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EU Parliament to review Pakistan’s GSP+ status and put trade embargo (blasphemy laws

For once, I want to see Pakistani leadership grow a spine, take a leap of faith.

And I believe Imran Khan is right man for this job. He just doesn't know it yet. He's surrounded by buffoons and sarkari mulazims, their sole aim is to get monthly paycheck and allowances, nothing else. No vision, no balls. I repeat. No guts.

Fortune favors the brave.

This appeasement to the west won't work for long, yes we can prolong "Yes Sir" drama for few years. But eventually, a stern decision has to be made by Pakistani leadership. When that decision is made, the divine help will come. Till then, enjoy the shitshow.
You do not get to comment on another country's internal policies, have your PM and his ministers call their country out on twitter, while comparing them to Nazis, then start a big fuss about expelling their ambassador (which is a very hostile move in diplomacy), and then get overrun by extremists and become forced again to try and placate them with even more broadsides about that country... without that country eventually taking action against you. Everyone has their limits, why should France or the EU meekly stay quiet while our show never ends?

European over-sensitivity to the holocaust ought to be challenged, but not in the way we have done it: as a reactionary aside to conflating two loosely related matters, while posturing and interfering with their internal politics.

Also, if you expel the French ambassador, not only France, but many EU countries will begin with sanctions and withdrawing their ambassadors. The lines of credit we get from them, the aid, the debt relief, the trade and exports, their input on the FATF etc... are all very real. Your protests have no effect on the French, but they will have an effect on your own pocket.

And all this happened because we chose to stick up for some kid who came to another country, with different laws, customs, and beliefs, who take no view on blasphemy (legally) and he decided to murder his teacher because he caused blasphemous offence. :hitwall:

All bluff. The Europeans had a million reasons to leave Pakistan. They never left. After all the accusations and drama the Western nations don't want to remove their diplomatic enclaves in Pakistan. The Europeans along with their daddy America didn't get tired of scapegoating Pakistan during the height of WoT. What more reason do you need to abandon relations with a nation that you accuse of purportedly supporting terrorism? People who keep repeating this broken record need to understand the ground realities. The Western nations won't leave Pakistan. It is not that simple. There is too much at stake. The Western nations would have already left Pakistan collectively if they could. Make no mistake about that.

France which was directly accused of Islamophobia didn't remove its embassy from Pakistan. France is a hostile country towards Pakistan. Long before Imran Khan highlighted French hate obsession with Islam, the French were already testing waters. Let's not delude ourselves that everything was dandy between us. What makes you think that other European nations are going to remove their embassy in Pakistan?
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Muslim hatters will always twist words to suit there own agenda and nothing is new. Listen to IK speech correctly what he actually did said and how he is twisting it. Gentleman understands English but wants to read translated script in Russian. Wah wah to the twisted brain.

Let's say it how it is. Imran Khan did the right thing by highlighting French hatred against Islam. Period. All the libtard nutjobs claiming that Pakistan should not have brought this up are in denial.

What is the real solution to avoid Western blackmail? It is not easy. They created capitalism and we are a slave of their system. Of course we are bound by their rules and blackmail as long as we remain part of their treachery.

As long as Pakistan depends on Western economic handouts there is no chance of standing on our own feet. Pakistan is going to remain shackled. The ideal solution is to break free from capitalism. Easier said than done considering the entire world is slave to Western capitalistic system.

