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Ethiopia: A socio-economic success story

Like i said "average", if you look at ethiopian average there were like 8cm shorter than eritreans. North ethiopians do have similarities with eritreans similar to what south yemenite hadramut had with the northern yemenite thousands of years ago. culturally there are some similarities too but many also derive from when ethiopian adopted Geez in the 5th century AD, i am sure the darfurians in west sudan and lebanese do share some similarities due to both of them speaking arabic. you might be 1.90 meters but how many of your family male members are that height i can tell you half of mine are more than that and the rest are between 1.85-2.00.

Yeah i agree.

That is True, habesha was refered to almost all east africa region back then by the arabs,but saying habesha is like saying western europe. but where in habesha did they go? you would find all those answers in the companion narrations to pinpoint the exact settlement, one thing for sure is they never crossed the mereb river which separates the two countries today.

Many Ethiopians that I know are a little shorter than me but I can say that my relatives especially on my father side are 6'1" on average.


Amharic, the language of the Amhara, shows its Semitic origin both in its alphabet and words shared with Hebrew and Arabic. Amharic is descended from Ge'ez, a language extinct since the middle ages. Ge'ez developed from the original Sabaean language, changing through the influence of the non-Semitic languages of the earlier peoples. The Bible is still read in Ge'ez in the Coptic Church. A modern translation is available now in Amharic.

Amharic is the language of culture and education, spoken by millions of other Ethiopians and Eritreans as a second language. The fidel alphabet of Ge'ez, used to write Amharic and its sister languages Tigre and Tigrinya, is based on ancient Phoenician, adapted in the form of the Sabaean alphabet. Other languages, such as Oromo, have been written in this script but recently Latin characters have been used. Materials and road signs appear in both scripts.

Amharic is related to other Semitic languages in the Horn of Africa, like the Gurage cluster and Harari. All these peoples are likely related to the original Semitic stream of settlers-conquerors that moved into the area about 3000 years ago.

Can you provide a link to the narrations? Is it authentic?

I know that Eritrea is even closer to Southern Arabia in general but the Habesha people of Ethiopia are more or less as close. The ties are several millennium old.

I know that people of the Horn of Africa are usually tall and that they have in common with Arabians who are in general the tallest people in the ME.

Overall Hadhrami people (they have million of descendants in South East Asia alone and dozens of other regions of the world and most Arab countries) are the most similar to the Semitic speaking people of the Horn of Africa. Also there is an old saying describing the adventurous nature of the Hadhrami people. They are warrior people indeed. It was said that a Hadrahmi was always present in every major Arab port as a description of their many migrations.

There are significant communities in other parts of Sub-Saharan Africa as well. Such as the entire Swahili coastline (itself an Arabic word) and even Mozambique and Madagascar. I have heard that many Somali clans if not most trace their ancestry to Hadhramaut and Southern Arabia.

I am over 1.90 meters tall as well as are most of my male family members. Coincidence?:lol:

Anyway @Belew_Kelew is Djibouti similar to Eritrea in all of this?
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Many Ethiopians that I know are a little shorter than me but I can say that my relatives especially on my father side are 6'1" on average.


Amharic, the language of the Amhara, shows its Semitic origin both in its alphabet and words shared with Hebrew and Arabic. Amharic is descended from Ge'ez, a language extinct since the middle ages. Ge'ez developed from the original Sabaean language, changing through the influence of the non-Semitic languages of the earlier peoples. The Bible is still read in Ge'ez in the Coptic Church. A modern translation is available now in Amharic.

Geez did not come from sabean, it came from Himyarite. Language that derived from sabean is Harari and the closest geez descendent today if Tigre and both are completely different.

Secondly amharic was created in the 13th century during the za-agwe dynasty who were agew in origin when they invaded northern ethiopia, that is why amharic has alot of Agew kushtic influence in the language.

Amharic is the language of culture and education, spoken by millions of other Ethiopians and Eritreans as a second language.

It is true its spoken by other ethiopian as second language but you will find that no one under 40 who is eritrean speaks amharic anymore since the liberation of eritrea it was removed from teaching pupils at schools, ethiopia was forcing eritreans at schools to learn amharic it wasn't the choice like many today would want to learn english or french or german as a second language. i remember at one stage for many years anything amharic was banned in Eritrea even listening to amharic song could land you in jail.

