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EU seeks India help to secure African coastline

China dropped her imports from Iran because China's economy is slowing down and have no need for so much Oil or Gas.

But they still buy millions of barrel of oil from KSA.

Truth is, they are west's 'Yes man'.
Hafiz bhai double speak , following was a comment by Hafiz in another thread

India has betrayed Israel !!!

When you listen to many Indian legislators one can hear substantial hostility to the West. Given India’s long history of alignment with Russia, it seems unnatural that India would ever be a reliable ally of the West. It might ally with the West when it feels like it, but I wouldn’t count on it.
Hafizzz is on full trolling mode.

Anybody browsing multiple thread can easily figured it out his Anti-india crap:hitwall:
China dropped her imports from Iran because China's economy is slowing down and have no need for so much Oil or Gas.

Your statement will pi$$ your Chinese brothers. They dont believe/agree in slowing down. They love their double digit growth and enjoying it from last two decades and their numbers are not fake. :no:
But they still buy millions of barrel of oil from KSA.

Truth is, they are west's 'Yes man'.

If China were the "yes man" then please explain why Uncle SAM is courting countries all around the world to destroy China ????
On the other hand, India has been given lots of stuff from Uncle SAM and India have taken orders from Americans to start anti-China activities and also do dirty work such as patrolling the African coastlines.
If China were the "yes man" then please explain why Uncle SAM is courting countries all around the world to destroy China ????
On the other hand, India has been given lots of stuff from Uncle SAM and India have taken orders from Americans to start anti-China activities and also do dirty work such as patrolling the African coastlines.
We have money we buy it. Didn't get in AID like some countries :D we patrol African cost for our shipping business and to help others. We saved Pak ship too. That's something you dont understand
Yes "we" allowed Western firm to spill chemical to kill us all (Bhopal disaster )
No you only allow them to drone you, threaten you to send in stone age, allows to kill your sleeping soilders and allows them to kill your civilians and pay some mone to escort free. Really west are enjoying some hunting session in your contry.
On the other hand, India has been given lots of stuff from Uncle SAM and India have taken orders from Americans to start anti-China activities and also do dirty work such as patrolling the African coastlines.

India's anti china activities are purely a result of china's anti India activities. Nothing to do with any third country.

Anyway, its China who is kowtowing the US on Iran, not India. So wouldn't they be the 'Yes man' of US going by your logic?

Let's be honest, it is quite a stretch to call China a "Yes man" to the US.

Its according to Hafizz logic, mate.
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