof.lol

One shell could miss - not all of them firing different shots at the same time.
Well , ask you GUN personal, if even one shell missed and they survived , they run away from that position.

You being a kid and gullible believer in your media stories need to learn alot . The kargil here has been discussed to death, Go waste your time in those threads.
Not media stories , real ground realities...

No you don't - you accepted him as your navy officer as the Navy number was shown to the world by pakistan. You don't accept he was creating terrorists in pakistan working for RAW. Which he confessed.

lol read govt press statement, he was ex navy officer and taken retirement and started own business.

RAW is worse agency who send Spies with its own country passport. , May be they take help from ISI , next time we not give our own passport to our spies...

That's why you denied destroying it in the first place before the officer blew up your lies in air.
Yes samjota happened in India in which indian security officers were involved.
he is in jail, what about dawood? and his family living pak?

dawood is living long before samjhota..... should i mentioned the date?

Mumbai? you talking about mumbai? we lost more than 30,000 people in your state sponsered terrorism in FATA and balochistan, Something your monkey has confessed, apart from TTP commanders for themselves.

Lastly, stop wasting my time, Better come up when your DGMO comes up with something to back up your theories.

Oh really what a irony is , PA army do not want to take action against TTP because they supported by India , Even US stop sending AIDS to PAK becasue PA is not taking action against TTP.

World asking take action against TTP and PA is running away.

Well this time India said we have enter PAK and killed you, do what you can and now you are trying to prove India Army not entered and killed NO one..... why not you run to US /UN/ China and take action against India for killing your soldiers inside your own controlled area ? this time India saying it , YES WE DONE IT, and pak need to give proof.
yes, also PM said "we not crossed PAK", we crossed in Kashmir line which we consider is ours...."

sorry its 7 hrs raid ..... that is what commando do, kill and came back quietly, Zero causalities because we are not attacking any army base. and attacking some terrorist which is in their resting state.

did i said single 5x5 tent? small multiple tents

It was not terrorist , they PA regulars , and Indian also cross loc and taken PA soldiers heads.

Well PA sending terrorist which attacking and we capturing some of them alive and killing few of them, when you cannot accept that , what more can accept from your side?

Well after pathankot attack India/US provide GPS coordinates / mobile phone and ask Indian agency to visit and check records / do equerry,and PAK run away after that.


yes , we caught by ourself because we believe in truth, we didnt ask PAK to provide proof.lol

Well , ask you GUN personal, if even one shell missed and they survived , they run away from that position.

Not media stories , real ground realities...

lol read govt press statement, he was ex navy officer and taken retirement and started own business.

RAW is worse agency who send Spies with its own country passport. , May be they take help from ISI , next time we not give our own passport to our spies...

he is in jail, what about dawood? and his family living pak?

dawood is living long before samjhota..... should i mentioned the date?

Oh really what a irony is , PA army do not want to take action against TTP because they supported by India , Even US stop sending AIDS to PAK becasue PA is not taking action against TTP.

World asking take action against TTP and PA is running away.

Well this time India said we have enter PAK and killed you, do what you can and now you are trying to prove India Army not entered and killed NO one..... why not you run to US /UN/ China and take action against India for killing your soldiers inside your own controlled area ? this time India saying it , YES WE DONE IT, and pak need to give proof.

Oh please! Aren't you fuckin done with the lies and stories your media feeds you without any shred of truth? you sound like a school kid.

Stop quoting me!
The fact remains that the plethora of false statements and propaganda being thrown up by India is falling flat and so far not one corroborative evidence has been provided.

I do not find it surprising if the Indians online get more and more aggressive and descend into pathetic ideals that would make their parents ashamed to utter as their government's ploy and their media's idiocy breaks down around them.

Oh wow, some random dude decides to write up a fluff piece filled with self fellatio and you predictably decide to go for the fiction as if craving the sights and smells of tattapani.

it can be hurtful I see. My sympathies.


When I used the same good ol' Indian media your reaction to it was..

So if Indian media with its different reports contradicting itself when it comes to this specific event and an admission of staging fake battles was "non sense" -- it turns in to a Gospel when you like a certain narrative ?

Ofcourse it is my opinion that a certain platform has two engines. It is also my opinion that PAF as an organization doesn't even use tail numbers like the ones shown on the "alleged" war trophy ... :rofl:

it is done. really nobody cares what Pakistanis believe or not. As long as the three or four Pakistanis who matter get the message, job done.
Oh please! Aren't you fuckin done with the lies and stories your media feeds you without any shred of truth? you sound like a school kid.

Stop quoting me!
llol, please first ask your army tell truth and not lies like they fed you during kargil for months, Ins;t PA chief lied when he said not PAK soldiers in kargil? and after few years you admitting pak soldiers are present in kargil.

like this after few months you also admit it.
So Pakistan did their surgical strike:sarcastic:

it can be hurtful I see. My sympathies.

it is done. really nobody cares what Pakistanis believe or not. As long as the three or four Pakistanis who matter get the message, job done.

and yet you have to come on a Pakistani forum to announce it .. because .. after all,"it is done" "nobody cares" ... Yeah try convince some other people with the BS you spew .. By the way, funny how you'd rather talk fluff then facts to legit questions being posed by our side .... Heck you yourself have established "it is done" while the Indian side still admits that there is no proof of it ... So yeah keep believing .. after all, It wouldn't be the first time you stage some fake engagements for some purpose ..

In evidence given to a military Court of Inquiry, Surinder Singh admitted that he ordered troops under his command to pose as dead Pakistani soldiers for the benefit of the unit's video cameras, and fired missiles at non-existent enemy positions.
Is all of that supposed to make any sense? Pardon us, but on this side of the border we don't partake in giving credence to any form of verbal diarrhea.

@krash - just look at your post (https://defence.pk/threads/exclusiv...to-loc-and-briefs.452817/page-17#post-8760624) - the rambling long winded bag of hot gas - that's more verbal diarrhea than a olympic size swimming pool. Obviously you proved yourself wrong....:)
and yet you have to come on a Pakistani forum to announce it .. because .. after all,"it is done" "nobody cares" ... Yeah try convince some other people with the BS you spew .. By the way, funny how you'd rather talk fluff then facts to legit questions being posed by our side .... Heck you yourself have established "it is done" while the Indian side still admits that there is no proof of it ... So yeah keep believing .. after all, It wouldn't be the first time you stage some fake engagements for some purpose ..

now you are repeating yourself. Sorry, buy it is boring. Come back with something even mildly intelligent and interesting and I shall read it.

And there you go again, wasting bandwidth and people's time on rhetoric which doesn't even make any sense.......2-4 line responses to all the quotes is rambling.......right, right.......

you're beginning to get it. kudos.
woow Indian members still defending Sir G Kal strike ..........dammnnnnnnnnn
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