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EU Plans To Sell Eurofighter (Typhoon) To Pakistan Through Turkey

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Weapons systems like Typhoons Rafaels etc are for very BIG BUDGET countries ..

No way could a small military power (small in military budget) AFFORD TO BUY EQUIP AND MAINTAIN $100M jet fighters.

Even for India whose defense budget is over 6 times pakistan m,ay struggle to buy 126 typhoons

Dont forget we are talking to Pa, a special case. Austria with even a smaller defence budget is buying 12 EF for a billion dollars.
one possibility is that Pakistan, Turkey and Saudi Arabia place a joint order. only in this way the plane will come to an affordable price. Then PAF might geet some plane to form a couple of squadrons and that would be enoough to give a technology boost to PAF high end missions!!

what do you guys think!!

the current fly away cost as indicated by wikipedia is estimated at around 63 million euros. if a joint order can bring it down to somwhere around 50 -55 million then it will be good to purchase some 30-36 planes!

Saudis deal for 72 Typhoons cost over $8 billion.

This must include Weapons packages, Training,, and technician support.

Don,t understand Why PAF wus want to 36 Typhoons

J10 in much larger nos makes sense

OR MAYBE PAF JUST DON,T RATE J10 ENOUGH TO COUNTER IAF future fleet when outnumbered "which it surely will be" IN HIGH END 4th gen fighters
EF is the best PAF can get now. In fact its the best plane after F22 and F35. Equivalent to MKI. Just that MKI is heavy class and EF is medium class but they are both world class.

Now I find it very funny, when we talk about India acquiring EF, Pak members come up and say that its expensive and no way in hell can IAF acquire such planes. But when PAF is offered the same plane, they are very optimistic.

Anyways, right now, PAF will need to burn a hole in their pocket to buy these even in small numbers. And there is no joint order or anything of that kind. Of course if PAF manages to buy these even by 2020, it would simply double their chances against India in future. EF is at least 2 times better than J10 or 1.5x F16 block 50/52.

I personally don't see PAF buying these planes, but who knows, PAF might surprise me. If India buy EF PAF won't. If India chooses Rafale or F18, then PAF might and should consider these.

25-30 EF is better than 70-100 J10.
It's a great bird but it is of no use to us, in case of a war with India, EU and America will again impose Arms Embargoes against the two countries, which means no parts or weaponry, leading to the use of the airplane only during exceptional circumstances............. what use is a good plane if you can't use it to fight. :disagree:
2 Typhoon kicked but of 8 F15s according to Spanish Press recently.

Could Typhoons x 36 be better then 100 J10... FOR PAF
2 Typhoon kicked but of 8 F15s according to Spanish Press recently.

Could Typhoons x 36 be better then 100 J10... FOR PAF

No, it is not.


There is something called as international politics. China already has faith in Pakistan and vice versa. It wouldn't be wise to ruffle China, by opting for typhoon over J 10. It is just not air crafts which is necessary for your development. But it is just good business. And Pakistan would be foolish to opt for 36 typhoon, over J 10.

What are you or anyone else here is proposing? That Pakistan will have both in its fleet. No, it would be a bad joke. ACs are not catagorised as cusines, that you can taste the one you wish to. Pak will have to make a choice. J 10 or Typhoon.

36 Typhoon would cost around 4 to 5 Billion dollars (36 is a preety less number for a company, which is looking for a larger portion in the international market).

This is a 4 year old thread, Some one set the tune and eveyone has jumped in to dance. There is no way possible. It is 2010.....,..............

Best of luck..
sir i dont think so MKI can catch up the eurofighter on any given day
Dont forget we are talking to Pa, a special case. Austria with even a smaller defence budget is buying 12 EF for a billion dollars.
They bought 15 and 6 of them were second hand fighters from the German Luftwaffe, but more important, they were Tranche 1 fighters! So not even multi role capable and they only get reductions, because they were the launch export customer, otherwise Austria would never be able to buy EF.
the current fly away cost as indicated by wikipedia is estimated at around 63 million euros. if a joint order can bring it down to somwhere around 50 -55 million then it will be good to purchase some 30-36 planes!

I agree, in combination with Turkey and additional for Saudi Arabia, would make a smaller order for PAF possible. But besides that all EF member countries has to agree to a sale to Pakistan, the fact that Turkey wants to increase their F35 order and their biggest enemy Greece is nearly bankrupt, makes EF pretty unlikely for them.

If we go by the costs from the Brazilian competition (which is the latest), where it was reported that 36 Rafale F3 cost between $6,2 - $8,2 billion dollars and add the fact that, EF T3 is a bit more expensive, we can assume at least $7 - $9 billion (or $194 - $250 million each) for such an order.

Saudi Arabia bought double as much T2s for $8,8 billion ($122 million each).

Saudi Arabia signs UK deal for 72 Eurofighter Typhoons

No doubt, the EF is a great air superiority fighter, but very costly!
funny as it may sound..34 F-16s were pride of the nations so what is the problem with 28 Rafale...technology? We will have to adapt how can Pakistan for us members declare we can adapt and handle a paper plane JXX for now and unable to handle Rafale tech? does this mean JXX would have crude old tech?

Nay we're lazy we don't have that takes to thrive and accelerate the pace of acquiring and striving for knowledge or is it just hierarchy don't want to waste funds for a good thing that'll make them sit attentively for years..example 6 gripens of Thailand eventually they will increase it over the years the numbers..
the reason Euroturds are even mentioning selling the typhoon to Pakistan is because they are running after the F35, almost all of them. so the lower technology becomes available to us if they can get the money and/or the natural resources.

the world remains still hideously unfair and this ploy to sell typhoons to Pakistan is only so they can stimulate some sort of rival sales from neighbouring countries.

the compeition is only amongst us. the euros and americans are not at odds at each other, we are. so they can afford to play us and our wallets and natural resources against one another for outdated technology.

if this typhoon sale has any chance of materializing it might just be worth it IF it helps us catching up in technology. the engine and the electronics and the engineering and manufacturing infrastructure is WELL worth the exuberant cost.
Pakis are not thinking about dropping J 10 ; just see that beauty and honesty behind ;Yes Friendship should be honored as well as valued. 250 J 10 will simply take all air supremacy dreams of India. The Thing is that with Euro Fighter comes other side of Technology as well and definitely that will be not a dumb machine. It will be killer for Indians and like F-16s, we might built something like EuroFighter in future. I believe, if its available we should go for 150 of them.

We should have PAC - South( near Karachi) like PAC Kamra as well. Our missile and nuclear arsenals success is mainly because of competition between two group of Scientist.In this way, we will able to absorb Finest of Brains of our country instead of showing them way out of country.

F 16s are not end of the world.

Love Pakistan more than myself:pakistan:
the current fly away cost as indicated by wikipedia is estimated at around 63 million euros. if a joint order can bring it down to somwhere around 50 -55 million then it will be good to purchase some 30-36 planes!


Euro is almost worth 1.5 dollars so min cost is 75 Mio USD (your qoute).....not to mention maintainence costs
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