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EU seeks India help to secure African coastline

Adnan Faruqi

Apr 16, 2011
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EU seeks India help to secure African coastline

The European Union has sought India's help to build the maritime capacities of coastal countries in the Horn of Africa to strengthen their ability to fight piracy in the world's most dangerous waters for commercial shipping.

The EU Military Staff (EUMS), which provides military capabilities to the world's largest bloc of trading nations, wants to scale up engagement with the Indian Navy by involving it in a new, EU-led regional maritime capacity building (RMCB) mission covering countries such as Somalia, Djibouti, Eritrea, Kenya and Tanzania.

The basis of the mission being international forces can't be deployed to secure the region forever and ultimately regional states need to take over their responsibilities for maritime security.

EUMS chief Lieutenant General Ton Van Osch said, "We are looking at splitting responsibilities with the Indian Navy to train these countries in maritime security for governing their territorial waters and reinforcing their capacity to fight piracy. In the long run, the western Indian Ocean should be secured by the region itself…"

The EU mobilised against piracy in the Horn of Africa in December 2008 when it launched European Naval Force Somalia (EU NAVFOR) — Op Atalanta. But the operation is under resourced — it comprises just four to seven warships and two to three reconnaissance aircraft at any given time to secure 2.3 million square miles of ocean.

Other players operating in the region include Combined Task Force-151 (an international naval task force), NATO's Operation Ocean Shield and independently deployed navies of countries such as India, Russia and China. All of them together have about 25 warships patrolling the western Indian Ocean at any given time.

Read Admiral Duncan L Potts, who commands EU NAVFOR, said it was extremely difficult to patrol such a vast area with limited resources, making a case for nations to pitch in.
(The writer was in Brussels at the invitation of EU)

EU seeks India help to secure African coastline - Hindustan Times
So it means that IN is going for another 3-5 Russian Frigates for developing its greater role in the INDIAN OCEAN....
So it means that IN is going for another 3-5 Russian Frigates for developing its greater role in the INDIAN OCEAN....

Yes If Indian shipyards are not free to take up any further orders. Guess we might have to.

I told you India is the Yes man of the West !!!

How about you?? The No man?? Dont you belong to a country where you allow the west to bombard your land?
Yes If Indian shipyards are not free to take up any further orders. Guess we might have to.

How about you?? The No man?? Dont you belong to a country where you allow the west to bombard your land?

Yes "we" allowed Western firm to spill chemical to kill us all (Bhopal disaster )
Yes "we" allowed Western firm to spill chemical to kill us all (Bhopal disaster )

Come on the two are VERY different events- one was a man made ACCIDENT and the other is a series of intentional acts on a continuous basis. The fact is the GoP does allow the sovereingty of Pakistan to be breached on a weekly basis for the West to carry out targeted assassinations often killing scores of Pakistani citizens. One of these events just happened, the other is allowed to happen weekly- if you can't tell the difference between a chemical spill and a MQ-9 Reaper launching a Hellfire missile on civilians then you truly are an idiot.
Yes "we" allowed Western firm to spill chemical to kill us all (Bhopal disaster )
Plus we appreciate NATO strick on our poor soles. We let go a CIA contractor for money. We give supply route for money.
We su@k. Thanks for enlighten us Mr. Haffizz

Low cost outsourcing for guard duties!
Yes efficient and low cost work. Also read in braket Keeping in mind the experience of IN to toast the shores of hostile country in the event of war
So it means that IN is going for another 3-5 Russian Frigates for developing its greater role in the INDIAN OCEAN....
Did you missed to read 90 ship induction plan ??? 3/5 is very low thinking for ships. May be 3/5 sq of Naval attack Helos :)
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