The fidel alphabet of Ge'ez, used to write Amharic and its sister languages Tigre and Tigrinya, is based on ancient Phoenician, adapted in the form of the Sabaean alphabet. Other languages, such as Oromo, have been written in this script but recently Latin characters have been used. Materials and road signs appear in both scripts.

Amharic development and expansion is very limited due to it's flexibility of it's base, for example today Tigrigna dictionary is double that of amharic words. The writing is true it is most likely come from the phonecians but the Fidal-Lita was written by the Himyarite kingdom not the sabeans.

secondly you really need to look at the ancient sabean letters and language it's completely different to Geez, to make it simple again for you go and listen to harari speak then listen again to Tigre people of Eritrea speak and you would find they are different all the way from their origin, Northern ethiopians spoke sabeans like harari till the 5th century AD then they adopted the geez language, if you look in ethiopian archaelogy anything prior to 5th century AD is all in sabean while in Eritrea Geez staele goes back to 2000 B.C.

Amharic is related to other Semitic languages in the Horn of Africa, like the Gurage cluster and Harari. All these peoples are likely related to the original Semitic stream of settlers-conquerors that moved into the area about 3000 years ago.

Harari is not Geez, Gurage and amharic are but not harari. Not all amharic or gurage are semitic migrants you have to remember that only few thousands semites mostly farmers went to north ethiopia when the mereb dam in yemen collapsed and they mixed with the agew population in today ethiopia.

Can you provide a link to the narrations? Is it authentic?

They are in arabic i will post later.


I know that Eritrea is even closer to Southern Arabia in general but the Habesha people of Ethiopia are more or less as close. The ties are several millennium old.

I know that people of the Horn of Africa are usually tall and that they have in common with Arabians who are in general the tallest people in the ME.

Overall Hadhrami people (they have million of descendants in South East Asia alone and dozens of other regions of the world and most Arab countries) are the most similar to the Semitic speaking people of the Horn of Africa. Also there is an old saying describing the adventurous nature of the Hadhrami people. They are warrior people indeed. It was said that a Hadrahmi was always present in every major Arab port as a description of their many migrations.

There are significant communities in other parts of Sub-Saharan Africa as well. Such as the entire Swahili coastline (itself an Arabic word) and even Mozambique and Madagascar. I have heard that many Somali clans if not most trace their ancestry to Hadhramaut and Southern Arabia.

I am over 1.90 meters tall as well as are most of my male family members. Coincidence?:lol:

Anyway @Belew_Kelew is Djibouti similar to Eritrea in all of this?

Afars and Somali's live in Djbouti, the Afars of djbouti and afars of Eritrea are the same Tribe, infact Afars are the original inhabitant of Eritrea almost the whole of Eritrea was afars and in the northern part of eritrea were the Beja. Eritrea and djbouti have strong ties mainly through the afar population as they were the most likely people who history refer to them as "Land of Punt".

Both Afar ad Somali are Cushtic People, Eritrean semites waves were mixed with afars population in eritrea one good example is the tribe called "saho" in Eritrea their language is almost 50/50 semite and afar. The saho have many clans some are afar some are semites from arabia who mixed together.
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Good to see posters from Ethiopea and Eritrea. Welcome to the forum.

Habshi Mamluk soldiers have some history in Delhi Sultanate and Bengal Sultanate:
Jamal-ud-Din Yaqut - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bengal Sultanate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Habshi rule (1487-1494)
Shahzada Barbak1487
Saifuddin Firuz Shah1487–1489
Mahmud Shah II1489–1490
Shamsuddin Muzaffar Shah1490–1494
You know "mamluk" was title given to imported slave soldiers?
It's getting better and better. Ethiopia is an ancient civilization. Probably the oldest in Africa. The only African country that was never a Western colony. It's a neighboring country of the Arabian Peninsula which ancient ties to it.

It's the second most populous country of Africa after Nigeria and one of the biggest economies of Sub-Saharan Africa and one of the fastest growing. Very friendly people overall as well.

Economy of Ethiopia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I believe that the country has a lot of potential.

The food is also very similar to the one in Southern Arabia.

Also check out their old badass coast of arms and flag. I really like both.

