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EU Parliament to review Pakistan’s GSP+ status and put trade embargo (blasphemy laws

Tum @Indus Pakistan k sath mil k jitni bhi in ki chaat lo. Nateeja yehi niklai ga

And never will the Jews or the Christians approve of you until you follow their religion. Say, "Indeed, the guidance of Allah is the [only] guidance." If you were to follow their desires after what has come to you of knowledge, you would have against Allah no protector or helper. 2:120
Lol these guys are blaming there failures on Islam majority of jobless and underemployed in Pakistan do the same.It was not Islam's fault that you failed Matric or FSC and then continued to live in your parents basement.
Just do a quick google search of who you are all fussing about. A right wing extremist who's party have a handful of seats in the Swedish parliament.

Will your knees tremble at every dog that barks? Develop your economy and do whatever you want. Do it side by side. There is no need to fear anyone and their actions.
this is how west Europe became slave coward by thinking economy over religious protection, now Rothschild presses the button and they bow down. This is Rothschild network at work.
why cant imran khan mint coins as a small revolution to get out of Rothschild grip over time. mathir of malay did this slowly all muslim countries move towards dinars and barter.
I hope Niazi won't cry that Farang will not be coming to Mianwali to uplift the singing dancing Indus Priest Kings subjects.
aren't the jamadares and istanjadars supposed to be doing tawaf of jati umra right now?
And never will the Jews or the Christians approve of you until you follow their religion. Say, "Indeed, the guidance of Allah is the [only] guidance." If you were to follow their desires after what has come to you of knowledge, you would have against Allah no protector or helper. 2:120

Had I not thread-banned you I would have loved for you to also present the context of that verse. Lest you believe that the Quran is contradicting itself in Sura 5 (Al-Ma'ida), ayat 82–85.

"And you will certainly find the nearest in love to those who believe to be those who say: We are Christians"

Please do not spread religious hatred in a country already brimming with it. Neem hakeem, khatra-e-Pakistan.
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galian deny se pehlay pata kar lo ke in ka bhi to koi 4 5 billion dollar qarza ni dena? :partay:
Just do a quick google search of who you are all fussing about. A right wing extremist who's party have a handful of seats in the Swedish parliament.

Will your knees tremble at every dog that barks? Develop your economy and do whatever you want. Do it side by side. There is no need to fear anyone and their actions.
Mate this is a little more serious that what you are saying, he is not far right but part of the Eurosceptic conservatives.

Also attached is the motion he is talking about, it stems from the case of a Shagufta Kausar and Shafqat Emmanuel. Never heard of them so will do more digging.


  • RC-9-2021-0254_EN.pdf
    167.9 KB · Views: 19

he totally din’t understand what PMIK said about holocaust.

Also mubarakbads to everyone who want to kill in the name of Religion while asking everyone to believe them when the religion is of peace. Totally sends the correct message. (Sarcasm)

So says one who comes from a continent (Europe) that enslaved, colonized, massacred and plundered other indigenous nations for personal gains. Even now, in the 21st Century, they continue to do so, as france is in North West Africa. Lecturing Muslims about injustice, look in your backyard & your own past before accusing others. He possess the mentality of a $w!ne.
Mate this is a little more serious that what you are saying, he is not far right but part of the Eurosceptic conservatives.

Also attached is the motion he is talking about, it stems from the case of a Shagufta Kausar and Shafqat Emmanuel. Never heard of them so will do more digging.

To be fair though, it's nothing to shit your pants about. We are never going to be independent whilst taking dication (however correct it might be) from other people. If the EU wanted to embargo trade with us over a petty thing like judicial misconduct, then f*** them. We need to accept the consequences of our actions. We need to take the lows that come with building up to the highs.

The treatment of minorities in our courts has been a joke, our whole judicial system is a joke. If as a nation we won't change that, then if it has an economic impact so be it.
To be fair though, it's nothing to shit your pants about. We are never going to be independent whilst taking dication (however correct it might be) from other people. If the EU wanted to embargo trade with us over a petty thing like judicial misconduct, then f*** them. We need to accept the consequences of our actions. We need to take the lows that come with building up to the highs.

The treatment of minorities in our courts has been a joke, our whole judicial system is a joke. If as a nation we won't change that, then if it has an economic impact so be it.
Agree on all counts, it's a bit comical how some people have reacted - you can't have it both ways. However, any attempts to modify or change legislation would be termed as taking dictation from foreign governments. Khan is in a pickle, worse - this was avoidable but he triggered it.
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