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Ex Israeli Intel Boss: It Is Impossible For USA To Defeat Iran

Reading your comment, I just hope U.S never ever ever ever decides to invade Iran. If this is the level of delusions, then U.S would just cut through a delusional Iran like hot knife in melted butter! Holy sh*t! :lol:
it's not delusion, US is still a super power but the fact is most of people here don't know our capabilities.
iran's goal is not "just not to lose", recently they announced that they are changing the whole military approachs, offensive instead of defensive. actually it makes sense, why fight in your own home and draw shit all over it, fight in enemy lands and be sure that even if you lost, your enemy gonna suffer too.
as soon as we captured US bases and their soldiers and their puppets, there gonna be a fraction in the ex-enemy land's power and politics and we gonna fill them with our friends and russia and china, like syria, at the end of the day we gonna have several thousand US soldier in our custody(which they are now considered terrorist under our law so we can execute them and this is a positive point), enemy lands (oil rich lands) and russia and china are along with us.
Your entire comment sounds like a fanboy love letter. In case of war, Iran will never be able to wage war on US land, nor will it be able to capture any US military base.

Iran doesn't have the capabilities that you seem to think it does.

You're delusional.
my darling friend we know that they will do all of them. our VHF OTH radars covers areas up to syria, OTH radars can't be used for targeting aircrafts, but they notice you that something is coming, even if it's an stealth fighter/bomber . so if we notice that let's say one squardone of stealth planes entered our airspace, we will launch our missiles toward the people who have stealth planes (israel, US), and that's the official end of US presence in region. after that their bases destroyed we will invade them in bahrain, qatar, afghanistan and so on and will capture their remaining soldiers+assets (as i can remember the commander of 55 airborne brigade said we will reach everywhere in region less than 3 hours) and will bring them back to iran for trials (right now according to our law US soldiers are terrorists to the geneva convention about PoWs will not apply to them).

I just hope your leaders are little smarter than you
you have no business blocking oil or trade in international waters. the list of countries that benefit from uninterrupted flow of oil are stronger than the ones who oppose it. i do not have the time to argue with you. Challenge the status quo at your own peril

You cannot claim you were never warned
Well as Iranian FM put it clearly Iran has a vital interests in keeping the strait open next to flow of oil... why should we close the passage of our commerce? the point is your country lawlessness & violation of international law to prevent Iran from having trades with other countries, sell its oil & the policy of turning Iran oil export into zero is considered by Iran as an act of war which is undoubtedly against the UNSCR 2231 which as I recall your country had a significant role in reaching it ... I mean you are a permanent member of the UNSC with veto right, now you are in denial of your own, international law/norm & your position as a normal state.
So if you consider such a authority for yourself to prevent others from enjoying their rights under Int. law and are after creating chaos and mayhem in other region then the problem lies on your side not us .. its Persian gulf for God sake not gulf of Mexico.

Well this the so-called authority of yours gives you no right to attack another country ... it's a clear violation of international law esp when you try to interpenetrate the law unilaterally & solely base upon your interests beside your dictatorship allies & it's clear that american gov has no respect for law ...though it's not a jungle what we've seen is worse than it.
Attempting to use reason and logic with a western imperialist/neo fascist sympathizer?,now theres a wasted effort if ever I saw one,my friend.:disagree:
You`re talking to people who believe that the end justifies the means and that might makes right.....but only for the west of course,naturally.
In other words:
:usflag:When we do it,its okay:usflag:


Authority of USA and its allies (lot of whom are oil importers and exporters)

Attempting to use reason and logic with a western imperialist/neo fascist sympathizer?,now theres a wasted effort if ever I saw one,my friend.:disagree:
You`re talking to people who believe that the end justifies the means and that might makes right.....but only for the west of course,naturally.
In other words:
:usflag:When we do it,its okay:usflag:

Well he has right to express himself even if his words make no sense and be wrong, I don't have any grudge against anyone I just tell what I think sounds right.
Well he has right to express himself even if his words make no sense and be wrong, I don't have any grudge against anyone I just tell what I think sounds right.
Oh,and quite right too,I`m just pointing out that expecting any kind of rational response to a question like "what gives you the authority.." is frankly pretty hopeless,nonetheless it is good to ask it if only to see the inevitable absurdity and hypocrisy of the response.:agree:
Attempting to use reason and logic with a western imperialist/neo fascist sympathizer?,now theres a wasted effort if ever I saw one,my friend.:disagree:
You`re talking to people who believe that the end justifies the means and that might makes right.....but only for the west of course,naturally.
In other words:
:usflag:When we do it,its okay:usflag:



Absolutely. You have to treat them like the 5 year olds that they are!
Attempting to use reason and logic with a western imperialist/neo fascist sympathizer?,now theres a wasted effort if ever I saw one,my friend.:disagree:
You`re talking to people who believe that the end justifies the means and that might makes right.....but only for the west of course,naturally.
In other words:
:usflag:When we do it,its okay:usflag:




there is a good reason Iran did not have allies in 1980 war with Iraq
there is a good reason you are isolated in the world
Absolutely. You have to treat them like the 5 year olds that they are!
Ah..,if only they were 5 year olds then there would at least be a very good chance that they could be properly educated and taught as to why that sort of thinking and behavior should be unacceptable,and eventually in the fullness of time and the development of maturity that comes with it they themselves would realise just why this sort of thinking and behavior is unacceptable.
Sadly tho however,they are NOT 5 year olds,and when one is dealing with supposedly "mature" adults who espouse this sort of thinking then frankly its pretty much just too late for education or behavior modification,unless of course you`re going to do it using something like the ludovico method in a clockwork orange[lol!]
Ah..,if only they were 5 year olds then there would at least be a very good chance that they could be properly educated and taught as to why that sort of thinking and behavior should be unacceptable,and eventually in the fullness of time and the development of maturity that comes with it they themselves would realise just why this sort of thinking and behavior is unacceptable.
Sadly tho however,they are NOT 5 year olds,and when one is dealing with supposedly "mature" adults who espouse this sort of thinking then frankly its pretty much just too late for education or behavior modification,unless of course you`re going to do it using something like the ludovico method in a clockwork orange[lol!]
Don't expect a lot their mature adults right now are POTUS,Mike & John & remember they are under heavy bombardment by media 24/7:
Trump is right fake news is everywhere & he is in leading position..:usflag:

Your entire comment sounds like a fanboy love letter. In case of war, Iran will never be able to wage war on US land, nor will it be able to capture any US military base.

Iran doesn't have the capabilities that you seem to think it does.

You're delusional.
my dude just in case you didn't notice, we maded green zone in baghdad, we captured afghanistan for them, so if we want we can do it again. most of you guys are delusional, you are afraid of US name while you don't look at the ground realities. most of US assets in region are cargo planes, helicopters and ground forces.
it is our region.
Iran doesn't have the capabilities that you seem to think it does.
iran has the capability, we have biggest helicopter and cargo planes inventory, let's not talk about our proxies.
Iran will never be able to wage war on US land
my dude just in case you didn't notice, we maded green zone in baghdad, we captured afghanistan for them, so if we want we can do it again. most of you guys are delusional, you are afraid of US name while you don't look at the ground realities. most of US assets in region are cargo planes, helicopters and ground forces.
it is our region.

iran has the capability, we have biggest helicopter and cargo planes inventory, let's not talk about our proxies.

You did nothing in Afghanistan, and you only partially achieved influence in Iraq.

Iran's fleet of inventory of hardware is old and obsolete compared to the US.

Also, you saying that Iran will resort to terrorism does NOT help your case, it only strengthens mine.
You did nothing in Afghanistan, and you only partially achieved influence in Iraq.
yeah 12 green beret captured the kabul.
Iran's fleet of inventory of hardware is old and obsolete compared to the US.
sir do they carry soldiers or not??
Also, you saying that Iran will resort to terrorism does NOT help your case, it only strengthens mine.
what's your definition of terrorism?? i never said anything about terrorism.
You did nothing in Afghanistan, and you only partially achieved influence in Iraq.

Iran's fleet of inventory of hardware is old and obsolete compared to the US.

Also, you saying that Iran will resort to terrorism does NOT help your case, it only strengthens mine.
where r u body burning i smell it from here bad fire .u r one of those poor people who have no manhood only think about soudi money go see urself in mirror maybe see one slave of camel rider such poor thing
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