The second best solution is to diversify. We are overly reliant on the US and Europe. We have leaders both in the civilian and military sphere who have held Pakistan hostage. There is no intention to diversify and explore trade opportunities with other regions of the world. Pakistani rulers and the elite segment worship US and West. The thinking is that without the US and European nations we are doomed. That is utter BS. Pakistan is going to be exploited as long as we remain hostage to US and European dictation.
  1. People are already dying with hunger.
  2. Inflation is hitting the roof.
  3. Our purchasing power is crunching. Value of our properties and assets halved
  4. Higher education is not affordable.
  5. Getting justice in the country is only a dream
  6. Widespread rape and harassment of opposite gender
  7. Shortage of gas and electricity
  8. Fragile economy and limited exports
  9. Fuckin religious extremism peaking. Maulvis becoming more confident and threatening the state. Just look how much votes a banned organisation got in NA224 elections
  10. There is so much wrong with our present shit but we're still high on religoius cocktail and shamelessly defending our religious persecution and outdated barbaric blasphemy laws.
  11. These fuckin foreign pakistani on this forum should shut the **** up. Theyre enjoying both economic and social freedom in the west and trying their best to make pakistan a religious shithole. Uncles ki wet dreams hi khatan ho rahain.
  12. Bas kardo nahi chaye religion. All i want is social justice, economic security and a better standard of life. Religion is a personal matter. How i decide to practise it is my decision and it's between me and allah.
  1. People are already dying with hunger.
  2. Inflation is hitting the roof.
  3. Our purchasing power is crunching. Value of our properties and assets halved
  4. Higher education is not affordable.
  5. Getting justice in the country is only a dream
  6. Widespread rape and harassment of opposite gender
  7. Shortage of gas and electricity
  8. Fragile economy and limited exports
  9. Fuckin religious extremism peaking. Maulvis becoming more confident and threatening the state. Just look how much votes a banned organisation got in NA224 elections
  10. There is so much wrong with our present shit but we're still high on religoius cocktail and shamelessly defending our religious persecution and outdated barbaric blasphemy laws.
  11. These fuckin foreign pakistani on this forum should shut the **** up. Theyre enjoying both economic and social freedom in the west and trying their best to make pakistan a religious shithole. Uncles ki wet dreams hi khatan ho rahain.
  12. Bas kardo nahi chaye religion. All i want is social justice, economic security and a better standard of life. Religion is a personal matter. How i decide to practise it is my decision and it's between me and allah.

Why not just say that you hate Islam instead of writing a whole essay. You survive on remittances by expats in foreign nations, but lecture us when we give our perspective on how to improve Pakistan.

We know the kind of social justice, economic security and better standard of life your kind wish. Sell Pakistan to the highest bidder and pretend that the country is progressing. We have been through that experiment before and we also know how it ended. Outsource Pakistan to the West and lean back. Earn easy dollars and euros by defaming your own country. Let alone religion.

You have no solutions. You live in a utopia where papa America and the West dictate you. That is your only solution. When we talk about diversification and choosing a side you have tons of excuses. China is bad. Africa is evil. South America isn't good enough. When will you for once take ownership of your country and problems? You have tons of excuses. All you do is blame Islam and mullahs. Have you done something positive whilst living in this country? I understand that we fvcking foreigners shouldn't have any say in Pakistani matters, but what have you Pakistanis living in Pakistan actually done for this country? If we really put things under the microscope, you are part of the problem.
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Why not just say that you hate Islam instead of writing a whole essay. You survive on remittances by expats in foreign, but lecture us when we give our perspective on how to improve Pakistan.
I don't hate islam man. I love it. I hate the extremist version of it which pakistan presents. Ever since zia's islamization the country has gone to the dogs. Religion is not the answer to our every problem. It was so easy for you to say that i hate Islam, that's mind boggling. People like you easily blame others with blasphemy like this as well. No difference btw you and the religious fanatics, two faces of the same coin

I don't live off your fuckin remittances, don't insult us like that. Just because you send money from abroad to invest and buy land here, doesn't give you the right to dictate on what we should do. Shove your opinion up your ***.
Pakistani people are kind of suicidal, so is our government and wasting their energies in things that don't matter.
what was the reason for our prime minister to mention holocaust when targeting France? what harm Jews have done to us?
why should palestinians pay the price for crimes that white europeans committed against judaics?
I don't hate islam man. I love it. I hate the extremist version of it which pakistan presents. Ever since zia's islamization the country has gone to the dogs. Religion is not the answer to our every problem. It was so easy for you to say that i hate Islam, that's mind boggling. People like you easily blame others with blasphemy like this as well. No difference btw you and the religious fanatics, two faces of the same coin

I don't live off your fuckin remittances, don't insult us like that. Just because you send money from abroad to invest and buy land here, doesn't give you the right to dictate on what we should do. Shove your opinion up your ***.
Nobody likes religious extremism. Your problem is you don't recognise that European "secularism" is a religious cult itself. Pakistan is right to push back against this cult.
You guys still hiding behind the bush and not confronting the problem neither trying to connect the dots to make sense out of all this “.. Pakistan is facing isolation after isolation and somewhere somehow someone is to get blame for all of this.. bcoz those who call them self white cows or those who promised neya Pakistan doesn’t give a single fk or dammn cant be held accountable they’re above and beyond the jurisdictions once this country was build on.. and that’s the system we are inn… but who’s responsible for all the bloody mess we’re inn.. stop injecting this nation with more blood sucking hatred by creating thugs of religious extremists to protect and project your stupid agenda’s it’s worthless and won’t get anyone anywhere..
I don't hate islam man. I love it. I hate the extremist version of it which pakistan presents. Ever since zia's islamization the country has gone to the dogs. Religion is not the answer to our every problem. It was so easy for you to say that i hate Islam, that's mind boggling. People like you easily blame others with blasphemy like this as well. No difference btw you and the religious fanatics, two faces of the same coin

