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Ex IAF Chief says skirmishes in Ladakh, not ruled out

Pla and china has no plan and tactics, says an Indian. :rofl:

Which I have been hearing and reading their projects since when I was still in junior high and yet almost 20 years later, still rejected by their armed forces.

in contrast, we have seen the planned time of Chang e 5 moon mission in 2020 from as early as 2004..
China has no plans.. :cheesy:
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Yeah but this time they captured 1000 square kilometers of territory permanently. Meanwhile, India conducts a PR stunt to capture a couple of hills on their side while losing the most strategically valuable hills like Black Top and Helmet.

Unfortunately India is basically an ant compared to the juggernaut that is the US. China can afford to do much worse things to India than versus the US ... do you really think the US would let China get away with for example sinking a patrol boat and killing dozens of US servicemen? I didn't think so. But with India, China not only got away with butchering 60 soldiers in peacetime but also gained 1000 square kilometers of Indian territory, all for the cost of some Chinese apps which were hardly making money in India anyway.

Where did china get away after killing Indian soldiers? china also lost 40+ soldiers, not able to declare it as it will show in capability. PLA still guarding LAC .
So what can they do destroy US carriers in SCS??? China is responsible country, not like you guys,
Responsible :rofl: ? More like lack of balls.
Noting that the probability of a conflict between India and China can never be ruled out, former IAF chief Air Chief Marshal (ACM) B.S. Dhanoa Friday said that while on paper the Chinese Air Force has huge capability, a lot of natural and logistics factors are flying against it.

Chairing a session of the Military Literature Festival, which is being held online this year due to the Covid pandemic, he argued the Indian Air Force can actually provide a credible punitive action in the Himalayas as against the People’s Liberation Army’s Air Force (PLAAF).

Speaking about the ongoing stand-off in Ladakh, Dhanoa said, “Probability of India-China skirmish can never be ruled out.”

He added that the Chinese believe in the old Soviet era doctrine of their main offensive being missile and rocket-based.

Dhanoa further said that today’s China is not the same China that fought in Korea. “Taking large casualties is something that a developed China with one-child policy cannot take,” he explained.

About the PLAAF, the former IAF chief said, “On paper, the PLAAF has a huge capability and is supported by a much larger economy funding a defence budget, which is almost three times ours. This is a public defence budget in which a lot many things are hidden.”

He noted that the PLAAF has 1,500 fighters, of which 800 are fourth generation.

Dhanoa further said China has also deployed a limited number of fifth generation fighters — J-20 and J-31 — and has also completed the induction of 24 Su-35 that it procured from Russia and the S-400 air defence system.

‘Effect of terrain has to be taken into consideration’
Talking about the PLAAF strength, Dhanoa said China has strategic bombers and has also deployed advanced AWACS (Airborne Warning And Control System), besides having a large fleet of UAVs, including stealth UAV.

He added that the Chinese have rocket forces deployed, which have the ability to target all military installations opposite them and also in the hinterland.

“It has developed Electronic Warfare to counter the US. So it has more than a match for our technology. But the bottom line is how credible are these technologies when we look beyond the Himalayas into Tibet,” Dhanoa said.

He questioned how much of this force can be brought against India given the state of infrastructure in Tibet and Xinjiang.

“Effect of terrain has to be taken into consideration. It has an impact on aircraft operations due to altitude and extreme cold. It has an effect on targeting and weapons ballistic, specially because their adversary, which is us, is likely to be dispersed. It has got serious issues on radar’s line of sight resulting in very poor trans-frontier visibility,” Dhanoa added.

He said all of these result in very low reaction time and by the time the IAF fighters cross the Himalayas, the Chinese will have less time to react.

Chinese should surrender, plain and simple, while they still have time. IAF is an unstoppable force even USAF, the premier air force in the world, doesn't stand a chance against bharatis. what hope could PLA possibly have againat IAF, which is immune to the laws of nature, and endowed with ancient super natural powers.
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In which Stone Age this folk is living??!?!? The entire warfare is turning into a non-contact business via drones, SOMs, EW, Laser/Microwave/railgun etc....

His initials are BS and he is ex cheif of Indian airforce. By the same logic, America would be easily steam rolled , where there is no one child policy, but still its population is less then half of China.
I admire the fact that they could mentally pleasure themselves 24 hours a day, seven days a week without getting tired.
It's enshrined in their way of life. They have perfected the art of self pleasure.
I have a feeling this sardarji is a Khalistani frontman, from the Balakot fiasco to Ladakh he is hell-bent on destroying the remaining credibility of IAF.
His BS knows no bounds.
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One thing is very evident, PLA did not plan to stay/guard LAC during winter. Same drama used to happen every year. During summer, intrude into India and retrace bit during winter. This time Indian reaction was different. PLA forced to take defensive position, guarding LAC. Indian troops even occupied Kailash ranges.

It works in Indian favor, longer PLA guards LAC.
What buffooNery is this? Honestly? PLA is somehow "stuck" at the LAC?? They're literally waiting for your soldiers to freeze their bollocks off, at which point the salami slicing will continue. They're experts at waiting for their enemy to make a mistake. They will wait and wait, patiently. IA soldiers start whining about how rubbish their dahl is after a few hours.
What buffooNery is this? Honestly? PLA is somehow "stuck" at the LAC?? They're literally waiting for your soldiers to freeze their bollocks off, at which point the salami slicing will continue. They're experts at waiting for their enemy to make a mistake. They will wait and wait, patiently. IA soldiers start whining about how rubbish their dahl is after a few hours.
Well It is fact. Where are PLA now? They are freezing and using quick dry diapers.
Where did I troll? These are facts. If you don't like, that is not my problem.
You always talk nonsense and illogical, if they are wearing quick drying diapers that doesn't means they are afraid of you, but they are wearing because of weather and snowfall
You always talk nonsense and illogical, if they are wearing quick drying diapers that doesn't means they are afraid of you, but they are wearing because of weather and snowfall
I am not saying PLA is afraid of Indian Army. Something is not adding up. CCP and our cute members were claiming that all the PLA has facilities like running water, a/c, gym. And also they wear quick drying diapers.
Take your pick, either one has to be correct. Previously they claimed that hot meals are send daily using drones.
I am not saying PLA is afraid of Indian Army. Something is not adding up. CCP and our cute members were claiming that all the PLA has facilities like running water, a/c, gym. And also they wear quick drying diapers.
Take your pick, either one has to be correct. Previously they claimed that hot meals are send daily using drones.
So what your problem, they have all of them, they better logistic than you in laddakh, do you have any mental disease???

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