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Ex Israeli Intel Boss: It Is Impossible For USA To Defeat Iran

Not by much, but that's because Iran has chosen an indigenous defence industry rather than relying on import like these other nations around it. As a consequence, it now has one of the most potent missile and air defence on the planet. It's airforce has not aged well, but that is one area it can improve by importing planes. Everything else is being developed nicely indigenously.
you are in the same position as in the 1980s
you could not beat Saddam in 8 years. We whipped the same Iraqi army twice - both times under a month of fighting
Oh boy!

First of all, it wasn't Iran VS Iraq, it was Iran VS Iraq+U.S+Soviets+Arabs, Iran captured soldiers from 17 different countries in that war, you all couldn't defeat Iran.

secondly, U.S fought no one in Iraq, specially the second war, Iraqi troops surrounded with no resistance, Saddam had no more foreign troops, no more foreign money, no more foreign weapons, no more foreign intelligence, plus all of the sanctions and Saddam's foolishness to allow U.S spies to freely run through out entire country (whether before or after war), just look how much it took for U.S to recapture just one city from ISIS in Syria or Iraq.
you are in the same position as in the 1980s
No 1980 we could not produce ak-47 . now we build missiles that can target a room 1000km away and khoramshahr missile just fell meters away from the target and officially can go up to 2000km away.
We produce our submarines and ships.
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Yes we have had no progress in the last 30 years what so ever. Please come "liberate" us so we can through "flowers" at your feet!

I am not in charge of things. If I was in charge I will pass

Oh boy!

First of all, it wasn't Iran VS Iraq, it was Iran VS Iraq+U.S+Soviets+Arabs, Iran captured soldiers from 17 different countries in that war, you all couldn't defeat Iran.

secondly, U.S fought no one in Iraq, specially the second war, Iraqi troops surrounded with no resistance, Saddam had no more foreign troops, no more foreign money, no more foreign weapons, no more foreign intelligence, plus all of the sanctions and Saddam's foolishness to allow U.S spies to freely run through out entire country (whether before or after war), just look how much it took for U.S to recapture just one city from ISIS in Syria or Iraq.

Nothing changes - you could not beat Saddam's army in 8 years. You do not have an air force called USAF
You did not have it in the 1980s. You do not have it now
Depends on the goal of the war.

If it's occupation and regime change, it's unlikely to happen. Iran will win this, no problem.

If it's to severely damage Iran's government, its military, and it's civilian infrastructure, the US can make it happen fairly quickly, although they'd have to ignore a bunch of international laws in order to do so. All the US would have to do is wreck havoc, and then get out.

There isn't gonna be a war between the two, there no point in debating this.
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Yakov Kedmi the former head of the Israeli intelligence agency “Nativ” in an interview with Russian Channel one TV:

It Is Impossible For USA To Defeat Iran!
Translation as I see it from different angle
Why start a war with IRAN if it does not have WMD and Israel wants to make sure Iran does not have WMD. If it does not then they are not too worried.
If Israel really felt threatened it would have been working behind scenes to curb the threat.
Actually as long as Hezbollah is alive, Israel has more reasons to push back and call Palestinian and Syria terrorist.
Syria was neighbor and is being taken care of.
Rest for Iran it is not about Islam and Muslim Brother hood it is about Persian heritage and Shia control in ME. Same can be said about Arabs so basically it is Arabs vs Persian and Shia versus Sunni.World sees them as just Muslims and sells them both arms and laughs at them and they weaken each other in order to strengthen themselves, resultant effect is adverse for all Shia and Sunnis Persian or Arabs.
Sad state of affairs. Iran is no match for USA unless USA wants to occupy Iran. But ...
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I am not in charge of things. If I was in charge I will pass

Nothing changes - you could not beat Saddam's army in 8 years. You do not have an air force called USAF
You did not have it in the 1980s. You do not have it now
Our defence doctrine is based upon making war costly for the enemy. That either prevents war or makes the enemy pull back.
Did you win in Vietnam, Korea, bay of pigs? are you able to defeat taliban with your superior airforce?
But But clueless fanboys on this forum are saying they can defeat Iran in couple of weeks.


Oh so now you believe Israeli ?

Our defence doctrine is based upon making war costly for the enemy. That either prevents war or makes the enemy pull back.
Did you win in Vietnam, Korea, bay of pigs? are you able to defeat taliban with your superior airforce?

US never won a war but did enough damage to those countries.
Oh so now you believe Israeli ?

US never won a war but did enough damage to those countries.
Yes they did a lot of damage to those countries, however don't forget the financial cost for US.. 7 trillions of dollars for the wars in the past 20 years.
Nothing changes - you could not beat Saddam's army in 8 years. You do not have an air force called USAF
You did not have it in the 1980s. You do not have it now

You are the living proof of why Americans are outright ignorant when it comes to international affairs. Open some history books before you let your uneducated mouth speak.

Iran just went through a bloody and chaotic revolution at that time, which changed the entire political order, but also saw its Imperial army being purged, with most of its generals being either executed or arrested. Almost its entire officer corpse was removed as well. Deemed as royal loyalists, most of its pilots either fled, were executed or imprisoned. In the war, Iran was fighting despite having less manpower, less armoured vehicles and tanks, less fighter jets, way less international political, military and economic support (the Saudis bankrolled Iraq throughout the entire war). You should check these numbers to understand the odds Iran was fighting against. The fact that Iran managed to survive, even recapturing all of its territory, was a bloody miracle, and couldn't have been possible without the sacrifices of the Iranian people.

Strength comparison:

Iraq: 9 well-armed divisions, 2750 tanks, 1400 artillery pieces, 4000 ACPs and 340 fighter bombers

Iran: 2 badly-depleted divisions and equally brigades, 500 tanks, 300 artillery pieces and no less than 100 operational aircraft.

What saved Iraq was not only petrodollars from the Gulf, but also US intelligence support. Rick Francona, who was a US intelligence officer in Iraq during that war, claimed that Iran would have captured Baghdad if it wasn't for the battlefield intelligence the Americans provided the Iraqis with. The same intelligence which were then used by Iraq to effectively use chemical weapons against Iranian forces:

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