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EU Parliament to review Pakistan’s GSP+ status and put trade embargo (blasphemy laws

Just send all these mullahs to Kashmir to butcher Indian soldiers and kill 2 birds with 1 stone.
The GSP status is decided by the European Commission which is a separate body from the EU parliament. The resolution in my understanding is not binding, however with such overwhelming members it will be hard to ignore by the commission.

One more thing is that the resoluion itself calls for a review instead of a outright revocation of the status.
Pakistan is on the hit-list of far-right nationalist parties. The only long term solution is to completly integrate our economy with China.

Look at individual Chinese states as separate markets and agressively push our products there.

In a few years, the total size of the Chinese economy will be greater than that of the EU !
Pakistan is on the hit-list of far-right nationalist parties. The only long term solution is to completly integrate our economy with China.

Look at individual Chinese states as separate markets and agressively push our products there.

In a few years, the total size of the Chinese economy will be greater than that of the EU !

Thats not the solution, it's part of it though.

The solution is to diversify our economy. We need to trade with lots more people. We also need to create wealth within our own country, so we can sell products to our own people.
EU act was expected after TLP destruction.
I wonder how the neem mullahs of PDF explain hijrat to habsha
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Imran Khan has hit the ultimate lose lose. He lost the populist support he had amongst the conservative barelvi's by not kicking out the French ambassador and instead violently supressing the protests. He's also potentially lost out by the EU reacting anyway and now considering taking away preferable trade conditions.

This is what happens when you half arse everything you try to do.
I wonder how would the neem mullahs of PDF explain hijrat to habsha

Lets not make a mockery of our religion on the forum whilst the state makes a mockery of governance...lol

The not discussing religion rule is one of the ones i think is spot on. We approach is so immaturely.

So far on this thread i've seen two members half quote Quranic ayats to suit thier political agendas.
Pakistani people are kind of suicidal, so is our government and wasting their energies in things that don't matter.
what was the reason for our prime minister to mention holocaust when targeting France? what harm Jews have done to us?
Pakistani people are kind of suicidal, so is our government and wasting their energies in things that don't matter.
what was the reason for our prime minister to mention holocaust when targeting France? what harm Jews have done to us?

Don't speak like a jahil. What did the PM say that would cause offence to jews? Nothing. He stated that if European nations can have laws against denying the holocaust, they can have laws against hate speech towards the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). How is that offensive to jews?
Pakistani people are kind of suicidal, so is our government and wasting their energies in things that don't matter.
what was the reason for our prime minister to mention holocaust when targeting France? what harm Jews have done to us?
Our biggest problem is unemployment, education and ages of corruption. Our youth roaming in streets all day. So, this is ultimate fun and taking out their frustration. Do you really think they doing any favor to Islam or Pakistan or building the image of Muslims of the world?



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