It's from the Empire of Ethiopia.

Ethiopian Empire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ethiopia also have more World Unesco Heritage Sites than any other African country.

What language is that @Belew_Kelew ? Sounds somewhat familiar. Sounds like Amharic.:D Maybe I should marry an Habesha women. Some of them are very beautiful and exotic looking. It's quit amazing. Many are very Middle Eastern looking but with an exotic touch about them.:lol:

Also Ethiopia has had one of the better generals in recent times from Africa.

Ras Alula - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

He defeated the Italians in a few battles. Very impressive.

ethiopian food is nothing like yemenese or south arabian........ south arabian food is itself a bland version of indian food....

I know the beautiful and ancient ethopia have good relation with the Semitic and ancient Egyptians also they used the Semitic wrighting system
Ethiopian dont use the semitic writing system........ our writing system is indiginous kushitic.....
Habesha are half Middle Eastern people and half local Africans. This is what gives them their exotic and distinctive look. They look very different from other Africans.

I wonder if it is good to invest in Ethiopia. I believe that one can make quick money there and other developing markets in Africa.

Iran should also be a good country to invest in for the future.

Some are troublemakers though like we saw in Riyadh in November. So not all of them are good.

Eritrea are more close to the Arab world than Ethiopia and it's people too. Many Arab tribes live there and Arabic is official language but Eritrea was once part of Ethiopia but @Belew_Kelew is from Eritrea I think so he can tell more. I only know the basics.

LMAO this is the biggest bullshit i have ever read....... the majortity of ethiopians around 70 to 75 percent are straight up pure east africans the rest are of partial indian ancestry..... the only tribes that have arab ancestry are harreri and somali tribes... but these tribes make up less than 5 percent of the population of ethiopia.

Bro, I don't live in India :lol: I live in canada. Yea hornets have a lot of Arabic admixture. Like ethiopians often have curly hair which is a common trait among Arabs. Their food and cultures are also influenced by Arabs. Correct me if I'm wrong.
I have not been able to try Ethiopian or any Horner food unfortunately but now I'm curious to try it! I too don't know anything about African cuisines. It's a shame really that most people are so ignorant about African cultures.

wrong again my friend ethiopian food and culture are not influenced by arabs...... arabs were a historically nomadic people not agricultural with no civilization well in to the byzantine and sasanid times..... ethiopia on the other hand was the first civilization on earth and were the first people to practice agriculture.
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There is a connection due to the Arabian Sea/Indian Ocean trade. Horn of Africa, which was back then controlled by Arabs, was one of the more important places for trade. Like the Swahili coastline not long from there. This is why you can find similarities with Arab cuisine especially and also that of the Indian Subcontinent and even South East Asia.

Ethiopian cuisine is really great. You should try it if it is possible to eat it in India. Somali also. I am yet to try Eritrean but I believe that it is similar to both.

Honestly this is also the only Sub-Saharan African cuisine that I have tasted so I have really no idea how for instance Angolan, Namibian or Tanzanian cuisine tastes like.

@Belew_Kelew should know much more than me since he is a local of the Horn of Africa (Eritrea).

At least in KSA you can eat at many of their restaurants. It's cheap and tasty and the food is of good quality.

wrong again.... ethiopian and indian trade go back five thousand years way way before the arabs saw a ship let alone build one.... in fact world trade started between three countries five thousand years ago... it was between pharonic egypt, ethiopia and india.ethiopias major trading partners since ancient times were egypt and india we have many ancient books that tell us about these travels.
Hey. I live in Western Canada, in Vancouver :D Yes, I have noticed that a lot of Arabs have curly hair. Some Indians also have it but Arabs have it more often than Indians or Iranians or other Middle Eastern people. I think it looks good.
Afro-Arabs are interesting. I think they might have mixed a lot with Arabs after settling in Arabia and initially may have looked fully West African.
Yea Somalia has been utterly destroyed. It looked peaceful and on the up many years ago. You know alot about history of the MIddle East. I'm also interested in history but do not have a lot of knowledge about Middle Eastern history, which is a shame because that region has been the cradle of so many civilizations and great empires. I think I will brush up on my Middle Eastern History too :D

dude do you now the original arabs are black africans...... the so called black arabs didn't settle in arabia they are the original arabs...... the so called white arabs are of kurdish, turkish, and iranian origin..... who stole the land and poisned the culture of the original kushite settlers. These white settlers were barbarins who came from what is now the caucaus and afghanistan region.

