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Exclusive - DG ISPR takes Journalists to LoC and briefs

LOC isn't exactly a picnic spot where there are a lot of people to "see things".

Releasing the video and proof of the attack is going to be a tactical move, we are gonna let Pakistan do all the denying first, it will be much more fun that way :lol:

Dil ko behlanai kai liye yeh khayal acha hai. :lol:

I'll be waiting for that fun. Hope you dont get embarrassed again but considering how shameless you lot are still defending something that never happened, i doubt if you will feel embarrassed at all.

Brace yourself.

Some pictures of Indian soldiers and a dark video with Indian soldiers shooting in the dark is about to be released.

This is something else that even those "proofs" would be destroyed here right on this forum. :)
Brave move from PA, they have called IA's bluff and raised it with this visit. IF IA has any footage this might be the time to release it and if they don't do this it might further raise doubts on Indian claim.
You're the first person I have seen here who is not blinded by patriotism or ego. More Indians should raise questions on your army's claims. Its in your own interest.

India picked the eve of Mahalaya Amavasya which is a special day dedicated to making an offering to express our gratitude to all the previous generations of people who have contributed to our life.

Mahalaya Amavasya is the beginning day of Dussehra dedicated to Maa Kaali
Ye to pakka hil gaya hay Indian Army ko defend kertay kertay. :lol:
The question is why is PA running away from the battle?

Even if we assume the surgical strike was fake, PA could have used the story to their advantage by calling it an attack on their army and launch a counter strike.

The whole act of trying to prove it as fake is actually confirming the weakness of PA which was all along suspected.

As I have posted this before on PDF, that PA don't want war with India that is why they will not do Pathankot or Uri thing, both are Indian dramas, priority of military is completion of CPEC, elimination of internal threats, stabilizing of economy, so they can kick start pending over all modernisation of all military branches of Pakistan makings them true 21st Century force.
The question is why is PA running away from the battle?

Even if we assume the surgical strike was fake, PA could have used the story to their advantage by calling it an attack on their army and launch a counter strike.

The whole act of trying to prove it as fake is actually confirming the weakness of PA which was all along suspected.
Its called being responsible; something Modi's India and the internet Indians living in it have forgotten or wilfully choose to ignore in their feeble attempts at riding their hypocritical high horse.
You're the first person I have seen here who is not blinded by patriotism or ego. More Indians should raise questions on your army's claims. Its in your own interest.
Nah man, I am as right wing as it can get in India. I just appreciate good initiative/move made by the adversary. To be honest this was the best thing Pakistan could have done to put the ball back in India's court without escalating things on LOC.
Because we dont want war,We will return favour in other ways expect one more uri

BUSTED hahaha
you mean to say you support terorism ? then why said uri was a indian drama?
well bro trust me this terrorism is burning your home as well killing more people annually in pak one side and rest of world other side
Why did it take them so many days to do this? :woot:
Because unlike you folks we like to verify facts before launching the bollywood connected industry known as the Indian news networks into a ridiculous frenzy; then we also wait before jumping into a nationalistic fervour of idiocy where we start repeating every other bullcrap story like a stuck cassette tape.

I think it's time for Indian Military Officials to come out and answer all the legitimate questions instead of letting indian media making stories on their own.


Full Presser

Just one question why is it done so late?? If done earlier it would have put indian claim in bad position just as you did after 65 war to show paf planes in a parade
It dosen sound very appealing but I would like to hear indian reply on this
Because unlike you folks we like to verify facts before launching the bollywood connected industry known as the Indian news networks into a ridiculous frenzy; then we also wait before jumping into a nationalistic fervour of idiocy where we start repeating every other bullcrap story like a stuck cassette tape.
Sorry Sir but Pakistani media played old videos all day to counter Indian narrative and we have multiple threads here on PDF where members are posting old pics saying Ex Service men are sharing them to show Pakistan's response to India
I salute Pak Armed forces and government for behaving in a more responsible manner to avert further escalation. Common sense seems to have taken leave on the Indian side of the border, even on PDF I've come across very few sensible posts, and I'm surprised that too from only Pakistanis.

For God sake, war mongers on both side need to take the back seat, including the man child that is Modi.
Just one question why is it done so late?? If done earlier it would have put indian claim in bad position just as you did after 65 war to show paf planes in a parade
It dosen sound very appealing but I would like to hear indian reply on this

Because you can't take journalists to the area the next morning where just fresh firing took place last night and continued till 8 AM. its putting their lives in harms way. plus you guys made the claim in afternoon.

UN military observers have full access to anywhere along LoC on pakistani side as the DG mentions. Unlike you
Its called being responsible; something Modi's India and the internet Indians living in it have forgotten or wilfully choose to ignore in their feeble attempts at riding their hypocritical high horse.

Responsible? How about Raheel's Pakistan and the internet Pakistanis talking like this?

Because we dont want war,We will return favour in other ways expect one more uri

I think it's time for Indian Military Officials to come out and answer all the legitimate questions instead of letting indian media making stories on their own.


Full Presser

Where are the Indian dead bodies? :azn:

It is astonishing to see people actually buying this. This is common. And very easy to fake.

India did not give the coordinates of the places she hit (say x). Pakistan shows places she wants. (say y)

x =/= y

This proves nor disproves anything. :angel:

But thanks for 'proving' that we did nothing. We are innocent. :angel: :smitten:
Did these vegitables took back their dead bodys, or animals are still eating them?
Because you can't take journalists to the area the next morning where just fresh firing took place last night and continued till 8 AM. its putting their lives in harms way. plus you guys made the claim in afternoon.

UN military observers have full access to anywhere along LoC on Pakistani side as the DG mentions. Unlike you

Oh OK then 2 days are more than enough to hide any bodies, any proofs, any burning destroyed points just look at the terrain man do you still believe after 2 days anything will be left ?
And if UN military does have access then why not any country has come forward other than pak to suppress indain claim ?
why did you rushed to UN for simple ceasefire that happens quite a few times and you don't do running every time
why did pak pm condemn the attack
why did a sparate meeting was called with armed chiefs
why chinease envoy was called
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