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EU Parliament to review Pakistan’s GSP+ status and put trade embargo (blasphemy laws

Pakistan is on the hit-list of far-right nationalist parties. The only long term solution is to completly integrate our economy with China.

Look at individual Chinese states as separate markets and agressively push our products there.

In a few years, the total size of the Chinese economy will be greater than that of the EU !
One country is unlikely to accept and sustain all manner of Pakistani EXPORTS in the long-term. Different customers have different needs and preferences around the world. Some Pakistani goods do not have much demand in China because the Chinese do not have shortage of options in their markets and produce many goods locally as well. Just look at the level of trade deficit between Pakistan and China. Pakistan needs to expand its EXPORTS portfolio on the contrary. Puri duniya mein sirf eik mulk nazar aata hai kiya?
Lets not make a mockery of our religion on the forum whilst the state makes a mockery of governance...lol

The not discussing religion rule is one of the ones i think is spot on. We approach is so immaturely.

So far on this thread i've seen two members half quote Quranic ayats to suit thier political agendas.
sore spot? next question would have been about your conquering and occupation of Bradford. I mean you would not be here otherwise cuz you are such great English and Christian-hating heroes of the sub-continent

PS. I never mock Islam, if anything I am always defending it from all manner of retards (of any hue)
So far on this thread i've seen two members half quote Quranic ayats to suit thier political agendas.
yet you went and "loved" one of them misquotes
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681 members of the European Parliament voted in favour of the resolution to review Pakistan’s GSP + status while only 3 opposed it.

I hope they sanction us because only after facing hardships our lazy haramkhor population will do something productive for the country's economy and learn discipline.

Last time they sanctioned us we got nukes and JF thunder.
Pakistani people are kind of suicidal, so is our government and wasting their energies in things that don't matter.
what was the reason for our prime minister to mention holocaust when targeting France? what harm Jews have done to us?
When did IK target jews??
Legend says he is still hanging in the air...
Resolve - or what's left of it after being battered and taken to the cleaners by successive governments.
Yes I know about honour killing in Pakistan but the blasphemy issue can be curbed by actually dishing out justice not letting the mob control and dictate to anyone's whims.

Why state has not prosecuted the accusers in blasphemy cases where a case has been dismissed i.e. Asia Bibi case. Something needs to be done to set the tone so the law is not misused.

As far EU and the West is concerned there will always be something more they can find to complain about. Heck they even complain about themselves.

Far more people get killed for honor or whatever.

The issue of blasphemy is simply tactics of provocation used routinely by radical elements in the west desperate for a boogeyman to keep the protesting masses at bay.

The State has delivered justice swiftly yet the State has never carried out a blasphemy conviction to its legal end as well.
funny, you do it for free and return to it after every ban!

This is above your tribal problems with Kashmiris in Punjab.
Imran Khan has hit the ultimate lose lose. He lost the populist support he had amongst the conservative barelvi's by not kicking out the French ambassador and instead violently supressing the protests. He's also potentially lost out by the EU reacting anyway and now considering taking away preferable trade conditions.
So you mean to say that IK should either support religious nutjobs or Liberandu brigade?? Why can't he support what is good and morally right regardless of right vs left?
I wonder how the neem mullahs of PDF explain hijrat to habsha

Wonder what the Pope has to say about the slave trade and reconquista.
Pakistani people are kind of suicidal, so is our government and wasting their energies in things that don't matter.
what was the reason for our prime minister to mention holocaust when targeting France? what harm Jews have done to us?

Pakistani governments have for 50 years allowed a dissident cult free way out of Pakistan which believes in Destruction of Pakistan as ultimate prophecy of end of times.

PM is new to the business. He thinks its 1969
I wonder how the neem mullahs of PDF explain hijrat to habsha
So far there is vast number of hijrat (migrations) to white lands that white people will become a minority in about 50 years. Muslim men are marrying white ladies but Muslim women don't want to marry white males and propagate their offsprings (apparently one of the reason for their hate and misogyny toward Muslim women)

he totally din’t understand what PMIK said about holocaust.

Also mubarakbads to everyone who want to kill in the name of Religion while asking everyone to believe them when the religion is of peace. Totally sends the correct message. (Sarcasm)
This fear of money and life style is more than the fear of Allah.
Pakistan and Pakistanis will keep fearing. European union is bigger and greater than God for us.
Kaaba ki taraf sajda chorhdo, chalo Europe ki taraf sajda karain....
why people have problem with these laws to protect a minority

On the holocaust, it's important to point out because it's a hypocrisy, you don't get to promote absolute free speech and then enshrine one holy cow that is above reproach and above any assail. If one can insult religion, insult national leaders, ridicule just about anything, deny historical fact on any number of events, and deny scientific consensus etc, why have this one particular subject to reserve the ideology that they purport to uphold so loudly?

On the protecting a minority point, I don't believe holocaust denial is any real threat to Jews, it's probably at best something that they find upsetting and objectionable. If that is indeed the bar, then prohibitions on free speech ought to be justifiable for any religious or ethnic minority that feels remotely upset by something, including Muslims getting upset at blasphemous content. Even recently in Europe people are being given fines and prison sentences for holocaust denial; prison for essentially voicing an opinion. How is that even remotely consistent with European laws and values of free association, expression and speech?

Personally, I don't have an issue with giving importance to the holocaust as a part of recent European history, but it's an internal inconsistency. And our folks, regrettably are conflating this with their wish to limit free speech on their perception of blasphemy, for them it's a useful but tangential retort, for me both the issue and these tangential remarks are just mildly annoying.
And never will the Jews or the Christians approve of you until you follow their religion. Say, "Indeed, the guidance of Allah is the [only] guidance." If you were to follow their desires after what has come to you of knowledge, you would have against Allah no protector or helper. 2:120
almost every blasphemy accused case can be traced back personal animosity and in none of the cases the accused admits to the case..

if this had been Saudi Arabia, all the accused would instead been in the jail not the person being accused but guess Pakistan is Pakistan

we kept asia in jail for 10+ years only two release her later.

he totally din’t understand what PMIK said about holocaust.

Also mubarakbads to everyone who want to kill in the name of Religion while asking everyone to believe them when the religion is of peace. Totally sends the correct message. (Sarcasm)
He understood this is how the zionists operate.

he totally din’t understand what PMIK said about holocaust.

Also mubarakbads to everyone who want to kill in the name of Religion while asking everyone to believe them when the religion is of peace. Totally sends the correct message. (Sarcasm)

Good. Let them go ahead and try their luck.

When Christian nuns get raped in India I never hear these brutes make any noise. They are so forgiving and overprotective of their buddy Hindustan. Let them go ahead and poke Pakistan. It will be the final nail in the coffin.
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