As an Ethiopian, I can tell you that I and most of my countrymen consider those who hate KSA the same as those who hate our country. I'm quite surprised that a lot of individuals are hateful towards KSA, not only on PDF but also on many other platforms including ********. Well, so many people love you and I guess it's natural for somebody to hate you.

LMAO...Bullshit either you are a fundamentalist muslim ethiopian (a minority) or not ethiopian at all. The vast majority of ethiopians who are christians dont give a dam about saudi or the middle east. even the muslims ethiopians are finally starting to wake up after the saudi arabian people beat them up, raped and killed them and finally deported them home.
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dude do you now the original arabs are black africans...... the so called black arabs didn't settle in arabia they are the original arabs...... the so called white arabs are of kurdish, turkish, and iranian origin..... who stole the land and poisned the culture of the original kushite settlers. These white settlers were barbarins who came from what is now the caucaus and afghanistan region.

LMAO...Bullshit either you are a fundamentalist muslim ethiopian (a minority) or not ethiopian at all. The vast majority of ethiopians who are christians dont give a dam about saudi or the middle east. even the muslims ethiopians are finally starting to wake up after the saudi arabian people beat them up, raped and killed them and finally deported them home.

Arab countries are hellholes for foreigners.
You are welcome. You know what? I am quite a big fan of the Ge'ez script that we gave you nearly 3000 years ago. It's unique and beautiful. One of the oldest scriptures in the world.

Ge'ez script - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I wonder how similar the Old Southern Arabian languages (Mehri, Hobyot, Soqotri, Bathari and Harsusi) are to the Southern Semitic languages of the Horn of Africa and Ethiopia in particular.

Also what language is this song sung in?

Is it Amharic?

LMAO dude you are hilarious u arabs didnt even have a script until islamic times and u think u gave us our own script which is closer to 4000 years old.... haha.... u must be smoking smoke good shit
Horner cuisine also shares similarity with Indian cuisine. I'm told that Somalis eat samosas :lol:
Samosas are Afghan/Turkish, not native to india. Its like me calling Pizza "American cuisine" when Pizza has its origins not in America but elsewhere.
Samosas are Afghan/Turkish, not native to india. Its like me calling Pizza "American cuisine" when Pizza has its origins not in America but elsewhere.

Italians eat pizza. Afghans and turks don't eat samosas. Indians eat samosas as do pakistanis. And Horners got it from india not afghans
Italians eat pizza.
Of course they do. They were the ones who brought it to America. So therefore it would be ignorant for someone to call Pizza a "American cuisine".

Afghans and turks don't eat samosas. Indians eat samosas as do pakistanis. And Horners got it from india not afghans

Yes they do. They were the ones who introduced it to the Subcontinent through trade/invasions.

And i quote:

The samosa originated in the Middle East (where it is known as sambosa[1]) prior to the 10th century.[2] Abolfazl Beyhaqi (995-1077), an Iranian historian mentioned it in his history, Tarikh-e Beyhaghi.[7] It was introduced to the Arabian subcontinent in the 13th or 14th century by traders from the region.[5]

Amir Khusro (1253–1325), a scholar and the royal poet of the Delhi Sultanate, wrote in around 1300 that the princes and nobles enjoyed the "samosa prepared from meat, ghee, onion and so on".[8][9]

Ibn Battuta, the 14th-century traveller and explorer, describes a meal at the court of Muhammad bin Tughluq, where the samushak or sambusak, a small pie stuffed with minced meat, almonds, pistachio, walnuts and spices, was served before the third course, of pulao.[9][10]

The Ain-i-Akbari, a 16th-century Mughal document, mentions the recipe for qutab, which it says, “the people of Hindustan call sanbúsah”.[11]

Samosa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Therefore, Samosa is not a native india cuisine. The original recipe of Samosa contained meat, which majority of indians did not (and still don't) consume due to their religious beliefs, therefore further reinforcing the fact that Samosa is a cuisine introduced to the subcontinent by Muslims, particularly Turks and Afghans.
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