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Ethiopia: A socio-economic success story

Of course they do. They were the ones who brought it to America. So therefore it would be ignorant for someone to call Pizza a "American cuisine".

Yes they do. They were the ones who introduced it to the Subcontinent through trade/invasions.

And i quote:

Samosa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Therefore, Samosa is not a native india cuisine. The original recipe of Samosa contained meat, which majority of indians did not (and still don't) consume due to their religious beliefs, therefore further reinforcing the fact that Samosa is a cuisine introduced to the subcontinent by Muslims, particularly Turks and Afghans.

Why are you derailing this thread?
Of course they do. They were the ones who brought it to America. So therefore it would be ignorant for someone to call Pizza a "American cuisine".

Yes they do. They were the ones who introduced it to the Subcontinent through trade/invasions.

And i quote:

Samosa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Therefore, Samosa is not a native india cuisine. The original recipe of Samosa contained meat, which majority of indians did not (and still don't) consume due to their religious beliefs, therefore further reinforcing the fact that Samosa is a cuisine introduced to the subcontinent by Muslims, particularly Turks and Afghans.

You are right. Much of what Indians market in the west as "Indian cuisine" is actually the food Muslims of South Asia used to eat as Indians did not eat any meat dishes. Yet today they have the audacity to try and tell people these are their dishes. :omghaha:
You are right. Much of what Indians market in the west as "Indian cuisine" is actually the food Muslims of South Asia used to eat as Indians did not eat any meat dishes. Yet today they have the audacity to try and tell people these are their dishes. :omghaha:

Muslims are not Indian? What are you smoking? Don't generalize gujaratis as all of hindus. Many eat meat. Pakistani food is oily and not that good
Muslims are not Indian? What are you smoking? Pakistani food is oily and not that good

Where I said that? The truth is they are minority so their cuisine cannot possibly be your national cuisine as much as you try to act like it is just because people like to eat meat.

Pakistani food is the original, the most successful Indian restaurants are the ones who stock halal meat and use Pakistani menus. :cheers:
Of course they do. They were the ones who brought it to America. So therefore it would be ignorant for someone to call Pizza a "American cuisine".

Yes they do. They were the ones who introduced it to the Subcontinent through trade/invasions.

And i quote:

Samosa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Therefore, Samosa is not a native india cuisine. The original recipe of Samosa contained meat, which majority of indians did not (and still don't) consume due to their religious beliefs, therefore further reinforcing the fact that Samosa is a cuisine introduced to the subcontinent by Muslims, particularly Turks and Afghans.

samosa is a traditional indian cusine which was adopted by arabs ....... there are many things which arabs stole from india and claim as their own like the so called hindu arabic numerials when it is purely indian..... many food etc...... many so called arab food is actually bootleg ( bland version) of indian food... from the rice to the spices...etc. if you study a little arab history and geography the harsh desert lands of arabia were the poorest land in the world... it is only with the discovery of oil in the 70s that things changed....
Where I said that? The truth is they are minority so their cuisine cannot possibly be your national cuisine as much as you try to act like it is just because people like to eat meat.

Pakistani food is the original, the most successful Indian restaurants are the ones who stock halal meat and use Pakistani menus. :cheers:

Lol how much weed did you smoke before writing this?
samosa is a traditional indian cusine which was adopted by arabs ....... there are many things which arabs stole from india and claim as their own like the so called hindu arabic numerials when it is purely indian..... many food etc...... many so called arab food is actually bootleg ( bland version) of indian food... from the rice to the spices...etc. if you study a little arab history and geography the harsh desert lands of arabia were the poorest land in the world... it is only with the discovery of oil in the 70s that things changed....

Arabs did not steal samosa from India, Arabs probably do not even know what a samosa is today let alone claim it. The numerals were taken from India but many Indian mathematicians themselves translated their works into Arabic and then these works got transferred into Europe by the Arabs which is why they call them Arabic numerals today.

Anyway the Arab you have a problem with is currently banned so wait for his return in a few weeks before you start the bashing. :lol:

Lol how much weed did you smoke before writing this?

Truth hurts bro. ;)
@Ethiopian Dude - Bro, what are your views about Pakistan ? :)

I think pakistan has a bright future.... being the only muslim country with nuclear weapons shows they have a good scientific and technology base. I think once the afghan war stops pakistan will boom economicaly. when gawdar port is operational, trade with china and india will boom.
Arabs did not steal samosa from India, Arabs probably do not even know what a samosa is today let alone claim it. The numerals were taken from India but many Indian mathematicians themselves translated their works into Arabic and then these works got transferred into Europe by the Arabs which is why they call them Arabic numerals today.

Anyway the Arab you have a problem with is currently banned so wait for his return in a few weeks before you start the bashing. :lol:

Truth hurts bro. ;)

Al hasani is scary. I am scared of him.
LMAO...Bullshit either you are a fundamentalist muslim ethiopian (a minority) or not ethiopian at all. The vast majority of ethiopians who are christians dont give a dam about saudi or the middle east. even the muslims ethiopians are finally starting to wake up after the saudi arabian people beat them up, raped and killed them and finally deported them home.

Hi, The word Ethiopian and fundamentalism are diametrically opposed and it can be proven by studying the millennia old religious tolerance that existed in the nation, so yeah I'm a moderate. When it comes to demographics, I don't think that "vast Majority" is an accurate word to describe the Christians. The government based Central Statistical Agency claimed that Ethiopian Muslim population makes up 34% of the country.
However, critics say the statistic is biased and claim Muslims total between 45 and 50 percent of the country. For instance, some years ago, institutions like the US State Department approximated Muslims to be around 50 percent of Ethiopia. Additionally, the many Christians don't hate Arabs or Muslims in general except the few who are the politically motivated bigots. Finally, the claim that Ethiopian Muslims are "starting to wake up" to hate their brothers in KSA is untrue and a propaganda. How is it possible that an incident that occurred on the 21st century drastically change millennia old relationship all of a sudden.
International Religious Freedom Report, U.S. State Department.

Hi, The word Ethiopian and fundamentalism are diametrically opposed and it can be proven by studying the millennia old religious tolerance that existed in the nation, so yeah I'm a moderate. When it comes to demographics, I don't think that "vast Majority" is an accurate word to describe the Christians. The government based Central Statistical Agency claimed that Ethiopian Muslim population makes up 34% of the country.
However, critics say the statistic is biased and claim Muslims total between 45 and 50 percent of the country. For instance, some years ago, institutions like the US State Department approximated Muslims to be around 50 percent of Ethiopia. Additionally, the many Christians don't hate Arabs or Muslims in general except the few who are the politically motivated bigots. Finally, the claim that Ethiopian Muslims are "starting to wake up" to hate their brothers in KSA is untrue and a propaganda. How is it possible that an incident that occurred on the 21st century drastically change millennia old relationship all of a sudden.
International Religious Freedom Report, U.S. State Department.

bull........ i believe the Ethiopian agency report than the state department report with there hidden agenda........ the only ethiopians who like arabs are brain dead muslims who think saudi arabia is a civilized country....... in realty its the worst place on earth to be born a women...... if your a fag, or kiddie fiddler saudi arabia is the place to be though.
bull........ i believe the Ethiopian agency report than the state department report with there hidden agenda........ the only ethiopians who like arabs are brain dead muslims who think saudi arabia is a civilized country....... in realty its the worst place on earth to be born a women...... if your a fag, or kiddie fiddler saudi arabia is the place to be though.

What are the differences between Somalis and Ethiopians? I mean besides the religious difference of course.
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