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Ex Israeli Intel Boss: It Is Impossible For USA To Defeat Iran

Loooooooool :lol::lol:

Such videos were popular before Iraq invasion as well (1991 one as well!)....but US absolutely routed Iraq with minimal losses of its own. Iran war won’t be any different militarily. Loss might lose 10k soldiers instead of 5k in Iraq but Iranian defeat is certain.

Only issue is how bad could the insurgency be in Iran and beyond? And that’s a different topic.

US can easily bomb Tehran into stone ages by destroying its electric grid, cutting off water supplies, and bombing all the institutions of state. What can Iran do to stop USAF from bombing its cities day in day out 24/7? Nothing!

Iran’s only hope is to fight asymmetric fight...which is BY DEFINITION means fighting from weakness (since you can’t take on the invading enemy via direct military power).

Iranians are smart. Let’s not get carried away by such “israeli experts” lmaoo:rofl:
LOL popular videos in 1991!

I know what butt-hurt is, but at least think for a second before making lies!
Vietnam and North Korea had supply line & lifeline with China and USSR. What do you have ?

All out war is the complete destruction of the Iranian state and its ability to wage war. Look at what we did to Japan and Germany in World War 2.

There is no difference as far as USAF goes. they will bombard you with standoff weapons
Well the world has got changed since WW2 which is very long ago ... & the Q is why you wanna attack us?
And then what? That is exactly what the guy in the video says you can't do. Because bombing will not achieve anything. Oil flow will still be interrupted and US bases in reach of Iran's missiles will be still hit. Price of oil will still sky rocket which then is going to hurt US back home because US GDP and Oil price have negative relation. It will turn into another unfinished war like those of Syria and Afghanistan which eventually, US will try to find a way to get out of without any tangible result.
آمریکا خودش تولید کننده است و وابستگیش یه این منطقه خیلی کمتر شده نسبت به گذشته نهایتا 20 درصد... بیشتر چین ، اروپا و هند و دیگرانی که هنوز وابسته اند و تولید کننده نیستند بیشترین صدمه را می بینند اما به هرحال با افزایش قیمت های جهانی قاعدتا قیمت ها در امریکا نیز متاثر خواهد شد و هم صدمه می خورد ولی نه مثل 74
Well the world has got changed since WW2 which is very long ago ... & the Q is why you wanna attack us?

USAF ability to strike has not changed since WW 2.

I am not in charge of things. I would not know why we would attack Iran unless Iran messed up with the oil flow
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Authority of USA and its allies (lot of whom are oil importers and exporters)
Well this the so-called authority of yours gives you no right to attack another country ... it's a clear violation of international law esp when you try to interpenetrate the law unilaterally & solely base upon your interests beside your dictatorship allies & it's clear that american gov has no respect for law ...though it's not a jungle what we've seen is worse than it.
Well the world has got changed since WW2 which is very long ago ... & the Q is why you wanna attack us?

آمریکا خودش تولید کننده است و وابستگیش یه این منطقه خیلی کمتر شده نسبت به گذشته نهایتا 20 درصد... بیشتر چین ، اروپا و هند و دیگرانی که هنوز وابسته اند و تولید کننده نیستند بیشترین صدمه را می بینند اما به هرحال با افزایش قیمت های جهانی قاعدتا قیمت ها در امریکا نیز متاثر خواهد شد و هم صدمه می خورد ولی نه مثل 74
ممکنه که بتونه نیاز خودش رو تامین کنه ولی در اقتصاد آزاد وقتی قیمت میره بالا همه جا میره بالا. مثلا اینجا در کانادا ما خیر سرمون تولید کننده نفت هستیم. قیمت بنزین با قیمت جهانی بالا پایین میشه. قحطی بنزین نمیشه ولی بنزین لیتری دو یا سه دلار رو هم اینجا نمیتونن تحمل کنن.
LOL popular videos in 1991!

I know what butt-hurt is, but at least think for a second before making lies!

Now just think about it...why the **** would I be butthurt about retarded fangirls of Iran thinking US military can not bomb Tehran to shit if it really wanted to? :lol::rofl:

Iran is a significantly weaker military than the mighty US military. Iran literally has no weapons that will stop USAF from bombing the shit outa Iranian cities. These are facts....if you want to keep living in your own little cave......go ahead, tough girly :)
Well this the so-called authority of yours gives you no right to attack another country ... it's a clear violation of international law esp when you try to interpenetrate the law unilaterally & solely base upon your interests beside your dictatorship allies & it's clear that american gov has no respect for law ...though it's not a jungle what we've seen is worse than it.

you have no business blocking oil or trade in international waters. the list of countries that benefit from uninterrupted flow of oil are stronger than the ones who oppose it. i do not have the time to argue with you. Challenge the status quo at your own peril

You cannot claim you were never warned
iran has all the weapons to stop USAF.

U.S will destroy iranian bases and radar stations with stealth bombers. Your airforce won't even be able to get air borne. Any SAMs will be pretty much rendered useless by heavy jamming by U.S electronic warfare (before U.S strikes destroy them).

What are you going to do? C'mon, lets be real....USAF is unbeatable in air. Only Russians might be able to challenge USAF, and that too----only temporary!
U.S will destroy iranian bases and radar stations with stealth bombers. Your airforce won't even be able to get air borne. Any SAMs will be pretty much rendered useless by heavy jamming by U.S electronic warfare (before U.S strikes destroy them).

What are you going to do? C'mon, lets be real....USAF is unbeatable in air. Only Russians might be able to challenge USAF, and that too----only temporary!
my darling friend we know that they will do all of them. our VHF OTH radars covers areas up to syria, OTH radars can't be used for targeting aircrafts, but they notice you that something is coming, even if it's an stealth fighter/bomber . so if we notice that let's say one squardone of stealth planes entered our airspace, we will launch our missiles toward the people who have stealth planes (israel, US), and that's the official end of US presence in region. after that their bases destroyed we will invade them in bahrain, qatar, afghanistan and so on and will capture their remaining soldiers+assets (as i can remember the commander of 55 airborne brigade said we will reach everywhere in region less than 3 hours) and will bring them back to iran for trials (right now according to our law US soldiers are terrorists to the geneva convention about PoWs will not apply to them).
my darling friend we know that they will do all of them. our VHF OTH radars covers areas up to syria, OTH radars can't be used for targeting aircrafts, but they notice you that something is coming, even if it's an stealth fighter/bomber . so if we notice that let's say one squardone of stealth planes entered our airspace, we will launch our missiles toward the people who have stealth planes (israel, US), and that's the official end of US presence in region. after that their bases destroyed we will invade them in bahrain, qatar, afghanistan and so on and will capture their remaining soldiers+assets (as i can remember the commander of 55 airborne brigade said we will reach everywhere in region less than 3 hours) and will bring them back to iran for trials (right now according to our law US soldiers are terrorists to the geneva convention about PoWs will not apply to them).

Reading your comment, I just hope U.S never ever ever ever decides to invade Iran. If this is the level of delusions, then U.S would just cut through a delusional Iran like hot knife in melted butter! Holy sh*t! :lol:
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