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EU Parliament to review Pakistan’s GSP+ status and put trade embargo (blasphemy laws

Although I am an (Hindu) Indian and my country doesnt have friendly relationship with Pakistan I am opposed to these kinds of coercive measures.

1.This is unnecessary interference in another country's internal affairs.
2. This is unlikely to create any positive change in the target country- but cause a lot of sufferings to ordinary citizens.
3. These measures are discriminatory- only economically and politically vulnerable countries are targeted while rich and powerful countries get away with worse- just see what the taller than mountain friend gets away with in East Turkestan.


We are economically dependent on west while also allowing rabid mullahs to dictate. With China they cannot do anything unless they want to face economic hardships at home. Meanwhile you can dictate Pakistan because it will not affect your bottom line.

Who ever become dictator or puppet PM, first thing he does is beg. I've seen Musharraf, Zardari, Nawaz and now Imran begging for dollars. You will not find more beghairat nation state on earth who want to save honour of Muhammad by killing every blasphemer.
Agree on all counts, it's a bit comical how some people have reacted - you can't have it both ways. However, any attempts to modify or change legislation would be termed as taking dictation from foreign governments. Khan is in a pickle, worse - this was avoidable but he triggered it.

We don't need a change of legislation, we need the judicary to review it's own work properly and impartially.

I remember the Asia Masih case, the Supreme court put out a full statement on the case. I remember reading it and thinking how on gods earth did a case so flimsy get all the way to the supreme court. The equivalent of the CPS should have thrown it out and reccomended disciplinary action against the police officers involved. Instead it got through 3 stages of our judicary, until the SC threw it out, whilst working under an international spotlight.

Nobody has the balls to tell the judges they're at fault, not even the judges themselves.
We don't need a change of legislation, we need the judicary to review it's own work properly and impartially.

I remember the Asia Masih case, the Supreme court put out a full statement on the case. I remember reading it and thinking how on gods earth did a case so flimsy get all the way to the supreme court. The equivalent of the CPS should have thrown it out and reccomended disciplinary action against the police officers involved. Instead it got through 3 stages of our judicary, until the SC threw it out, whilst working under an international spotlight.

Nobody has the balls to tell the judges they're at fault, not even the judges themselves.
I read that too, same here, it was all of them on it - judges, lawyers, police and every other tom, dick and harry. Everyone wants a slice of the same pie but no one is willing to pay for it. Someone needs to close the shop or change the shopkeeper. No one has the balls to do it because of the reaction it generates. Which is why it's not happening anytime soon.

I just worry about FATF that will cripple Pakistan - it's hard enough for the poor as it is - anymore and it will be downright cruel.
And never will the Jews or the Christians approve of you until you follow their religion. Say, "Indeed, the guidance of Allah is the [only] guidance." If you were to follow their desires after what has come to you of knowledge, you would have against Allah no protector or helper. 2:120

100% correct.

Unfortunately as they say, even a broken clock is right twice a day. Our judicary does treat minorities poorly.

We have a choice. We can do what they tell us to do, whether it is in our favour or not. Or we can stand independently. History suggests we'll be bending over backwards again.
You do not get to comment on another country's internal policies, have your PM and his ministers call their country out on twitter, while comparing them to Nazis, then start a big fuss about expelling their ambassador (which is a very hostile move in diplomacy), and then get overrun by extremists and become forced again to try and placate them with even more broadsides about that country... without that country eventually taking action against you. Everyone has their limits, why should France or the EU meekly stay quiet while our show never ends?

European over-sensitivity to the holocaust ought to be challenged, but not in the way we have done it: as a reactionary aside to conflating two loosely related matters, while posturing and interfering with their internal politics.

Also, if you expel the French ambassador, not only France, but many EU countries will begin with sanctions and withdrawing their ambassadors. The lines of credit we get from them, the aid, the debt relief, the trade and exports, their input on the FATF etc... are all very real. Your protests have no effect on the French, but they will have an effect on your own pocket.

And all this happened because we chose to stick up for some kid who came to another country, with different laws, customs, and beliefs, who take no view on blasphemy (legally) and he decided to murder his teacher because he caused blasphemous offence. :hitwall:
You do not get to comment on another country's internal policies, have your PM and his ministers call their country out on twitter, while comparing them to Nazis, then start a big fuss about expelling their ambassador (which is a very hostile move in diplomacy), and then get overrun by extremists and become forced again to try and placate them with even more broadsides about that country... without that country eventually taking action against you. Everyone has their limits, why should France or the EU meekly stay quiet while our show never ends?

European over-sensitivity to the holocaust ought to be challenged, but not in the way we have done it: as a reactionary aside to conflating two loosely related matters, while posturing and interfering with their internal politics.

Also, if you expel the French ambassador, not only France, but many EU countries will begin with sanctions and withdrawing their ambassadors. The lines of credit we get from them, the aid, the debt relief, the trade and exports, their input on the FATF etc... are all very real. Your protests have no effect on the French, but they will have an effect on your own pocket.

And all this happened because we chose to stick up for some kid who came to another country, with different laws, customs, and beliefs, who take no view on blasphemy (legally) and he decided to murder his teacher because he caused blasphemous offence. :hitwall:

Daft really. Lets just hope the govt doesnt embarass us further.
I read that too, same here, it was all of them on it - judges, lawyers, police and every other tom, dick and harry. Everyone wants a slice of the same pie but no one is willing to pay for it. Someone needs to close the shop or change the shopkeeper. No one has the balls to do it because of the reaction it generates. Which is why it's not happening anytime soon.

I just worry about FATF that will cripple Pakistan - it's hard enough for the poor as it is - anymore and it will be downright cruel.

You need to first tell whats left to cripple in Pakistan?

This fear mongering will work to make an opposite impact.

In Pakistan you get killed for honor for showing ankles. To ask these people to ignore blasphemy of only human they feel worthy of being created, is insulting your own intelligence.
You need to first tell whats left to cripple in Pakistan?

This fear mongering will work to make an opposite impact.

In Pakistan you get killed for honor for showing ankles. To ask these people to ignore blasphemy of only human they feel worthy of being created, is insulting your own intelligence.
Resolve - or what's left of it after being battered and taken to the cleaners by successive governments.
Yes I know about honour killing in Pakistan but the blasphemy issue can be curbed by actually dishing out justice not letting the mob control and dictate to anyone's whims.

Why state has not prosecuted the accusers in blasphemy cases where a case has been dismissed i.e. Asia Bibi case. Something needs to be done to set the tone so the law is not misused.

As far EU and the West is concerned there will always be something more they can find to complain about. Heck they even complain about themselves.
The way he picked up years old incident to prove a point on gsp+he should be asking for an invasion of India.

We are an easy target in general, and also much easier to target than India. India is a big economy and they've very successfully cultivated a soft image. Modi may be laying waste to that image, but it was built over decades and it still stands. Our image is a very very bad one from the start.

Pakistan is also an int'l pipsqueak and it doesn't help that we like to carry a big target on our back and shoot ourselves in the foot at every opportunity. This France debacle is the prime example.

Indians already have rock solid lobbies in Paris and Brussels, they don't need our help ruining our chances of having normal relations with third countries. France alone is a USD2.7tn economy, and it's at the political helm of the EU which is a USD18tn economy. Last year not more than a few months after Pakistanis vowed to boycott France, we were graciously accepting another round of aid and debt relief from France.

We don't know how to pick our battles, and use what little strength we may have wisely, and we're perhaps too politically immature to understand how to conduct int'l diplomacy.
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