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Europe to India abandoned America at the hands of Russia

LoL - yeah rite, who ruled Central Asia, and South Asia during the Soviet Russia, who defeated them.

You may like to revisit your sentence composition .

Next, assuming for a while that Pk does decide to help USA, what is it that Pk can or will do to ' revive US fortunes in S Asia, Central Asia etc" and how .
Who put the Russians and Indian on their actual place, after the 10 year Afghan Jihad in the 80s. Who break the Soviet Russia? and as a result who made the German Berlin Wall to break and unite Germany.

How did Ukraine and so many other Former Soviet Republics became INDEPENDENT.

Indians are weak cowards....who have nothing useful to do.

Pakistanis are very useful people. Ask anyone with $$$ around...
Topic is:

Everyone from UK to Germany to France to India to China has all but abandoned USA to the mercy of Valdimir Putin. The sole super power of the world is in total disarray.

Only one country can revive American fortunes in Asia, Central Asia and Middle East = Pakistan.

Should Pakistan support USA or not ?

Yes. Infact, Pakistan should lead NATO to invade Russia. :taz:
now close the topic :lock:
Topic is:

Everyone from UK to Germany to France to India to China has all but abandoned USA to the mercy of Valdimir Putin. The sole super power of the world is in total disarray.

Only one country can revive American fortunes in Asia, Central Asia and Middle East = Pakistan.

Should Pakistan support USA or not ?

By supporting US,are you not betraying the palesetinian cause.how will you face the muslim world.Isreal is doing what it is with the help of US support.:D
Who put the Russians and Indian on their actual place, after the 10 year Afghan Jihad in the 80s. Who break the Soviet Russia? and as a result who made the German Berlin Wall to break and unite Germany.

How did Ukraine and so many other Former Soviet Republics became INDEPENDENT.

Indians are weak cowards....who have nothing useful to do.

Four wars before and Drone strikes by America, and the breaching of Pakistani sovereignty by Americans to kill Bin Laden proves otherwise.

The fact that you need to keep racially attacking Indians say more about your insecurities than anything really.
indians are cowards and good at making noise , there is no doubt about it and its a fact

The past 13 years they just let out RIPs and didnt really step up even when they way was being cleared for them , india was given prefential treatment all this time , nuclear deals , weapons deals, world leaders made it happy by giving anti-Pakistan statments, recall statments of Srakozy , Cameron, Merkel, Panetta and also many many more from the United States , but inidia didnt step up :lol: , its just happy to hide in the arm pits

as far as Pakistan is concerened , we have to be very guarded against the CIA, we cannot blanketly say 'its america that did it' , its the CIA that has conducted most of the subversive activities in Pakistan
indians are cowards and good at making noise , there is no doubt about it and its a fact

The past 13 years they just let out RIPs and didnt really step up even when they way was being cleared for them , india was given prefential treatment all this time , nuclear deals , weapons deals, world leaders made it happy by giving anti-Pakistan statments, recall statments of Srakozy , Cameron, Merkel, Panetta and also many many more from the United States , but inidia didnt step up :lol: , its just happy to hide in the arm pits

as far as Pakistan is concerened , we have to be very guarded against the CIA, we cannot blanketly say 'its america that did it' , its the CIA that has conducted most of the subversive activities in Pakistan
Pakistan seeks int’l help to deal with terrorists
Everyone from UK to Germany to France to India to China has all but abandoned USA to the mercy of Valdimir Putin. The sole super power of the world is in total disarray.

Only one country can revive American fortunes in Asia, Central Asia and Middle East = Pakistan.

Should Pakistan support USA or not ?

I think you should. Think about it. After all the rough waters you both have faced since 1950s. The strong strategic bond between you and the Americans has to count somewhere.

But be mindful that you will be the only one other than Germany.
Everyone from UK to Germany to France to India to China has all but abandoned USA to the mercy of Valdimir Putin. The sole super power of the world is in total disarray.

Only one country can revive American fortunes in Asia, Central Asia and Middle East = Pakistan.

Should Pakistan support USA or not ?

I agree with you, you should go right ahead and do that.
Who put the Russians and Indian on their actual place, after the 10 year Afghan Jihad in the 80s. Who break the Soviet Russia? and as a result who made the German Berlin Wall to break and unite Germany.

How did Ukraine and so many other Former Soviet Republics became INDEPENDENT.

Yes the Mighty "Pakistan"
Am shocked to see how Indians a$$$ on fire here.

So now:

Some good moves coming from our Pakistani govt.

I hope UK to Germany to France to India to China has all but abandoned USA to the mercy of violent Valdimir Putin. They mad a huge mistake.

Pakistan to US the support is unconditional.
in case of Ukraine , pakistan should remain neutral ... usa is not a friend to be trusted and russia is not the one to be enemy with ..... we should go with the flow ...
Only one country can revive American fortunes in Asia, Central Asia and Middle East = Pakistan.
1-The statement is highly incorrect
2-We shouldn't be poking our noses in affairs which don't even remotely relate to our foreign interests.
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