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Ex IAF Chief says skirmishes in Ladakh, not ruled out

Oh, this should be fun.

1. https://www.ef.co.uk/english-resources/english-grammar/past/

There are FOUR past tenses in English, hence usage of the indefinite article as opposed to the definite article is entirely appropriate.

2. There is nothing incorrect about expanding a possessive/genitive statement form into "y of x" as an alternative to "x's y".

3. "Different to" is equally acceptable as "different from". I can't compensate for variations between American English and British English.

You may wish to upgrade your version of Grammarly.

"...hence the usage of the indefinite article(,) as opposed to the definite article(,) is entirely appropriate."
The idiosyncrasies of some Pakistani Cheerleaders are sometimes astonishing...

If I say that with an economy 10x to Pakistan and defence budget 7x of its enemy, India enjoys a far greater chance to run over Pakistan, as compared to China defeating india, then many will highlight that Pakistan has atum bom to teach India the lesson...

Guys, far superior powers like the USSR or the US could not defeat far inferior powers like the Mujahedeen or the Vietnamese.. here you are taking about a 1.3 million army with 4th largest firepower in the world..

China has all the massive firepower to make it ugly for india, but doesn't have any ability to stop India from hitting back, may be in a smaller proportion to their.. a
"...hence the usage of the indefinite article(,) as opposed to the definite article(,) is entirely appropriate."
I dispute this vehemently. An article is not obligatory here (neither is a preposition indicating possession). Grammatically, there is no error. I am not categorically referring to this instance alone and in isolation. Instead, my comment applies whenever a statement is made referring to the multiple past tenses in spoken English. Regarding the commas, I will accept that it would have been preferable to add more commas, but again, the lack of the extra ones does not render the sentence grammatically incorrect.
But really, what is the Indian Chief supposed to write and say to his gov't and people? "If we fight we will all die. The Indian military is useless we should all lose our jobs. To save ourselves everybody in India should flee into the sea." He would lose his posh job.
Usually fights offer little in the way of gain so there is no reason to fight. No need to help those traitors who betrayed or stole from you. Sometimes though, you have to fight even if you are going to lose. You just make sure to hit your opponent as hard as you can and inflict as much damage as you can since your opponent is going to put the boots to you once you go down whether you hurt him or not.
I dispute this vehemently. An article is not obligatory here (neither is a preposition indicating possession). Grammatically, there is no error. I am not categorically referring to this instance alone and in isolation. Instead, my comment applies whenever a statement is made referring to the multiple past tenses in spoken English. Regarding the commas, I will accept that it would have been preferable to add more commas, but again, the lack of the extra ones does not render the sentence grammatically incorrect.

the lack of the extra ones the extra ones' does not render the sentence grammatically incorrect.
Just goes to show how stupid this BS guy really is. Is it really Soviet doctrine to shower your enemy with massive air/artillery/missile strikes prior to an offensive? Every single major offensive in the past 100 years has followed this doctrine of degrading enemy defenses before attacking. The PLA used this strategy in 1962 against the Indians and it worked like a charm ... why would it not work again in the future, especially considering the weapon disparity between the two has grown in magnitudes? It sounds to me like the Indians are insecure they have extremely inadequate artillery and missiles ... makes sense.

The more amazing part is that it seems they actually have more confidence in close combat with PLA, especially given their hand2hand experiences recently.

It does not say how good they are at close combat vis-via China, he just show how bad they are at long range combat vs PLA.

Its funny he did not even mention EM warfare, just like the rest indian military leaders, whilst in almost every single PLA military exercises it has been the most important dimension since probably 1990s.

It almost like some stone age aborignals brags how big their clubs are, whilst facing against some troop with machine guns.

That's why I always think if there is a war between China & India, it will be at least a repeat of Gulf war, the two army belong to two ages.
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the lack of the extra ones the extra ones' does not render the sentence grammatically incorrect.
Now I'm certain that English is not your first language. Read my sentence again. I am stating that: by omitting the extra commas you had suggested I add, I have not caused my original sentence to be grammatically incorrect. I cannot even figure out what you've tried to do to that sentence, the butchery is so rampant.
India cannot keep messing with her neighbors and expect to remain intact. The country has enough fueling issues to burn herself from inside out. If the Northern separatist elements become active along with Khalistan movement and the Kashmiri separatists, the Indian army will inevitably become dispersed; then it doesn't matter how much men it has. If at that time China and Pakistan decide to push then I don't think India will be able to cope with this multi-front war. All of this will require deception and one should never underestimate China when it comes to that.
Now I'm certain that English is not your first language. Read my sentence again. I am stating that: by omitting the extra commas you had suggested, I have not caused my original sentence to be grammatically incorrect. I cannot even figure out what you've tried to do to that sentence, the butchery is so rampant.

Read my sentence again. I am stating that: by omitting the extra commas you had suggested I add, I have not caused my original sentence to be grammatically

Reread my sentence. I am stating that: by omitting the extra commas you suggested, I have not caused my original sentence to be grammatically incorrect
Skirmish is a possibility, but InAf also know the result.
Therefore, they would do all they can to prevent a skirmish to happen.
Now I'm certain that English is not your first language. Read my sentence again. I am stating that: by omitting the extra commas you had suggested I add, I have not caused my original sentence to be grammatically incorrect. I cannot even figure out what you've tried to do to that sentence, the butchery is so rampant.

Everyone knows he is an indian, even me who is not a native speaker can tell him.

He is definitely not an American, real dotard americans definitely have more self-confidence, being more direct, and more reasonable, and actually have a life, whilst that guy sound like your typical low-self-esteem, self-hating false-flag dumb Indians who can spam retarded nonsense 24/7/365 apart of his call-center job.
Read my sentence again. I am stating that: by omitting the extra commas you had suggested I add, I have not caused my original sentence to be grammatically

Reread my sentence. I am stating that: by omitting the extra commas you suggested, I have not caused my original sentence to be grammatically incorrect
I understand that you're offended because my original attack on B.S.Dhanoa was correct and based accurately on his reported statement. However, derailing the thread won't undo his idiocy. Thanks for your time. It's great knowing how easily frustrated and touchy you false flaggers get when the right buttons are pushed.
I understand that you're offended because my original attack on B.S.Dhanoa was correct and based accurately on his reported statement. However, derailing the thread won't undo his idiocy. Thanks for your time. It's great knowing how easily frustrated and touchy you false flaggers get when the right buttons are pushed.

You mock sentence structure, grammar, and typos of others...

"I understand that you're offended because of my original attack on B.S.Dhanoa was correct and based accurately on his reported statement."

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