I don't live off your fuckin remittances, don't insult us like that. Just because you send money from abroad to invest and buy land here, doesn't give you the right to dictate on what we should do. Shove your opinion up your ***.

You sold Pakistan. That's what you did. Aliens didn't land from the sky. We don't live in Pakistan so we cannot be held accountable to the same standards as you do. You judge people by their actions. Your actions are zero. Worthless. You are a paranoid fool who hides behind fantasies. LOL at your wish list. He begs for economic prosperity, social justice and a better living standard. You think you are going to get these things by blaming imaginary ghosts?

Blah blah blah. There he goes on his ancient Zia rant. You libtard nutjobs never tire from these old broken record arguments. Zia is dead. How many times are you going to hide behind Zia? What did you do for Pakistan? You don't have an answer to this question because you failed Pakistan. You are a failure and a liar too.

Jump off a cliff libtard fool. Confused Pakistanis like you are the reason why Pakistan has never progressed. It is people like you who are confused and want to remain licking US and Western boots. You blame Islam and religion to hide your own failures. I bet you running an anti-Pakistan NGO on Western money.
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For decades Turkeys secularism tried her very best to secure her position for the European Union and for decades Turkey was denied her rightful status within the EU, it doesn't matter how much you sell yourself you will always be a "Muzlim" in their eyes.

These brown slaves have no problem serving their master. They run their anti-Pakistan NGOs from Western funding. Defaming their own country for a few nickels.
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You sold Pakistan. That's what you did. Aliens didn't land from the sky. We don't live in Pakistan so we cannot be held accountable to the same standards as you do. You judge people by their actions. Your actions are zero. Worthless. You are paranoid fool who hides behind fantasies. LOL at your wish list. He begs for economic prosperity, social justice and a better living standard. You think you are going to get these things by blaming imaginary ghosts?

Blah blah blah. There he goes on his ancient Zia rant. You libtard nutjobs never tire from these old broken record arguments. Zia is dead. How many times are you going to hide behind Zia? What did you do for Pakistan? You don't have an answer to this question because you failed Pakistan.

Jump off a cliff libtard fool. Confused Pakistanis like you are the reason why Pakistan has never progressed. It is people like you who are confused and want to remain licking US and Western boots. You blame Islam and religion to hide your own failures.
Hitting the nail bang on mate.

Shocking how people don't see the simple Indian lobby at work here. It's comically hilarious that Pakistan is flagged up at this forum for simply making a statement while other nations' actual death-causing ethnoreligious manipulations are supported by the same people. Some self-loathing Pakistanis cannot see this.
Hitting the nail bang on mate.

Shocking how people don't see the simple Indian lobby at work here. It's comically hilarious that Pakistan is flagged up at this forum for simply making a statement while other nations' actual death-causing ethnoreligious manipulations are supported by the same people. Some self-loathing Pakistanis cannot see this.

You said it correctly. Self-loathing crooks. These fools are dealing with an identity crisis. They were born at the wrong place. They got this country on a platter. No struggle. Fed with a silver spoon. No notion of anything. Just blame Islam, mullah and Pakistan to feel satisfied. Lengthy pleas and lectures on how things should be run. Never accomplished anything to proudly represent Pakistan. Most Pakistanis that actually accomplish something are also fiercely patriotic and love their roots, religion and culture. These two pence worth critics die a lone death. I have seen them here in The Netherlands. They hate Pakistan and Islam, but have no other place to escape LOL

A bunch of white Islam hating rightwing extremists in some foreign land is enough to get the knickers twisted of sellouts.
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@Dalit What an excellent and highly accurate analysis of the whole situation. Couldn't have penned it better even though wanted to say the same things.

As far as pseudo-liberals are concerned, they are not worth even a reply. They are actually "dhobi ka kutta"

Na khuda hi mila, na visaal-e-sanam
Na idhar ke rahe, na udhar ke rahe
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